Sex scandals in religion – Sogyal Rinpoche

As part of their ‘Sex Scandals in Religion’ series, takes a look at Sogyal Rinpoche. More information on the series is available on the website.

Video promo for the upcoming episode ‘IN THE NAME OF ENLIGHTENMENT’:

Stephen Batchelor discusses Tibetan Buddhism:

Martine Batchelor on Buddhism going beyond the ethical:

Rigpa’s response can be found on the website here.

More information on the series is available on the website.

Dialogue Ireland has a briefing document on Sogyal Rinpoche available here.

The Sunday Times 2009 piece on Soygal Rinpoche.

61 Responses

  1. lalatee, on July 8, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Your comment:

    “The last straw for me, and which made me leave the retreat 2 days early, was when he called one of the senior assistants from the Centre for the sick and dying to come up to the dias. This lady is a very respected professional in her 60s doing amazing caring work with the bereaved and dying. She was forced to kneel down beside SR while he embraced her closely and put his hand on her chest. I could see her face and she was clearly deeply embarrassed and uncomfortable. SR proceeded to stroke her face, looking deeply into her eyes.”

    That woman was subject to Sogyal’s mesmerism/hypnosis and all because the Irish government is totally ignorant of the nature of Tibetan Lamaism. Your comment should be sent to members of the government to alert them to what is going on.


  2. if anyone who feels abused would invest time and energy in how this could possibly happen and be willing to learn and to take responsability
    for the personal part of ending up in this situation
    less unreal devotion based on childish and immature needs for personal power might be createrd these situation have less to do with dharma- the way things really are- than with attachment to drama


  3. I will stay with Rigpa, Thanks.


  4. Good for you, Anonymous, for leaving Rigpa! As I have said before, months ago, no one who hasn’t experienced guru devotion can really understand what it is that can blind people so to the actions of their lamas. I myself, 12 years after leaving Rigpa in emotional and psychological tatters, still struggle to maintain a Buddhist practice and stable mind. My question, that I ask myself over and over is how do these teachers have such power? There are some Tibetan lamas who are really quite attractive and I could imagine lots of sexual attraction issues rising between them and their students– but this is FAR from the truth with Sogyal, short, overweight and totally unattractive. So what does he do to attract students? What on earth does he do?
    I also want to address your statements about the future of Tibetan Buddhism, and in particular the Nyigma lineage. Recently, I heard HH Dalai Lama respond to someone quite strongly who raised similar concerns. He asked His Holiness if Buddhism was in danger of destruction and His Holiness said that there was no danger of Buddhism disintegrating at this time– he said something to the effect that there were too many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas looking after things to let a few mischevious people damage the Dharma. This gave me courage– I think it’s easy in Rigpa to think that the sun rises and sets around Sogyal and his purposes, when in fact there are millions of good, solid, well-intentioned Buddhists in the world. The Dharma itself is really quite reliable. So I wish you the best in Dharma as you venture out from Rigpa, remembering that it was the Buddha himself who told us to question question question and never trust something just because your lama (or Buddha himself!) said it.


  5. I recently left Rigpa after being part of the organization for 16 years, and an instructor for about 6 years. I know for a fact that these stories are not made up. But they are covered up by the organisation and we were made to believe….or rather they tried to persuade us into believing…that these inappropriate behaviours of SR are in fact motivated by a wish to help these young women reach enlightenment much faster than otherwise possible. Other strategies of trying to explain these behaviours were used, but for me they were neither plausible nor logical explanations. Especially since I have direct knowledge of a number of such cases.

    If SR don’t want to live as a monk, why go to the other extreme? Why not just find a wife and live a decent life? Or just have one girlfriend at a time and treat her with respect?

    I am so sorry for the young women who have suffered because of this and pray that they will find the help and support they need.

    I am also sad that the lineage is damaged and perhaps even broken by one man’s problems controlling his desires and then (mis)using the buddhist dharma to rationalize his behaviour. The lack of wisdom, the lack of compassion, the lack of moral….so sad!


  6. Off message again I see! Stick to the issue please-sexual abuse by persons in positions of power


  7. hi bella!


