Lamaism historical archive: Seeing is believing ~ THE SALT MEN

A German film, made  in 1997, when ‘Tibetophile Romanticism’ and the Shangri-lai view of Tibet  and their Lamas by western supporters was about to reach peak levels. There  was a danger that the true economic conditions of Tibet created by the Lamas would be ‘hidden from view’ or totally neutralized.

“The Salt Men of Tibet”

Part 1 of 4:

Part 2 of 4:

Part 3 of 4:

Part 4 of 4:

Commentary is provided by Chris Chandler a former Tibetan Buddhist = Lamaist.

Before one romanticizes Tibet when watching this film of the Tibetan Salt Men,  their  harsh and bleak existence which they accepted for centuries. This was thanks to their Lama’s  physical and mental tyranny  over their own people. One needs to remember that the Lamas themselves lived in luxury and opulence, keeping these Tibetans spinning their prayer wheels and reciting ‘mind-numbing chanting mantras and songs to accompany each and every ‘mundane activity.’ So that there is no life beyond the Lamas and their gods and demons. They ‘propitiate and pray’  to the Lamas who come  always ‘first’  and foremost’ in their pantheon of deities. They are credited  for their ‘good fortune  to eke out another subsistence level for the year. That is if and only if  they ‘follow the rules” without any deviation the Lamas have laid down to make sure that not a moment’s gap of critical intelligence or insight peeks through regarding who might be the ‘real cause’ of all their suffering. Instead the Lamas ensure that seamlessly and with every action and activity performed,  these destitute Tibetan people will credit the Lamas if things go well, and blame themselves  and their bad karma for past deeds if things go badly for them.  For over a hundred centuries this has ensured a complete and total control over the minds and actions of their people. They kept them illiterate, ignorant, unaware of the realities around them, as they remain  locked in ‘time’ somewhere around the fourth to the eighth century.

And be aware that this is the same formula,  that is being perpetrated by these Lamas inside the western Sanghas in the U.S., across Western Europe and even in Russia today. Eventually crediting  the lamas with  all  their good fortune, (particularly to have the good fortune to have met the Lamas  in this life,)  these divine beings , only here to help us, and learning  to blame oneself for everything that goes bad in life, and all around one, which is just an ‘illusion anyway.

A critical mass of people are under undue influence inside these Tibetan Buddhist Sanghas. These are educated people, and a lot of them are  young people who never have had a chance to develop their own  critical reasoning and discriminating intelligence. They try and get to people ‘early in life’ in the west, or later in life when the fear of death starts becoming palpable. There is always the hope of an ‘endowment’ from rich westerners who are scared to death of mortality.

So watch the “Salt Men of Tibet” in four parts  and realize that this is what life would be like and was actually  like when the religious tyrants of a society were in charge. These Tibetan Lamas now here in the west preaching their ‘peace and love’ prattle and who have  complete and utter control over a whole people,  their own people, and there is no longer any separation between  the church and the state. Let us put it another way there is no state that is separate from the Church of Lamaism, and not the slightest gap anywhere as it merges into all activities,  so  literally it kept the Tibetan people in the Lamas’  thrall  and stuck in time.

Their influence will  catapult the west ‘back in time’ if we let them continue, without exposing their very real and very dark shadow strategy. So before we as westerners continue to ‘romanticize’ this version of Tibetan life, as so many ‘outwardly bound , idealistic world trekkers’ and wealthy, western,  ‘trust fund’  adventurers  continue to do. This is thanks, in part, to the  neutral non-judgmental academics and psychologists in our midst.

Let us start reading the real history of Tibet not the Lama fairy tales anymore. Let’s  take  the blinders off,  ‘snap out of this dream’ of Shangri-lai  and let’s  use our human  ‘good sense’ again. We actually need to use our  imagination in a helpful way imagining that  this IS YOUR LIFE,  your whole life, and your children, and great grand children’s lives going back in an endless stream of living out a life of misery and poverty stretching back over more than a  100 centuries and still existing  in pockets in Tibet today. Some of these Tibetans like the Salt Men still under the Lamas’ spell  have even set themselves on fire for their Lamas.

