Background to the Harassment injunction concerning Pete Griffith and John McGhee

Dialogue Ireland has been involved with issues related to Scientology for nearly half a century. This involved being stopped and invited into a mission in 1968 in Manhattan. Then encounters with Scientology in England outside Tottenham Court Road.

Here in Ireland we were here in 1988 when the Mission reopened.

We will post more on that later, now we try to explain what is happening in Dublin right now.

We all agree that we are not concerned whether Scientology is a religion or not. We are concerned about undue influence and do not express an opinion about their theology.

Since the emergence of Anonymous in 2008 we seen individuals develop a strategy of hostile confrontation and in your face style of trying to get people to leave Scientology. Here outside their premises they ridicule their beliefs and illegally enter their premises. They actually invade their privacy and mock them on the open road. It has reached such a fever pitch that those involved in this form of protest have no inner awareness that this style of engagement is first of all totally counterproductive in regard to helping those deeply involved Scientologists to leave. It has the opposite effect of pushing them deeper in. It also appears that the need to ratchet up the intensity and compulsive nature is close to getting out of control.

It seems that Pete Griffith and John McGhee have convinced their international friends that they are victims of the Scientology Organisation and that the Judge has been unduly influenced by Scientology. Attempts to discuss this on Facebook has led to my being banned and for threads I have published to be deleted.

We have already published the newspaper reports on the cases so far. As a public service we tried to disentangle aspects which were confused in these reports. These have all been taken down by Pete, except a token one to show he is not into stifling free speech. We believe they do not seem to recognise how serious this issue is if not addressed before the court case.

Just to show that we don’t much go in for censorship in these parts.

Pete Griffiths
Pete Griffiths

I have temporarily banned Mike Garde from this group as despite repeatedly being asked to stop making comments about an ongoing court case he has continued to do so.

The impression is given that by my trying to convince them that their strategy is misguided they are trying to censor me as they are been told by their fan club that it is Scientology who are causing all this. So under the guise of caution they are in fact trying to silence those who for years have supported them. They just want cheerleaders but no critics or any questioning of what they are doing. Many of the points they make in their commentaries are quite amusing, but how they can pursue the victims of Scientology as they do on the public street in their places of employment in their attempts to exercise their democratic right to walk on the public pavement and give out literature is just mind boggling. I hate the material they give out but will die defending their right to do so.

Pete Griffith and John McGhee have done a lot of great work over the years, and have given themselves unselfishly to address the SO here in Ireland. They were part of the OFF lines event in 2012 which was a pivotal moment in the battle to bring the world’s attention to the cultist organisation.

The following material will show how this type of direct action is clearly at variance with a belief in human rights and violates the most basic ways to win over those you wish to reach.

Scientology’s public deception in Ireland
Published on Dec 23, 2014
Some of Dublin’s scientologists muster at their chiropractic clinic before their “Truth about Drugs” dissemination campaign. Yet they claim that there’s no connection between their clinics and the local Scientology mi$$ion.


Published on Oct 16, 2014
Ireland’s remaining scientologists get handled by visiting SPs, for their Health & Safety violations

You will note that the You Tube documentary showing John following Zabrina Collins down Capel Street with the irony of having the Four courts in the background is now available again since Pete Griffiths has been freed from injunction. It will feature in the hearing on February 2nd. If they were clear about their position would they take it down? Surely they wish people to see what they are doing is consistent with not harassing Scientologists?

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Scientology Deaths Memorial Dec ’14

Published on Jan 2, 2015
Scientologists in Ireland display their ignorance and disrespect towards those who died as the result of their links to the cult.

Scientology Ireland gets an Alien invasion

Suppressio Hibernicis
Published on Nov 1, 2014
On the eve of yet another “Clear Ireland Expansion Event” Irish scientologists get bombarded with invaders, good news though, Sea Org are in town to save the day.

Scientology Clear Ireland Expansion event, Sept ’14
Published on Sep 29, 2014
In the aftermath of another unsuccessful “expansion” event, the downtrodden staff and Sea Org members go home.

August 2014 Dublin Anti-Scientology protest

Published on Aug 30, 2014
Our 79th consecutive monthly protest against the ‘Church’ of Scientology’s fraud and abuse.


We do note the possibility that the rest of the evidence of the methodology they use might also be deleted after we put it up.

It is our professional opinion unless they abandon this strategy of harassment there is a high probability that the case concerning defamation which is very strong will fail. We also note that it is likely if they lose this case we will be blamed for the result. We categorically state that unless they amend this disaster of an approach they have brought on themselves the results that follow.


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