Tenzin Peljor ordained by the Dalai Lama and connected to Ringu Tulku

A month ago we began a series to explore who was part of the team at Dzogchen Beara. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was one of the people who was really dominant on the Dzogchen Beara web site.



 Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

We will be adding to this list as time goes by. We have already featured Former President McAleese, Tony Bates and Sr Stan as people who by their presence have endorsed Sogyal.

The reason we  did this is that having tried to alert people to the issue of the abuse of Sogyal for the past 16 years we had found we were going no where. Along comes Chris Chandler a 30 year practitioner of Buddhism and more relevantly an Ex Lamaist who showed us that until Lamaism is addressed we were wasting our time trying to address the sexual abuse of women.

In 2009 we had started with an excellent article to brief the public written by a Buddhist expert whose identity remains confidential.


However, our journey began at an Inform Conference under Eileen Barker at the LSE in 1997, 16 years ago where Mary Finnigan mentioned a book she was writing on Sogyal and another woman Dominique Cowell gave an exceptionally vivid description of her experience as Sogyal’s PA. In her case it was not sexual violence but the crazy wisdom violence masquerading as insight. The theme of the day as I remember it was violence against women.



In 2009 it was clear that our expert regarded the DL as been an exception and that he had no jurisdiction to go after Sogyal and as we had no knowledge of Buddhism agreed to this line of thinking. Our expert was clear which group was a cult and very soon we published info about this group – The NKT


For obvious reasons we had Tenzin Peljor on some occasions on our blog expressing that the cultist form of Buddhism is the NKT. This was natural as he had left this group and found it cult like in that it questioned the DL and Lamaism was ok but the NKT was a cult.

However, we could not seem to get an answer why the DL seemed to persist in being present with Sogyal, but we were told he was not the type to judge and that people in the West should tell the press about the abuse was wheeled out ad nauseam.




We were increasingly frustrated and we began to question the idea of working inside Lamaism to solve the sexual abuse problem. Our expert felt it needed to be addressed within Buddhism. So the expert left us and not too long after that Joanne began a valiant attempt to appeal to Sogyal to come clean.


As some tried to break from Lamaism Joanne increasingly felt that the only way to address this problem was from within. We noted that people who were starting the journey out when hearing Joanne’s advice left us.  Joanne put it down to our aggression? We gradually realised that this had nothing to do with the religion of Buddhism but rather with cultism and undue influence.  Joanne decided to leave us and go onto her religious blogs. However, since Chris has been the catalyst for our understanding of Lamaism as the cultist form of Buddhism Joanne has been like a Banshee on our site morning, noon and night. She disagrees with Chris’s analysis but can’t just get up and go. She is now camping on the site.


We acknowledge the copyright of  Olaf Schubert the photographer.

Someone who will remain nameless suggested that Tenzin Peljor might become involved on this site and as he has stated himself in response to my request for information about his CV that. “Because my pseudonym “tenpel” is linked to my private site, and this has a cv/bio it is clear that I don’t hide myself but that I am frank about my background.”

 Personal rather than private:

How this site can be regarded as private is beyond me? It is filled with his CV, and links to his public involvement in Buddhism, his ordination etc.


I find it difficult to understand as part of my research why he finds it disconcerting to answer the questions I raised with him yesterday?

You will find the whole document a bit further down as a pdf:

These are the questions I asked him:


 Tenzin Peljor
(Michael Jäckel)
I was born in East Germany (Gotha, Thuringia)

I must do more research on your journey.

Born 1966 in the DDR. Being raised in the Christian tradition I had the wish to become a monk when I was five years old which changed at about ten to twelve years old to become a Catholic priest. I lost this wish mainly due to a lack of inspiration and my own adolescence.

Your description of your religious formation is very unlike the period. Were your parents very active Catholics and not party members?You state you wished to be a monk then a priest?
You seemed to be very much outside the type of experience of your contempories?
Rock music, ecological concerns, Green, challenging the State?
As the DDR is reaching its conclusion you are interested in communism but reject it?