Don’t be ‘seduced by the beauty of this harsh, desolate climate’ that one might fantasize would be an adventure for a month. Try to imagine what it would be like for a lifetime. This world the Lamas created and perpetuated  was a struggling seamless, subsistence level of existence for 95% which the people eked out. Year after year barely enough  to survive by barter so  that they could have barley tea, butter and occasional meat and dumplings. They are sometimes on the verge of starvation or over the edge only to again face another year chanting and singing and doing it all again, in this harsh climate, struggling to exist. They did this while having no idea that the Lamas and their wealthy twenty or so Local Lords with their servants enjoy the best things of life while these Tibetan Salt men continue to propitiate for ‘good fortune these deities. These Lords owned all the wealth in Tibet and while most of  the people were either in serfdom or slavery or kept in the kind of nomadic poverty while they  literally hoarded enough wealth over the centuries that could have fed all their people for centuries.

Instead,  these Lamas and their wealthy twenty families, perpetuated the longest lasting  superstitious cult of mind control ever superimposed on a group of people  in the history of the world and with not a scintilla of compassion ‘arising’ about what they had created all around them.

This version of Tibetan Lama Happiness that these Lamas imposed on their own people for centuries, keeping them in misery and poverty, and ignorant of any alternative, is  actually the reality the west are “buying into” now,  as we throw away our own hard-earned money, our physical and unpaid slave labor. We even handed over our sexual and gender integrity. We have ‘traded in’ our western, liberal, democratic values  for a totalitarian religious, political, social and cultural tyranny that only the Khans could appreciate.

The  western enablers, academics, psychologists, neurologists, and even parts of the medical profession, are enabling and encouraging  these lamas to duplicate their ‘monasteries and centers” all over the world, to infiltrate our western institutions of higher learning  ‘dumbing- down’ and recruiting a critical mass in the west, particularly young people, who are being caught up in the Lamas  ‘nets of deception’, believing that these religious tyrants could actually contribute to modern society.

I wish to thank “David” a commenter on DI, for sending these links of the “Salt Men of Tibet” to DI,  under another  thread entitled: ” Is the Line between Cults and Non Cults in Buddhism Drawn Clearly”  written by  the author,  Buddhanon.

Buddhanon, however, turns out to be another Apologist  for Lama Abuse, embedding his/her critique in the usual excuse making  for Tibetan Buddhism continuing as a cult,  letting the  majority of Lamas, the  Buddhist Brahmanism  cadre of religious tyrants,  ‘off the hook’.

At the time of that  previous  thread,  DI, not being aware of the cultic aspects of Lamaism that supports and sustains all the Lama abuses, and simultaneously being confused by the ‘double speak’ of the Lama Apologists, who seemed to be ‘critiquing” one abuse, only to be simultaneously apologizing for the legion of abusers and their cadre of  “aides and abettors,” including  “the wagon circling Lama Brigade Mafia,” the ‘silent and cowardly’  lamas,  the female Khandro Lama spreading her ‘Blame the Victim” ‘feminism’ throughout  the  Lama Sanghas, and  not knowing of  the seamless  mind-control these Lamas exert in all  their western Sanghas,  even and particularly with so-called educated western Lamaist/Buddhists, who under their “hollow facades” of reasonableness have been cult-controlled  for so long, that they can no  longer  actually ‘see clearly’  what is in front of their faces, while prattling on about dzogchen transmissions and ‘clarity’ of mind and compassion.  Such that within the ‘controlled milieu’ of the cult of Lamaism  these enablers have managed to actually perpetuate the abuse and keep it obscured from going mainstream.

For going mainstream is the last thing even most of  the victims of the abuses want for they are still in the cult of Lamaism and  and under the influence of the Lamas. So, without seeing the totality of mind control criteria and conditions, that exist within all of Tibetan Lamaism,  and all its various  sects, and the hegemony that Tibetan Lamaism has become. It is an institution that might occasionally ‘point the finger’ at another sect,  or may agree to call out a ‘western’ lama. but never a Tibetan Lama  for his transgressions, and never the patriarchal and abusing edifice of Tibetan Lamaism itself-   it would have been impossible to see how and why one was ‘getting no where’  in confronting the abuse of Sogyal from Lakar.

Watch the “Salt Men of Tibet” , and without romanticizing  the life and the sweeping vast beauty of the landscape, or the accompanying soft music interwoven with  Gelugpa chanting. See how  deeply they controlled the minds of Tibetans, whose every activity was determined by the Lamas and their gods and demons. They believe that they are capable of  equally controlling western minds  almost to the same extent,  no matter how educated  who come under their “enthrallment” as well.  Western mind-controlled ‘devotees’ of the Lamas who  soon become  become their greatest “public supporters” proselytizers and public relations voice,  now in our western school systems, our institutes of higher academic learning, our hospitals, and our therapy clinics, where now the Lamas can,  thanks to their mind-controlled western Sangha recruiters, enablers and apologists have  someone like  Sogyal of Lakar welcomed,  with his Lama empire, and  twenty years of sexual abuse cases against him, including two, multi-million dollar lawsuits.  Western academics and its administration facilitating   ‘meditation retreats’ at Connecticut College, only one example, where Sogyal can have his pick of hundreds of young naive women, while the college has  ‘student body’ seminars simultaneously to ‘raise ‘ sexual abuse and rape awareness and ‘protecting oneself on campus” .

