Clerical Whispers as an archive resource in regard to all things Catholic.

Clerical Whispers as an archive resource in regard to all things Catholic.

Dialogue Ireland is not a site promoting religion, or covering Catholicism in general.

We only deal with cultism and it is in that context we look at all forms of Catholic cultism. Clerical Whispers covers every dimension of the abuse story with a special emphasis on Ireland. We here link their site for those who wish to study it in greater detail:

We will only add articles which are not covered by them and which add a bit to the Understanding of cultism.

5 Responses


    The hidden force behind Clerical Whispers & Cunamhde the man with multiple identities Joseph Ryan! Sue him while you can.

    To those who seek him the good people of Ennis have now informed us Ryan has vacated his own private vatican on the Childers Road (A One Room Bedsit) to the more low laying village of Clarecastle, the lowest lands in Ireland most suitable for low life of this variety. The good people of Clarecastle should begin counting their blessings and anything else they can afford to loose!


  2. Strange how Joseph Ryan owner and editor of Clerical Whispers doesn’t detail his own litany of abuse against the innocent.


  3. is everything now totally rotten regarding The Legionnaires of Christ?

    Seemingly so if the more than two dozen articles on this site are anything to go by. I somehow suspect you did not need me to point this out though, and you question was some sort of anti-rhetorical construct.

    And regarding the House of prayer

    is everything connected to that work also totally rotten?

    Yes. Fleecing the flock for their cash to fund the lavish lifestyle of Christina is rotten to the core.

    Fr Gerard McGinnity WAS correct in everything that he did and everything that he taught and everything that he exposed.

    There is something so tragic and depressing about this, in that there once was a great deal of truth to it. One of the truly troubling aspects of cultism is how the goodness in people can be so cruelly exploited. There is a school of thought, however, that McGinnity is much more than a simple sheep with regard to the House of Prayer duties – but in any case to see someone good and honest to have fallen so far in this way is, as I said above, tragic and depressing.

    as sadly this site seems to be controlled by a voice with no Christian beliefs or values…

    You do know what the purpose of this site is? To help document and provide understanding on issues of cultism. The clerical abuses, and in particular how allegiances to the church’s hierarchy helped cover those up, is an example of cultism. This site has documented the relevant articles and documentaries on this issue. Quite what role you expect this site to have over issues of church leadership is beyond me.

    It seems to me that the core of your questions are ones for the church authorities. Maybe you would be better directing your comments to them? Because, to be honest with, I am not sure what you are expecting from this site.


  4. I am quite distressed that my cry for help was deleted.

    Maybe my simple question was confusing to the great minds here debating deep theological issues.

    My simple question was to Mr Michael McCrory et al …”on the basis of BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM”… everything now totally rotten regarding The Legionnaires of Christ?

    And regarding the House of prayer ..Achill (Christina Gallagher) whom Michael has defamed and “exposed as a fake/phoney/etc…is everything connected to that work also totally rotten?

    Somebody has to have the guts here to answer an simple question….and if all have to conspire and include dialogue with the vatican and the local bishops/archbishops…if these are available…

    These topics sadly seem to me to resemble how Brian Cowen is trying to avoid any responsibility for his disasterous/blind-folded/ stupid handling of the Irish economy.

    It also mirrors Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s statement of discouragement and despair…regarding the whole area of abuse in the Catholic Church.

    We can do without people feeling so sorry and frustrated that they can offer no leadership……

    What Irish catholics need now is LEADERSHIP…..and I think that deep in his heart Michael McCrory knows that Fr Gerard McGinnity WAS correct in everything that he did and everything that he taught and everything that he exposed.

    So here’s a quick challenge to His Grace Archbishop Diarmuid Martin…..

    “Instead of feeling sorry for yourself…why not now act like a man and a leader, (as any of the Apostles would have done) and IMMEDIATELY set to right the grave wrongs done to Fr Gerard McGinnity by the Hierarchy in Ireland.

    One has only to look briefly at the calibre of the people who wronged and maligned Fr McGinnity…..(what think ye now of Bishop Casey/Comiskey/ Mnsgr Ledwith/ etc etc etc…

    It WILL take a brave Catholic to support this stance…as sadly this site seems to be controlled by a voice with no Christian beliefs or values…

    I’m REALLY looking forward to seeing who has the guts to take on my questions….IRIS D


  5. Kudos to you, Mike, for your accuarate and prophetic article. I, as victim and witness of Maciel’s unspeakable crimes, support your comments and Paul Lennon’s one hundred per cent . Plus, as professional in the field of Psychology and Sociology (for many years researching the true nature of Maciel’s dysfunctional personality and grotesque multiple life), I have come to the conclusion that this monster needs to be cataloged in a revised and updated DSM-IV with a new lable of my modest creation, “Pansexual Malignant Narcissit”. Just my two cents.


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