All a bit strange?

I was enthusiastic about the communist ideals but found them unable to accept constructive criticism …

Are you suggesting you were a party member or more likely a member of the youth section who fell out with them?

I was in Altenburg, Thuringia in 1984 and as a result have a Stasi file.
The Soviet base at Nobitz was close by.
Then you are a Wireless operator while you are doing your military service from 11/85 till 04/88. You completed your military service about 19 months before the Wall came down on Nov 9, 1989?

11/85–04/88 Richtfunker, Unterofizier auf Zeit

2 years 5 months in support of the DDR? That was about the average time you had to serve was it not? It was compulsory and if you did not do it you could be penalised by not being able to access third level education  is that not right?
What is going on?  Did you feel you had no other choice ?

Did you ever visit the West before the wall came down?

A lot of questions Michael?

Then back to where we began. He is connected to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche who is still connects with Sogyal even though Tenzin Peljor has a lot to say about abuse.

In other words there is a disconnect?

“According to the advice of Ven. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche I asked H.H. the Dalai Lama for the Gelong ordination (full ordination) in 2005. I am very happy that His Holiness agreed! His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the kind, powerful and compassionate protector of all beings, and the Sangha of his Namgyal Monastery Thekchen Choeling granted full ordination in March 2006 to 180 monks among them five Westerners including myself. My monk’s name is Tenzin Peljor.”


” After I had been asked and appointed by Ven. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche as a resident monk for the Bodhicharya Center in Berlin, Germany, I moved there in July 2007.”

 Here is what he says about Buddhist cults. He apparently agrees with us:

I am much interested into the dynamics of Nazi, Stasi, dictatorship, totalitarian systems, and I am an admirer of Jay Lifton and Margaret Thaler Singer. I run also a website about the dynamics of Buddhist cults in Geman language. So we share quite a lot.

This is Chris Chandler’s response:

 “That is how the mind becomes schizoid-like in  Lamaism and how it how it works.  One can use the Lifton Criteria to address another group, that they will identify as  a ‘cult’ in Tibetan Lamaism, even though one,  not under the influence of  the programmed mind control, would see immediately the parallels to their own group. This appears to be the ‘intellectual educated” version of the phenomena and why  I believe it is more dangerous.  People appear to be operating from a rational basis,  but they are actually using irrational mechanisms such as ‘splitting,’ a cognitive distortion and defence mechanism to make sense of the world. This is to maintain the overarching belief system in Lamaism itself.”

Mike, if you want to discuss about my person I think this is not the right thread here.

I replied,

“Tenpel I will moving this comment to a new thread which I will create later. I will use that to reply to your points. You will be able to address your own biography there. As you know Germany has a lot of history around Nazism, and also the kind of society under the DDR regime. The tension and the life with the ever present Stasi. I will be interested to understand your evolution as someone who has intimate knowledge of that period through my visits to Buchenwald, Dresden, Colditz, Weimar, The Wartburg, where the monk Martin Luther began his questioning of Catholic Lamasim, Eisenach, Karl Marx Stadt,(Chemnitz.)
Also being searched at Friedrich Strasse and Franchoische Dóm and having the experience of Church leaders of the Church I was a member of the Mennonites working with the Stasi in 1984’5. Also visiting the Stasi HQ in Leipzig and visiting the Churches associated with Bach.”

Dear Mike, I appreciate your interest in the Stasi / Nazi / East German dictator ship issue. I am interested in these too and I would be happy to meet you and to discuss this. But I don’t seek a public discussion about my background or person. I hope you can understand this. My personal site was already a reply to what NKT tried to spread about me in the internet. I put an English Bio and German CV there in order to give some background and leave it to the reader to judge what NKT says about me…..

But please excuse me that I am not much willing to add more about my personal background in the public domain.