That’s how confused and confusing everything  becomes when the Lamas and their doublespeak and mind control infiltrates into a society.

26 Responses

  1. Here is the article re: Dalai Lama and the RSS group , a paramilitant, anti-Muslim group of fundamentalist , repressive Hindus, and their cozy relationship in India. They are trying to strangle India’s ability to enter the 21st century as a democracy, the only nation that claims to be a democracy while having a ‘caste system’ intact. And these influences are what the west is embracing?

    This is the group that censored and got the Penguin book on Hinduism recalled in India. Just as in 2011 , the Tibetan Lamas were burning books they didn’t like in India.

    Everytime the free press gives in to the religious fundamentalism that is spreading everywhere, trying to stop all and every criticism of these cultic religions, it reverberates throughout the world, since the forces that are behind these repressions are global and international.

    Again, corporatism and religious fundamentalism have a very cozy relationship these days. IT is merely practical, because corporatism learned so much from ‘outsourcing’ and how to create pliant, non-protesting work force, willing to work for peanuts and see their poverty and and suffering as there fault, ‘their karma.’ . That is why it is spreading at such a fast rate, and why controlled media represses the truth about what these forces we are so stupidly embracing are really about. ..

    We have seen it on this site, this attempt at repression by the trolls of those that unthinkingly embrace these fundamendalist eastern religions and become fanatic adherents in such short order.

    The Salt Men movie is not a picture of the past, it is the vision of the future for these fundamental religions to have us all mired in superstition, ignorance and fundamentalism , it is so helpful for the global economy for kleptocrats everywhere. They take the long view and think in 50 year increments or what a pliant and ignorant and ‘dumbed down workforce’ can look like.

    Muslims, by the way are the new scapegoat, every totalitarian movement needs a scapegoat..


  2. How many ‘terrorists’ and tyrants have to be listed , that the Dalai Lamas have cozied up with over the centuries and blatantly in our own, before the west wakes up?

    The Khans, as in Ghengis Khan – the 5th on, a Khan gave the Dalai Lama his name, it is Mongolian.

    The National Socialist Party i.e the Nazis for those that don’t read history anymore.

    Stalinists, There was talk of a ‘thanka being made, with Lenin in the middle:

    Pinochet- the Dalai Lama was instrumental in preventing Pinochet’s extradition from London and intervened.

    Serrano, who was a Tibetan Lamaism afficiando , and dressed in Tibetan Robes

    Asahara’s AumCult influenced by the 14th Dalai Lama’s Kalakakra, serin attack on subway in Japan was to ‘usher in Shambhala” and it’s apocalyptic war.

    969 and the Burmese terrorist Lamas committed Muslim genocide in MyanmarBurma , leader influenced by the Kalachakra of Dalai Lama.

    The anti-Mulim RSS group in India, who pushed for censorship of this book on Hinduism,

    Dalai Lama , while pretending to be ‘ecumenical in the west’ and talks about peace, supports and aligns with the most Fundamental, radical religious groups , , the Hindu Nationalists Brahmins in India, and talks about their goals, i.e. a Hindu/Brahmin Buddhist world religion, for the world as being the same, including by implication their anti-Muslim stance. :

    How much more evidence to rational thinking people need, “if it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck ‘ and hangs out with other ducks, how much more evidence do people need to , at the least, take a closer look at what they have so quickly ’embraced’ as a substitute ‘spiritual path’ than there own traditional religions?

    All of these groups are Fundamental FANATICS, whether they be Hindu, Tibetan Lamaist, Buddhist , or Christian, it is fundamentalism that is the problem, coupled with our ‘dumbing down’ by purposeful propaganda and a corporate controlled media, to have us embrace these fundamentalist trojan horses to repress, control and do away with free speech, individualism and egalitarianism , all western values
    by the way, that we wish to throw out, instead of waking up and working together to continue what where we left off, before the Gurus stole us away.