  8. So Sogyal Rinpoche is now also interested in the 60-year-olds…

    Before it was only young women that he was surrounding himself with.

    Very suspicious as to what “is really going on”? How mysterious! Oh, people’s fantacies…


  9. “At the very least it shows complete ignorance or disregard for Western social mores ethical behaviour”

    And herein lies the problem. No doubt SLs beahhviour replicates what went on in Tibet under certain, extreme circumstances. However, we are not in Tibet; rather we live in a society where checks and balances are in place to regulate the behavior of those who otherwise might be tempted to manipulate such situations to their own ends.

    As such, it is as much the general ignorance of the Tibetans of Western social mores, coupled with the secrecy incumbent on Western tantric initiates, that have combined to produce this situation, as it is the behaviour of Sogyal himself.

    Thus the solution is threefold:
    1) Tibetan relgious leaders must ensure that their teachers behave in conformity with Western social mores (Even Sharia law states we must live by the laws of the land we inhabit-If Buddhists cant even compete with Islam on this one, what hope is there?))
    2) Disciples must learn to question behavior, rather than to suspend all judgement and cast themselves into the arms of the guru (There are, after all, no external saviours in Buddhism) Remaining silent is no longer the ‘noble’ option, despite RIGPAs PR machine clearly believing it is-either that or they have no other defence
    3) Sogyal must understand his behaviour is NOT ACCEPTABLE n the context of the world in which he exists and that, unless he acts appropriately, he will do more to destroy the Buddhist faith than to preserve it. The balance between these two possibilities is already tipping towards the negative. Would Sogyal really want his legacy to be the blackening of the good name of Buddhism and the premature demise of the incomparable Nyingma tradition? If not, he must stop now and atone for his actions BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

    I am genuinely brought to tears by the stupidity of this man who has done so much to bring Dharma to the West and yet, simultaneously done so much to destroy it through reprehensible personal actions which are comparable to those of a greedy and undisciplined child set lose in a sweet shop.


  10. So, Sogyal brazenly places his hands on an unwilling and unsuspecting female disciple’s breast whilst telling his other followers, ‘This is none of your business, turn away.’ Nothing new there then.


  11. Oh dear. Yes, it is manipulation posing as buddhism. Of course, had you waited you would have been told the respected professional gained a lot from the contact and the woman whose house was burgled had a great teaching too. Well done, for getting out. Many don’t.


  12. I recently attended the recent 10 day retreat at Dzogchen Beara in County Cork, Ireland. I knew nothing about Sogyal Rinpoche when I arrived, beyond the fact that he was the author of the wonderful book: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. SR arrived at the retreat he was supposed to be leading 4 days late. As soon as he came into the tent where 250 attendees were gathered, I knew I had made a mistake. His personality was egocentric and his manner imperious. It did not fit in with my idea of a holy or ascetic monk at all. During the course of the next few days I experienced what at best could be termed disrespect, at worst abuse of his colleagues and disciples. He was regularly late and often over-ran the sessions by several hours, on one occasion keeping us from lunch. He was insulting about the Irish people, about his assistants and to individual course participants. He refused to let one woman leave who had just heard that her house had been burgled, but made her sit down on the floor in front of him for 2 hours, saying it was too late to do anything about it now, she should have gone home before it was burgled not afterwards! The last straw for me, and which made me leave the retreat 2 days early, was when he called one of the senior assistants from the Centre for the sick and dying to come up to the dias. This lady is a very respected professional in her 60s doing amazing caring work with the bereaved and dying. She was forced to kneel down beside SR while he embraced her closely and put his hand on her chest. I could see her face and she was clearly deeply embarrassed and uncomfortable. SR proceeded to stroke her face, looking deeply into her eyes. When she pulled back slightly he turned to the 250 people in the audience and said: ‘This is none of your business, turn away.’ So 250 people (except me) twisted around in their seats and looked the other way. If that is not crowd manipulation and audience abuse, I don’t know what is. At the very least it shows complete ignorance or disregard for Western social mores ethical behaviour.
    I will not go back and I will not have anything further to do with Rigpa. I am very very sad that the wonderful people amongst the instructors and pupils that I met are being seriously duped. They do not deserve this sort of treatment. I wish them all well.


