Magnificat Meal Movement. Clare Forkin – sister of F. Dermot Forkin dies

For sometime we have known that members of the Haughey and Forkin family are in Vanuatu. With the lockdown in both Australia and in New Zealand, the economy on the island must be in a bad way?

Also the last I heard Debra was in dispute about the charges for using the port.…/dermot-forkin…/

To understand the evolution of the Magnificat Meal Movement my thesis dating to May 2006 gives a good background.

There is YouTube video with the funeral Mass for Clare.

Continue reading

Admin Letter: to the editor about John Tonner

Dear Administrators/Moderators of Yumi Toktok Stret.

I write to you today in the hope you will publish my letter concerning Mr. John Tonner’s brief statement printed by the Daily Post.

I will not say much on the recent social media stories published regarding corruption/bribery concerning the wharf situation as I simply do not have the facts concerning this, however, I wouldn’t be shocked or surprised to find out the details published were in fact very true.

Mr. Tonner, you talk of defamation are you serious? Just type your name, your partner’s name or the cult you are heavily associated with into google and you can read all about you all.

Do not act all honorable and as if you are respectable remember of society as you are far from it.

As a fellow Australian citizen and as well as becoming a Ni – Vanuatu citizen, Mr. Tonner I will say this too you. ‘If any investigation needs to take place it should be into you and your partner Debra Burslem who is a renown conwoman.”

Your partner who is the cult leader of the Magnificat Meal Movement in which you are also heavily involved in is renowned for fraudulent scams, deceit, and manipulation.

‘Princess’ as Debra is referred too is your partner who can apparently hear and see God and Virgin Mary has scammed millions of dollars from people.

Since you welcome transparency, let’s have the Vanuatu government and the Vanuatu police investigate you and your partner and where the money is that you scammed from many people.

How did you both get citizenship in Vanuatu when you are associated directly with someone who is a renown fraud?

Did you state that you were fleeing Australia because of your scams that had come to light and that the Australian Tax Office was investigating you both?

You may think Vanuatu was your and Debra’s way out but you will come undone Mr. Tonner.

And last of all please do not use this country’s motto when you and your partner are deceitful, manipulative cult leaders and followers.

You are a disgrace to have as a Vanuatu citizen and I ask the responsible minister to investigate all of you here associated with ‘princess’ the fraudster!

Kind Regards,

A concerned Citizen

School suspends students over 500VT late fee. 22 Jul 2019 by Yumi Toktok Stret

School Authorities in Vanuatu are being asked to investigate the levy fee being used in some schools around Vanuatu after a school sends out a suspend notice to various students over a 500VT fee.

The 500VT fee is introduced as a levy for students who come in late to school.

The Ministry of Education is urged to investigate the issue as the notice says students cannot return to the school unless the 500VT fee is paid.

Goodwill School is one of the most expensive schools in the country and has a reputation for suspending students over small fees.

It is understood the Ministry of Education has already looked into making inspections at Goodwill School last year 2018 but deferred to this year 2019.

Students attending Goodwill are not notified of any pending fee issues and are given a direct suspension when due dates arrive.

The School payment system requires parents pay directly into the Goodwill School Account at the bank and even the 500VT late fee must be processed at the bank and until the bank provides the school a receipt, the student will not be allowed back into the school.

Parents feel the fee should be added onto to the next term payments so to not disturb students but school administration say John Tonner will not allow this to happen.

Goodwill School in Vanuatu, owned by South Sea Shipping operators, John Tonner, and his family want fees to be paid at the bank and that children who do not pay the 500VT won’t be allowed back into class.

The 500VT fee cannot be paid to the School Cashier and has to be paid into the School Account at the bank which makes it more difficult for parents as their child will miss out a day of the school whilst the parent’s lineup at the bank to settle this 500VT levy.

It is not clear whether Schools are allowed to levy fees on students who come in late to school and it is a concern when schools do this directly under the Ministry of Education, who do not seem to notice anything at all.



Tonner attempted to bribe MIPU Minister for Tourism Wharf Management 9 Aug 2019 Yumi Toktok Stret author

Screenshot_2019-08-14 Tonner attempted to bribe MIPU Minister for Tourism Wharf Management YUMI TOKTOK STRET Continue reading

MMM are trying to take over Vanuatu in more ways than one. John Tonner from Chauffer to husband for Claire to beloved son of Princess Debra.

Speaking to Our lady

Magnificat Meal Movement. A blast from the past.…/magnificat-meal-mo…/

Could you please send us information about Debra? We hear she is now not hearing anything from Or Lady but rather from the elemental spirits of the universe. Continue reading

MMM ~ Magnificat Meal Movement. “Is Vanuatu ‘harbouring’ a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” by By Tony Wilson, Editor The Vanuatu Independent.



Conwoman Debra Marie Burslem who sought refuge in Vanuatu from Australian authorities in 2007 and now resides with followers in Port Vila, and partner John Tonner (right).

This is the first report in a long time. Debra was at forefront of a scam that affected hundreds of Irish families. The small Hamlet of Helidon, near Twowoomba, Queensland was at the centre of operations. She escaped justice in Vanuatu and did a deal with her former assistant Claire Murphy. She and Clare Birchley now present themselves as anti cult experts. Now Debra’s chauffeur John Tonner is her partner. He was formerly married to Claire Murphy her assistant from Ireland to allow her to stay in Australia as the enforcer of Debra’s schemes. You have heard of a baptism of desire, this was not a marriage of desire. The last time I saw John and Debra together was in 2003 when I visited the area. I was in a shopping Centre in Twowoomba where I saw Debra assisting John to buy underwear. Later that evening I received a visit from the police with a complaint I was stalking Debra and Claire? Needless to say I resisted arrest. Continue reading