  3. Novelist Arundhati Roy leads chorus of protest after publisher settles lawsuit brought by militant group:

    Here is the Dalai Lama and the RSS a radical fundamentalist group in India, cozying it up and the Dalai Lama expressing his ‘true roots’ :

    “Recalling his association with VHP leader Ashok Singhal and late RSS leader K S Sudarshan, Dalai Lama said that the RSS is working in India with dedication similar to ours in Tibet. “RSS has always supported the cause of Tibet and hence I always had love for it,” Dalai Lama said, adding, ‘RSS thinks not just for India but for the entire world.”

    The RSS : has been criticised as an extremist and a paramilitary group.[10][11] The RSS carried out acts of violence against Muslims when founded in 1925,[12] and have since, formed militant groups who engage in attacks on minority groups throughout India.[13] In 2004 it was designated a terrorist organization by the Terrorism Research Center.[14]


  4. International News yesterday: “Penguin India” book publishing group caves in to HIndu conservatives Nationalists over controversial book about Hinduism. Penguin withdraws the book. This is seen as a terrible thing for free speech through out the world and an outcry is being heard in India, as well as internationally by proponents of free speech everywhere. Little do people know that the Dalai Lama and these Brahmin Hindu Nationalists , who have kept a stranglehold on India for centuries are very cozy together and support each other’s dreams of a return to brahminism, whether Hindu or Tibetan Lamaist.

    Karmapa Tibetan Lamaist group burns books in India:

    What do these things have in common?

    The Dalai Lama and the BJP or Hindu Conservative Brahministic groups are birds of the same feather , since Tibetan Buddhism is Brahministic Lamaism , with more in common with conservative , nationalistic Hinduism, than anything the Buddha taught.. Vajrayana tantra, and its misogynistic theocracy IS of Hindu origin.


  5. lamaism is corrupted by hindu influence,did buddha ask monks to dance wearing masks..?


  6. Lily, after reading some of your comments, I can reply to you now. I am not a regular visitor to this website — sorry for the delay.
    “Lamaism can never lead anybody to enlightenment, not even themselves.” Yes, it can lead people to “realization”. Although, it would not be the way as “Lamaism” designed. People can reach to realization either through our own “stupidity” or “wisdom”. For example: we know burning finger hurts. Then we would not consider burning a person alive is non-violence, is an honored behavior. Humans have abilities to learn through failure. “Enlightenment has to do with wisdom.” — Not always!!!
    Wisdom is a comparative conception. It exists in our daylily life. It is not something mysterious holy thing. Putting wisdom into a long run picture of history, it becomes a living normal thing that everybody can reach. Gurus/lamas are not needed. Numerous enlightened beings existed in the west before Lamaism spread to west. Numerous enlightened beings existed in Tibet before Lamaism penetrated into Tibet(if not,why should we go to a place that others do not go?). Wisdom do not need a “ritual or practice” to support — I agree with you.
    “Salt language” does not need in finding salt! I think Tibetans had salt to eat before Karmapa was created 900 years ago.
    Wisdom is a fatal lure to human. Serpent uses it to Eve ……who said HE is giving human Wisdom? It is interesting.
    Siddhārtha Gautama abandoned his palace, his wife and children to reach enlightenment. Someone sitting above gold throne, had free women, living in splendid palace or monastery claimed to be the exact reincarnation of Siddhārtha Gautama. — Wisdom is really needed in laying this claim.
    Burning a person alive is severe punishment in hell and also a praised highest honor? Wisdom is really needed in understand this.
    Better not to touch this cult, waste your life.

    PS:“Realization” in my mind is equal to “enlightenment”. Because of not sure what the “enlightenment” is in your mind. Here I use “realization” instead.


  7. Chris Chandler, on September 13, 2013 at 4:59 pm said:
    “I do not believe that you can find the Buddha’s essential teachings within Lamaism.”

    What exactly is stopping you from shoving them in?

    Claiming that there does not currently exist such teachings seems like a cop out to me, because if you want an effective path to realisation then you need to get from the imaginary to the true nature – which is “supposed” to be the development and accomplishment stages of Tantra.

    The fact that you claim that no Tibetan Lama understands this is really no reason to not take it to that level yourself, because the whole point of doing Buddhism is about discovering this for yourself rather than believing what someone else tells you.

    Yes, you are right that there is a definite tendency in Vajrayana to simply follow what the Lama says, and this does result in a sort of Hindu style religion developing, but for you to claim that no westerner can simply adapt this in the way it was clearly intended seems to me to fall into the same trap of deferring to an external authority rather than applying the scientific method of examining and discovering for oneself.