  13. “Thank you for your kind advice on Dharma” Its about time somebody gave you somel youve waited long enough

    “I try to keep in mind” There you go again, getting it wrong!


  14. Thank you for your kind advice on Dharma. I try to keep in mind.


  15. Met him thanks-so I Do have the right to form an opinion
    He seduced my close friends girlfriend,,destroying their relationship and leaving him to become destitute and mad-so I do have the right to an opinion, based on direct experience.
    Your views on Nyingma and Kagyu are sectarian (NOT TO MENTION , BASED ON EXPERIENCE OF INDIVIDUALS, NOT THE TRADITION), another manner in which the dharma will be destroyed THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX


  16. “Dza Patrul Rinpoche or Chatral Rinpoche to see if their discipline is any less rigorous than followers of other traditions. What you will find is that genunie practritioners of any of the Buddhist traditions place proper moral conduct at the very foundation of their practice…”

    Makes me smile, but I will not say why :) (and rest in peace: you will not guess the reason right) I happen to know some Kaguy persons – and I must say that there’s a difference in their way of being. Not so relaxed, but I could be generalizing. I just feel at home with Nyingmas, don’t know why.

    “the deepest hells are reserved for those who break tanric precepts”: perhaps that is the reason why the high lama, which I know, has not abandoned the monk’s robes for Ngakpa robes.

    “So leave others to make thier decisions rather than propagandising”

    What am I propagandizing? That Pema is a liar. Well, it’s a fact. For the rest I – of course – give the choice for all humans to decide for themselves – as I have freedom of choice. But the more genuine image you will get by meeting SR yourself than from any description, weather positive or negative.


  17. “And if you like to send me to ‘hell’ in your mind, be my guest. (I wonder what school are you following? Sounds a bit Kaguy or – even a bit Western Aroish. They are a bit strict, I believe”

    ActualIy it is karma rather than any external force which sends you to hell (not the thought of others), and the deepest hells are reserved for those who break tanric precepts, irregardless of the fact that others may be doing the same. “Kagyu or Aroish-they are abit strct I believe” Clearly you know nothing of Buddhism in general which requires stirct adherence to moral discipline as a foundation to good practice, irregardless of tradition. I cannot speak for Aro since I know nothing of its lineage. However, to suggest that the Kagyu is strict, in the sense of it being any stricter than the other Tibetan traditions is a comment worthy of ridicule. SInce you are a follower of Sogyal, I suspect you consider yourself a follower of the Nyingma. I suggest you examine the lives of the great contemporary saints such as Dza Patrul Rinpoche or Chatral Rinpoche to see if their discipline is any less rigorous than followers of other traditions. What you will find is that genunie practritioners of any of the Buddhist traditions place proper moral conduct at the very foundation of their practice

    “I’m where I am and with the people I am with. It’s my decision to change my course if I want to”

    So leave others to make thier decisions rather than propagandising


  18. So sorry if I used the word monk from a person who wears monk’s robes. If that makes the whole difference to the issue discussed.

    Maybe, if we anyway come from Christian cultures, we could examine what this means in Christian Church:

    Augsburg’s Confession:
    VIII What The Church Is
    “Despite what hypocrisy may exist in the church (and among men), the Word and the Sacraments are always valid because they are instituted by Christ, no matter what the sins may be of the man who administers them.”

    Maybe that makes you sleep better at nights.

    I’m a beginner practitioner who likes to know what is the road ahead all about: I think then I have more ability to really engage myself into it. I don’t like to walk the road without sense of direction first. Then I’ll make up my mind if I go or if I don’t.

    If you have great devotion to your lama – and he is a saintly character – then just be happy for yourself. I’m where I am and with the people I am with. It’s my decision to change my course if I want to.

    I haven’t revealed something from Tantras that one cannot read from basic books. If you cannot notice that, then I think you don’t know much. And if you like to send me to ‘hell’ in your mind, be my guest. (I wonder what school are you following? Sounds a bit Kaguy or – even a bit Western Aroish. They are a bit strict, I believe.)