Liebe Michael,

You seem to be confused about the meaning of a private and public discussion. It is your personal blog but it is in the public domain. If you were writing this to answer questions about you raised by the NKT I am surprised by your answer. I have no agenda but to understand as I put it your evolution living in the controlled environment of the DDR. Because I have some knowledge about that period it seems natural for you to answer as your CV is incomplete and unclear. What purpose is there for you to fly to Ireland to discuss with me as it is not in regard to my need to know your personal details, but your explanation of your development in the DDR just does not ring true. So I do not want to use it to attack you but to understand you! But we need to know who you are as you are a public person.

So why are you the subject of a post?

1.      Because you are connected to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche who is connected to Sogyal.

2.      How can you be a critic of his while associating with people who have are directly involved with the abuse of women.


3. Disabling Women’s Radar

Chris pointed out the reality of your links to Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and the implications for women: http://mjkr.org/biography.cfm




Here is the main site , which has a link of a P.R. movie called “Khandro”  you can see, so you can hear her teach (she sounds like every teacher of Lamaism that I have ever heard, and you get a sense of “how authoritarian is her presentation despite her sweet demeanor”  She is a die-hard, traditional teacher of Tibetan Buddhism as Lamaism.   She is sincere and no charlatan. (She is very attractive to women Buddhists,)  but  she has been trained in the same ‘absolutist, black and white style when teaching from their thrones, (see a bit of her teaching style on the link below.)  But her views about how to handle gender issues  are particularly having an effect within sanghas of Tibetan Lamaism. This has the effect of preventing questioning and conflict within the sanghas. Because women in these sanghas have such respect for her as representing women she is part of Lama campaign to protect Sogyal.  She is actually a big, big part of the Lama Campaign to protect him. http://www.mjkr.org/

4.      The need to not look at Religion but at Influence.

5.    Chris Chandler will explore the Lifton criteria in regard to Tibetan Lamaism and respond to the tendency to ‘fingerpoint’ to one sect of Lamaism as a ‘cult,’ while simultaneously being blinded to ‘Tibetan Lamaism’ itself as a whole being a cult milieu of thought control.


Open pdf below:



Tenzin Peljor

(Michael Jäckel)

Kinzigstr. 29

c/o Bodhicharya Deutschland e.V.

10247 Berlin


Geboren in Gotha,



deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft


09/73–07/83 Polytechnische Oberschule Gotha

09/83–09/85 Erweiterte Oberschule, Abitur, Gotha


11/85–04/88 Richtfunker, Untero!zier auf Zeit


04/88–08/90 EDV Organisator/Programmierer, Pneumant AG, Thüringen, Vollzeit

1992–1996 Systemadministrator/Programmierer, Gloria Menü Bringdienst, Berlin,


08/96–02/97 Spiel- und Theaterpädagoge, Anti-Aggressions-Projekt,

Internat Königin-Luise-Stiftung, Berlin, Honorartätigkeit

02/97–07/97 Gruppenhelfer, Bezirksamt Berlin Zehlendorf, Honorartätigkeit

10/97–04/98 Einzelfall- & Familienhelfer, Bezirksamt Berlin Neukölln, Honorartätigkeit

03/2002–02/2003 pädagogischer Mitarbeiter Drogenprävention, The Way&Sun Project,

Berlin, Vollzeit

10/97–12/07 freiberuflicher Lehrbeauftragter, Die Hauslehrer, Berlin, Honorartätigkeit

2006–2007 freiberuflicher Lehrbeauftragter, Die Überflieger, Berlin, Honorartätigkeit

Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit

seit 1998 Anleitung zu buddhistischen Meditationskursen und Vorträge zum


1999–2006 Drogenpräventionsprojekt Way&Sun e.V., Meditationskurs; wöchentlich

2001–2002 JVA Oranienburg, Kurs „Wertevorstellung, Werteorientierung,

Verhaltenstraining“—Kurs zum überwinden (zwanghafter) krimineller

Gewohnheiten, insbes. Diebstahl & Aggression, 9 Monate; wöchentlich

2004 JVA Oranienburg, dreimonatiger Kurs zum Suchtausstieg; wöchentlich

2003–2007 JVA Brandenburg, Einzelbetreuung eines Strafgefangenen, ab Dez. 2004

Gesprächsangebot zur Lebenshilfe und zum Buddhismus für mehrere

Strafgefangene in Kooperation mit einer psych. Psychotherapeutin;


2006–2007 JVA Tegel, zwei Kurse zum Buddhismus und ein Kurs zum Umgang mit

Emotionen und Verhaltensmustern in Kooperation mit einer psych.