  8. I do not believe that you can find the Buddha’s essential teachings within Lamaism. Tibetan Lamaism is the most popular form of Buddhism now, it has outstripped every other form in the west, even Zen Buddhism.

    As I have said before, I am not anti-Buddhist, I am anti-Lamaist. I have tried over and over to make that clear,but when people still conflate the two, it is impossible. Differentiating between the Buddha’s essential teachings, and Lamaism that is using Buddhism as a mask to fool people, is what needs to be done, and that can only happen when Lamaism is deconstructed. That is the ‘house of cards’ that needs to collapse. The sooner the better. Not only for all of us, east and west, but for the young tulkus themselves , who are indoctrinated into this cult of Lamaism, generation after generation, stifling their young minds and turning them out as simply shills for the Lamastocracy.


  9. In other words, instead of a return to western values at the level of identity – which is, after all, the very reason for people looking for alternatives in the first place – would it not be preferable for them to move up a level by moving beyond such a level of identification, which was the Buddha’s essential teaching in the first place?


  10. Yes Chris, you have said something similar many times, but it still leave some huge unanswered questions.

    The article I cited, on which point I agree, says,

    – “Given the nature of the psychological process active in cults such a change may not be easy. It will often require grassroots action within the institution. Indeed, if these institutions are to survive, this will become essential. Further publication of destructive arguments such as those we have discussed here will be to the detriment of all Buddhist institutions in the West. It is time to set our houses in order. ”

    It seems to me that this is the very point you are overlooking;

    Firstly due to the psychological aspect that is at the heart of the westerners turning to such a system in the first place.

    And secondly, because causing the whole “house of cards” to collapse may well prevent the Lamas themselves from perpetuating this abuse, but it will also have the effect of pulling the rug out from under those westerners who have such a psychological need – that is why I said before that Buddhism proper, the transcending of identity thinking, may actually be very useful in giving those individuals a way out of this mess.


  11. Yes, and that is what is happening inside these Tibetan lamaist groups, and it is NOT pretty and it will undermine all western values as these socially controlled and lama controlled by the “cult of personality of the guru individuals, appearing rational and educated infiltrate all our western institutions pushing Lamaism as the thing that will contribute to ‘world peace.’ They are doing a great job so far, aren’t they?

    Tibetan Buddhism a.k.a. Lamaism is one of the fastest growing guru-cults in the world. Along with Hindustani religious yoga cults that are indoctrinating young people by stealth, Yogi Bhajan’s group, is a Hindu and Tantric group, for example, who every year puts out mind-controlled devotees, starting Tantric Yoga groups that appeal to young people who believe this is a gender unbiased religion when it is the very opposite.

    Tsoknyi Rinpoche has included Hindu Hari Krishna chanting in his retreats, gives seminars on the Environment and Global Warming before large audiences in Washington D.C. with Krishna Das
    (the arrogance of these lamas is amazing) and also seduces young people through their concern about the environment. This is why the Dalai Lama changed his strategy from Free Tibet to to “Save Tibet, Save the Environment” while he lets monks and nuns burn themselves to death and not tell them that his Free Tibet cause has been replaced. He is also trying to get his Eco Karmapa, with the help of the Hindustani government of India, released from his virtual ‘house arrest’ for being suspected of being an agent of China, and who has “written”a book on how to address these issues, as though this Tibetan peasant, put up on a throne as some Incarnate God, knows anything about global warning, or has anything to contribute to the west or democracy. Someone that only spoke Mandarin two years ago, but now is fluent in six languages.

    The political machinations of the Dalai Lama and his Lamas is beyond imagination, until one just wakes up from the trance and start using one’s critical intelligence again. It is all there, in plain view. The massive amounts of money the Tibetan Government in Exile, for example spends on lobbying in Washington, while his new ‘mask’ is that he has “given up politics” and just spreading his simple ‘religious message of peace and love’ and ecumenicism.


  12. Here is an interesting piece I found. (I don’t buy his “postmodernist argument, but it does have some insight into what Chris is talking about).