  20. Been a monk, spent years in India, lived in monasteries and with ngakpas. I know the vows very well thanks and I know the difference between a ngakpa and a monk th. In case you havent worked it out, anyone can wear the robe but not all of those who do are monks (Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche for example) ONCE AGAIN THERE IS NO SUcH THING AS A MONK WHO HAS SEX Think ‘reasonable bigot’ or ‘police intelligence’ Theyre called oxymorons (look it up) Figures of speech that contain contradictory terms-‘sane lunatic’ get it?

    The book on what monks can and cant do is called THE VINAYA SUTRA as you woudlk know if you knew anything AT ALL ABOUT BUDDHISM

    As for books being on Amazon, that is down to the author and he/she will do their penance for their destructive actions, You will do your penance for yours, Just because everyone else nowadays is throwing themselves into the lower realms by revealing secrets, does that mean it doesnt matter if you do it? You know, Tantra iS f**d anyway, and so it doesnt matter. Your reasoning is infantile. yOU KEEP IT SECRET, YOU REAP THE RESULTS, THEY DONT AND THEY GET THEIRS

    i base my understanding SOLELY on the teachings i recieve from qualfied vajrayana masters not on the boks by unqualified Westerners that I read to help me get to sleep at night. In fact I dont use such books for reading purposes, only if I run out of toilet paper

    If youre a beginner, why dont you realise you are not in a fit position to advise others on where to go and who to study with? AND IF YOUR A BEGINNER, WHY ALL THE CLAIMS ABOUT THE MANY MASTERS YOU STUDIED UNDER AND THE YEARS OF PRACTICE YOU HAVE DONE UNDER SOGYAL?AND WHAT ABOUT All the tantra talk-if your a beginner, LEARN TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AS YOU ARE DESTROYING THE DHARMA DO you not remember saying any of that stuf about other masters and years of practice or are you just completely mad?

    Your devotion to SR is more to do with the kind of devotion football fans show than dharma practitioners, In devoting yourself in such a way, you become the one that turns RIGPA INTO A CULT OF PERSONALITY


  21. Better to go to Rigpa – and learn there what SR is all about and what Rigpa is all about. Do not rely on me … and do not rely on any ONE person’s view on SR, because we all have our own perspective towards the world. You should really find out for yourself. That is my advice: anything else would be directing to my view or somebody else’s view on SR.

    (For example: I have my experience about my neighbors, my other neighbor has a different experience about them… who’s view could explain 100% or even most about my neighbors’ humanity? It’s not a cultural relativistic view – it’s just how world is: it opens up to us from different angles, at different times.)


  22. Billy the Cat: I’m a beginner… haven’t ever stated to be else – or pretend to be guide to absolutely anyone. I’m not that narcissistic.

    Secondly: maybe you yourself are not extremely aware of Tibetan tradition and the vows – could it be? I see that I’ve seen more of Tibetan life than you (and it has happened in India, not in Rigpa). Whatever I have learnt in my life hasn’t much to do with SR, since I’m not living in his presence.

    I have already pointed you towards books that I’ve read – easily accessible also to Christians from the Amazon, if they have enough interest. You can have access to a lot of information through books written by Tibetans and Westerners about Buddhism. In case you pretend not to know it already?

    I’m not a best example of SR’s students, because I’m not following anything in a strict way. I’m sorry to disappoint you in this regard. I’m not very great example of a follower or a ‘cult’ member (even though I don’t consider Rigpa a cult), although you assume to know for a fact that I am. Better to go to Rigpa – and learn there what SR is all about and what Rigpa is all about. Do not rely on me… I’m just a beginner :)


  23. “This is simply a demonstration of ignorance. Ones monastic status is not ‘trumped’ by the fact one is a teacher-Monks who teach arent allowed to have sex and those who do arent monks. Again, there is no variation in these rules between the traditions: the vinaya is the vinaya (the monastic codes, including celibacy) and is followed by all monks, irregardless of Tibetan tradition. In short, if a monk has taken the monastic vows, he is not permitted to have sex, whether he teaches or not. I invite anyone to provide evidence to the contrary, evidence based on Buddhist scripture rather than, what they may have read in some book by some bloke who went too India for six weeks once..”