Psychotherapeutin; wöchentlich

seit April bzw. Mai 2011 Mitglied des Vorstands von Bodhicharya Deutschland e.V. und der

Deutschen Buddhistischen Ordensgemeinschaft e.V.


1990–1991 Wirtschaftsinformatik, TFH Karlshorst, Berlin

1991–1993 Informatik mit Nebenfach Mathematik, Humboldt Universität Berlin;

Vordiplom: 2,0

1993–1994 Schauspielseminar, Theaterforum Kreuzberg, Berlin

1994–1996 Sonder-Zulassung an die Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, für das 2jährige

Zusatzstudium „Spiel- und Theaterpädagogik“ und Studium desselben


Sprachkenntnisse Englisch – gut in Wort und Schrift

Religiöse Bildung

seit 12/1995 Studium der buddhistischen Philosophie & Psychologie, insbesondere

der Themen: Ethik, Konzentration, Egoismus/Selbstsucht & Mitgefühl/

Empathie (tib. Lojong), der Geist und seine Funktionen (tib. Lorig), des

Stufenweges (tib. Lamrim) innerhalb einer Abspaltung der Gelug-

Tradition (NKT)

1998 Rabjung – Ordinationsgelübde in England, NKT, bei Geshe Kelsang


2002 Novizen-Ordination, Abt: Dagom Rinpoche, Kathmandu, Nepal

Juni 2002 Distanzierung und Austritt aus der bisherigen Lehrrichtung; Fortführen

der Studien—nun vor allem im Selbststudium—und kontinuierliches

Hören von Lehren aller vier tibetisch-buddhistischen Traditionen

Seit 2002 Anleitung im religiösen Weg durch:

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Sikkhim, Indien

12. März 2006 Vollordination zum Mönch (tib. Gelong; skt. Bhikshu) im Namgyal

Kloster, Dharamsala, Indien; Ordinierender Abt: S.H. der XIV. Dalai

Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

1. Juli 2007 Berufung zum Residenz-Mönch im Buddhistischen Zentrum für Frieden

und Verständigung Bodhicharya Deutschland e.V. durch Ringu Tulku


seit 1.1.2008 6jähriges Studium klassisch buddhistischer Mahayana und Vajrayana

Schriften im Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Italien unter Lharampa Geshe

Tenzin Tenphel und Khensur Rinpoche Jampa Tegchok

seit April 2011 einjähriger Gastaufenthalt als Residenzmönch für Bodhicharya

Deutschland e.V.; Fortsetzen des Studiums des Buddhismus („FPMT

Masters Program in Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra“) in Italien als


9 Responses

  1. Yes but we can’t publish it as it is bound by copyright. It can be seen on YouTube though


  2. dialogueireland, just by chance came to this page – the video you mentioned above, is that the cogent benger production “in the name of enlightenment”? if it is another video, would you mind describing how to access that?


  3. And all I can say is shame on you, DI, for falling into the gutter this way. Shame on you.


  4. We have a lovely video for you to watch. Note the central role of Sogyal. Watch the complete lack of concern by the DL. The fawning over people of power. Look at the opulence and loss of the critical mind. What happened to your guy Tenpel? Anyway take a week’s holiday as our post on Lamaism is about a week away.


  5. BellaB, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! (I wasn’t going to post here anymore, but I couldn’t resist this historic opportunity).


  6. Rip van Winkel, we do not do TB but Lamaism now.


  7. To what do we owe this visit? Did you escape from a cult? Or were you in Shangrila?


  8. Continue this, and you will make all Tibetan Buddhists laugh at you in disbelief!


  9. Yes, the whole thing is cultist. The only variation is whether you are glued to Lama A or Lama B.


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