    “These Buddhist cults resemble the guru-based institutions of Hinduism more than they do their Buddhist origins. In Hinduism, gifted and charismatic gurus become the focus of a personal cult of devotional practice and at any one time there are many of these for potential devotees to choose from. The loose framework of Hindu belief and practice allows a high level of personal choice in such matters but not all gurus are free from the many forms of ethical corruption. How do such ‘cults’ arise? The psychology of such processes has become clear in recent years. Individual identity requires the formation of key values for which social approval is given and without which an individual experiences painful alienation. Traditionally these were given by the society in which a person lived, and we had monolithic religions dominating large areas of the world. Since in contemporary society the philosophical basis for values has become culturally relative and science has for many removed the belief in supernatural forces, individuals are forced to choose between a range of equally valid interpretations of the cosmos and of the way to personal salvation. Once a ‘way’ is chosen it becomes an area of profound psychological investment so that anything that threatens it also threatens the self. On accepting an institutionalised value system personal identity is largely replaced by social identity – that is the individual identifies with the social norms of the group.”

    I think it also explains the comment Chris made about people investing so much that they had no way out, but as this makes clear, that is on a level of identity thinking that has little to do with Buddhism proper.


  13. Yes Lily, the Lamas ‘made up’ the Third Wheel Turning to justify promoting what is a Hindustani Priestly Brahministic caste system of Vajrayana master and student (slave) to stay on those thrones while having people believe they are simply ‘bodhisattvas’ here to save the world. Just like the guru culture in India, which has kept its own people mired in poverty and superstition for centuries, and created a caste system that allows no true democracy to flourish.

    This is the ‘dharma’ that Tibet inherited from Padmasambhava who was an Indian sadhu of magic and the occult and whom Lamas have turned into a saint, more important than the buddha himself, while giving token attention to the buddha and only calling themselves “Buddhist” to fool people and pretend that they are about buddhism when they are the complete opposite of what the buddha actually taught. . They are now using this ‘amalgam’ of magic, superstition and oppression, and calling it Buddhism to now to enslave whole groups of people, instead of just a small group of students. They have ‘expanded’ the varjayana’ itself, for their dreams of world domination now like they dominated Tibet as a country.


  14. That’s and interesting perspective David, that Lamaism will ‘enlighten us’ by it’s gross example of inequality? That it holds up a mirror, but I don’t think the Lamas meant to ‘enlighten us’ in the way they are doing it.

    We are betraying our own ancestors, who fought and died for generations for our freedoms, and because of a ‘pipe dream’ literally and the ‘pied pipers coming’ leading us into a trap, we have all betrayed what they fought for so hard.

    No one ever considers that it is these eastern religions that we have taken on that have made us first ‘give up on democracy’ become passive citizens, ignoring the world around us as all an illusion, while we all bitch and moan and blame every thing else, outside ourselves and our own narcissistic pursuits of ‘happiness’ the “carrot” the Lamas and gurus hold out for us. .

    Democracy requires informed, citizens, using their critical intelligence and reason, what on earth do we think we are going to create or better yet ‘allow’ without this? Did we think democracy just happens magically? Like the Lamas tell us everything is just magically created? or we can ‘just visualize it’ and it will be true? .

    While we have given up ‘politics’ they have been very very very busy doing ‘real politic’ taking over our culture, infiltrating into higher academics, lobbying the U.S. congress,( the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan Goverment in Exile, spends quite a bit on lobbying) chumming up with polticians, taking over the minds of our young people, making them more ‘dumbed down’ then our educational systems has already been doing.

    We really , really need to wake up, and quickly. Those of us that bought this guru nonsense , hook , line and sinker, owe it to the next generations.


  15. David, Lamaism can never lead anybody to enlightenment, not even themselves. It is because their ancient guru Lotus Born [Padmasambhava] was an ordinary person, but was rumored to be an enlightened being.

    It is nothing personal against all lamas, and they are humans as well; but it’s the doctrines that is wrong.

    The contents of Lamaistic teachings are actually a series of practices on the channel, Chi, bright drop in the subtle body, and dual operations (sexual union), which were inherited from the Hindu Tantrism. The so-called “achievement of the subtle body” gets its content from Hinduism, but borrows the term samadhi from Buddhism. The terminology sounds alright, as you mentioned “suffering,” but it’s actual Buddha Dharma practice has nothing to do with a real Buddhist practice.

    Enlightenment has to do with “wisdom,” not through mundane physical exercise.

    I say so because I am a Mahayana Chan Buddhist practitioner.
    If you or anyone else wish to know or challenge more about Buddhist practice in details, I am ready to tell more at your request. Thank you.


  16. dialogueireland, on September 12, 2013 at 6:05 pm said:
    “So I assume you are telling us that Tibetan Lamaism was not able to uplift the people and that neither have the Chinese totalitarians?”

    – what I’m saying is that the claim made in the above article, that the Lamas were the cause, forcing these people to adopt such a way of life, is not really accurate.