    I’d like to see an official order about this. I’ve been to India and have seen many Tibetan teacher -level monks who are married. Ordinary monks are not like that, but some already married teachers still wear their monk’s robes. One of them explained that he doesn’t dare to wear the next level’s robes – Ngakpa outfit – because he doesn’t think he can hold the Ngakpa view of one taste, rigpa state constantly. He is still a high level practitioner, married and teaches in a monastery in India.


  24. ‘When you have decreed that expressing support for the Wilder’s acquittal “says a lot about you”, I think you lose the moral standing to call anyone patronising.’

    In that case I’ll leave the moral highground to you, Madhair. I think the subject of Geert W is off topic in any case, and I was wrong to encourage it, but if this board was well moderated, both Bella and myself would have been re-directed. Also, I think Bellab wouldn’t have been given the freedom of speech you advocate to run riot over the subject of Sogyal Rinpoche. A troll is a troll is a troll. Enjoy your discussion, I won’t be responding.


  25. Come to think of it, bellab, who sees fit to recommend Sogyal to all and sundry as a bona fide Buddhist master has, in these pages, shown scant knowledge of basic Buddhist codes of moral discipline (how could it be otherwise) and has blurted out numerous secrets from higher Buddhist teachings, secrets concerning the activities of a select few of only the most advanced practitioners, as if they were matters of widespread public interest, In short, despite her claim to having ‘studied with many masters’; and to have sufficient knowledge of the faith to advise others as to the direction they should take, she has shown all the understanding of an absolute beginner on the Buddhist path.

    Now, forgive me if I’m wrong but, if I were gong to buy a car, my first port of call would be any colleague I considered thoroughly knowledgeable in the field of automobiles, not someone that didnt know the difference between a steering wheel and a carburettor. if this is the case even n such worldy issues, how much more important is it that we rely on the knowledgeable when it comes to making potentially life changing decisions such as choosing a spiritual master?

    Moreover, isnt it fair to say that we can judge a teacher by the disciple? If this is the calibre of disciple following Sogyal, (and we are talking about someone who has professed to follow him for many years) what does this say about Sogyal as a teacher? What does it say about the teachers ability to demonstrate appropriate moral conduct when his disciple does not even know ordained celibate monks are not permitted to engage in secual acts? What does it say about their tantric understanding and practice when their students do not even know their tantric vows in relation to discussing the issue of tantra publicly?

    In the final analysis, all that bellab’s contribution have done, apart from demonstrating her teachers inability to convey even basic ideas effectively, is that she is thoroughly unqualifed to advise others on who is or who is not an appropriate life guide. As for what her ignorance demonstrates about her teacher, in terms of his own abilities and discernement, Lord only knows what goes on in his ‘teachings'( And no, the use of that expression is not a slip up revealing closet Christian tendencies-Im a Buddhist who follows the same teachings and teachers and termas)


  26. bellab states: One more thing about the monk: I’m not sure if he has to keep his monastic vows, since he is a teacher. Sometimes there’s a difference (also between Tibetan Buddhist Schools) in thi regard. It could be that he is no longer obliged to be celibate.

    This is simply a demonstration of ignorance. Ones monastic status is not ‘trumped’ by the fact one is a teacher-Monks who teach arent allowed to have sex and those who do arent monks. Again, there is no variation in these rules between the traditions: the vinaya is the vinaya (the monastic codes, including celibacy) and is followed by all monks, irregardless of Tibetan tradition. In short, if a monk has taken the monastic vows, he is not permitted to have sex, whether he teaches or not. I invite anyone to provide evidence to the contrary, evidence based on Buddhist scripture rather than, what they may have read in some book by some bloke who went too India for six weeks once


  27. Anyone who incites racial hatred probably needs to be called for it.

    Calling someone out for something is not the same as restricting their speech.