    “That tells us that Lamaism incorporated Shamanistic practices but again it was not able to challenge these values?”

    – I was recalling the previous antagonism towards shamanism as some kind of backwards and superstitious barbarism – so it is not simply a case of denouncing the Lamas, but an attack on Tibetan religion practiced by the common people which predated “Lamaism”.

    The point of 3 and 4 were that, when industrialisation supplants pre-modern modes of production then some people feel a need to preserve records of old traditions, something the Chinese maybe don’t appreciate yet.
    Certainly the isolationism of the Tibetan Lamas does not seem to have lessened under the new regime.

    The film ends with the lines, “The systematic modernization increases the serious threat to the right of existence of the Tibetan salt-nomads and so to the last feeling of freedom in this country. With the decline of the salt-men’s tradition another part of cultural identity of the Tibetans will be lost.”

    Putting the tendency to romanticize to one side, it would still seem rather an obtuse view to suggest that this film be used as and argument for modernization in order to reform the “horrors” of feudalism.

    In other words, not everyone would consider them better off working in a supermarket, wearing jeans and trainers, and eating burgers and fries.


  17. I am grateful that somebody looked the film seriously from other perspective. Thank you.
    Chris, please do some research on Mongolian population and syphilis。History will educates us. It is hard to imagine the result.
    I always think why is Lamaism so attractive? Then the development of equality in west civilization spread out in front of me. We may forget the lesson our ancestors leant and let our own desires to ruin our intelligent — we ignored our family, friends and community, try to be “enlightened” first or take a shortcut. We fall into prey of flock of wolves, isolated (through retreat or geographically as in the movie), vulnerable (lost confident)…… self- respect being drained off
    Lamaism doesn’t lie: suffer is truth of the world. Lamaism will expose it in front of us and lead us to the enlightenment – final light of death. I believe nobody would like to speak out at that moment.

    Equality, equality, equality can save us. You are not alone!


  18. KateS
    Some points you may have overlooked;

    1. This nomadic “pilgrimage” has been taking place for 2,000 years, well before Buddhism came to Tibet. It was also filmed in 1997, long after the Lamas had left Tibet.

    So I assume you are telling us that Tibetan Lamaism was not able to uplift the people and that neither have the Chinese totalitarians?

    2. The female singer is a shaman, also a tradition pre-dating the arrival of Buddhism in Tibet.

    That tells us that Lamaism incorporated Shamanistic practices but again it was not able to challenge these values?

    3. The Chinese authorities did not want this film made and Ms. Koch had to film it secretly.

    One of the results of British colonialism and the advent of Christian mission to India was the abolition of the practice of suttee. Also the introduction of hospitals, education etc. What has has been the legacy of Lamaism in this regard? In Ireland we have major buildings and France the same. What charitable projects have these Lama introduced other than allowing people a small reduction to work in the kitchen during a retreat. As you have not paid for these courses you must be an expert on these freebees? What have the Chinese brought to Tibet. Is there running water, are people fed? We know they have flooded the place with Han people, but taking for granted that they d not allow people to practice their faith unless it is registered, let us know what the situation is like now and what it was like before the Lamaist Splitists were expelled. I wonder what would happen if the people of Taiwan had been administering Tibet what would it be like?

    4. One possible reason for 3 might be the “competition” from the Chinese trucks that are gradually supplanting the nomads in extracting salt from the lakes.

    The Chinese are doing the same in Africa and Australia and are as rapacious as any imperialists before them. In China non registered Churches, Buddhists and the Falun Gong are very badly treated.


  19. Exactly, Chris, and I think we have to mix a distanced academic style with a clear unmasking language. Of course we must have a look at the theoretical basis but we also have to find forceful words to remember the victims of the horror show Eastern Tantric practitioners are creating.

    “….., we have plenty of that, particularly among psychologists and their anti-cult sites, who have created such a “value-free” milieu, regarding all cults in our midst……”

    A lot of the victims have no medical and psychological protection. Often they are declared mentally ill and sedated with neuroleptics. So they keep silence, don’t tell no more “nonsense” and the balance is restored. Doctors and psychologists don’t believe because all is coming up from the unconsciousness and they can’t imagine – and they ignore consequently the explanations of the victims – that there are perpetrators working with hypnotic and other techniques. The protection of the perpetrators by the experts is incredible.

    ” (and most of these cults are influenced by these eastern religions of Hinduism and Lamaism)”

    The philosophy a lot of cults in the East and the West are working with is the Hermetic Philosophy. In the cathedral of Siena in Italy there is a mosaic image. It shows Hermes Tresmegistos the founder of this philosophy, compared with the Egypt God Thot, giving this philosophy to the Orient and the Occident. So in most of all cults all over the world these ideas of seeing the world became perverted and abused to the detriment of mankind.
    I agree Hinduism and Lamaism are extremely cruel and have “perfected” the techniques.


  20. Some points you may have overlooked;

    1. This nomadic “pilgrimage” has been taking place for 2,000 years, well before Buddhism came to Tibet. It was also filmed in 1997, long after the Lamas had left Tibet.

    2. The female singer is a shaman, also a tradition pre-dating the arrival of Buddhism in Tibet.

    3. The Chinese authorities did not want this film made and Ms. Koch had to film it secretly.

    4. One possible reason for 3 might be the “competition” from the Chinese trucks that are gradually supplanting the nomads in extracting salt from the lakes.


  21. So ‘noted and appreciated’ feedback, and put in context of what has become a ubiquitous mantra of all Buddhists, not just Tibetan Lamaists, i.e. ‘don’t get angry.’ Don’t show passion, I think this attitude has infiltrated into our society pervasively and is probably why as the Taoists say, “when there is lots of talk of harmony, harmony is far away.”

    I think people should be more spontaneous, more genuinely and appropriately angry not less, and even more sarcastic and scornful about things that are harmful, and dangerous to individuals and society, not less.


  22. Additionally, what people may not know, is the ‘never get angry’ mantra is part of the mind-controlled programming that is going on in these Tibetan Lamaist cultic environments. That is why when a person openly criticizes anything about the lamas behaviors, or questions any dysfunctional, unhealthy aspects in the group, including even sexual abuse, and does get appropriately angry within these groups to bring attention to these concerns, they are systematically censored, humiliated and sidelined.

    Even the mildest expresses of concern within these sanghas, are immediately censored by either the Lama or the group itself. It’s what makes it a cult environment.

    I have witnesses appropriate anger being expressed in the group over a dysfunctional situation in a group, and instead of the lama and the group addressing it and creating an open forum where it could be discussed and dealt with, this ‘celebrity Lama, promoted as one of the more ‘westernized,” had the person expressing the anger over the situation, ‘confess’ in front of the group one day, and apologize for causing disharmony in the group in front of a hundred people at a Dzogchen retreat. Confession is one of the main tactics, used in totalitarian societies as we know. Repression of all righteous anger is also necessary to control whole groups of people.


  23. But I do thank you for the feedback, Ecumenical Buddha. Noted and appreciated.


  24. I understand what you are saying, Ecumenical Buddhist, however, in my view, what is needed now is more righteous anger from more people, and more awareness about how deeply these Lamas and their distorted ‘Buddhism’ are creating more and more passive citizens, believing they are supporting a ‘religion’ that will create an alternative society’ when,in fact, they are enabling the conditions of a global totalitarianism to flourish worldwide. So I consciously decided that what is needed is not more distant observation by a more academic approach to this phenomena. We have plenty of that, particularly among psychologists and their anti-cult sites.They have created such a ‘value-free’ milieu, regarding all cults in our midst (and most of these cults are influenced by these eastern religions of Hinduism and Lamaism) that they are standing by, letting them proliferate, because they don’t want to seem passionate about this. They have maintained such an ‘objective distance’ that they have fallen asleep at the wheel, such that they are allowing all kinds of abuses in these cultic environments to go unnoticed. This is in great part, what I believe has allowed these cults to gain such power to become ‘religious’ tax free entities” and become the multimillionaire empires they have become, corrupting the local governments where they establish themselves. They slowly undermine democratic values insidiously and surreptitiously, creating confusion and this passive inability, among a critical mass of citizens. They in turn join these meditation centers, yoga centers and temples, and have no idea what to accept or reject anymore.

    So, someone has to yell ‘Fire’ to get people’s attention in a burning building. .


  25. Yes, these are the pitfalls to be avoided, but please take care not to use the same tone and exclamation marks when writing the book or people will not take it so seriously. It needs to be less angry and more observant in tone than some of the posts have been.
    This is what people need to know and the less passionately it is presented, the more notice will be taken.


  26. Chris, very good of you to speak up!
    Through your own experiences you can be the guardian angel for the western world and help preventing others from getting trapped into the same pitfalls.

    This is a very series issue and you are certainly not alone!
    Keep courage & take care


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