    I’m all for free speech…

    Apparently not. The test of whether someone really supports free speech is in whether they are prepared to defend the right of speech for those they disagree with.

    … overly patronising tone.

    When you have decreed that expressing support for the Wilder’s acquittal “says a lot about you”, I think you lose the moral standing to call anyone patronising.


  28. “racial hatred”

    Islam is not a race.
    Wilders doesn’t hate muslims.
    He hates Islam (just like I do) because it’s a political ideology as much as a religion. Islamic politics are disgusting to me.


  29. “Are you serious? I, also, was happy he was acquitted (free speech and all that). Does that say something about me too?”

    Anyone who incites racial hatred probably needs to be called for it.

    “Try not to dig at others when it really isn’t called for.”

    Funny you say that, when on the other hand you advocate free speech. I’m all for free speech, but don’t appreciate your overly patronising tone.


  30. One more thing about the monk: I’m not sure if he has to keep his monastic vows, since he is a teacher. Sometimes there’s a difference (also between Tibetan Buddhist Schools) in thi regard. It could be that he is no longer obliged to be celibate.


  31. About the Buddhist monk-lama: I forgot to say that he is younger than me. Does it make a difference? Is he still abusive? He could be a bit naive, maybe?


  32. “Why Hitler wasnt such a bad guy after all?” You better ask your muslim friends about that!


  33. Buddha taught that ALL beings have Buddha nature.
    Muslims, despite practicing an opressive belief system, are sentient beings like ourselves. I suggest those Rigpa ‘Buddhists’ who wish to express anti Islamic sentiments keep them to themselves, for fear that they blacken the name of the whole of Dharma.
    What next from the crackpot bellab? Why Hitler wasnt such a bad guy after all?


  34. Nice. Says a lot about you. He’s a nasty piece of work.

    Are you serious? I, also, was happy he was acquitted (free speech and all that). Does that say something about me too?

    Try not to dig at others when it really isn’t called for.


  35. Nice. Says a lot about you. He’s a nasty piece of work.


  36. Today is my lucky day: Geert Wilders was acquitted! I’m so happy!
    (Even though that has nothing to do with SR case – just to let you know of my other human interests…)


  37. What is the difference between abuse in the Catholic Church and the Buddhist faith
    a) They are completely different
    b) they are exactly the same?


  38. Maybe we could have a vote on bellas last post
    How many people should a ‘celibate’ monk be allowed to screw before alarm bells are rung
    b) 10
    c) 1000

    When does such behaviour constitute abuse:
    a) immediately
    b) after 10 victims
    c) after 10 suicides?

    When is the best time to root out cancer:
    a) as soon as it is diagnosed:
    b) when the whole system is riddled with it?


  39. Nemesis has given good advice.I f you are in Rigpa and reading these blogs because deep down you know something is not right.maybe alarm bells are ringing but you are not sure why…then i urge you to trust your doubting mind and switch back on your powers of rational thinking.Read all the excellent information out there on cults and the many ways that intelligent people can be so easily manipulated… all too familliar sickening pattern will begin to reveal itself.It takes a lot of courage to face the fact that you have been a victim and that what you thought was good and true is rotten to the core but once you see it for what it is then you are on the path to liberation


  40. I rest my case-totally lost.


  41. You don’t have clue.

    If some woman wants to have a relationship with SR – and believe me: MANY do, at least on the level of fantacy. Others don’t : they wouldn’t want to be in a position of female student with male teacher. What can I do when in then past decades women threw themselves on SR – and even still some do. If they are under 30 years of age, I’m concerned, because I think they really don’t know what they are up to. The older – if they are not mentally unstable – should know what they are doing. I would like to trust that SR would be able separate the mentally unstable women, but I don’t know if does. Anyway: most of us so ‘confused’ that we are very unfit for any sexual relationship with any lama.

    I also happen to know a monk, a sexy monk teacher, who is very popular among women. He once hinted me towards ‘a sexual relationship’ by telling that he already had had another woman. Monks don’t normally talk like that with women, do they? Should I now bring him to court? Or should I just say “No, thanks” and ignore the event? Should I start telling his serious students what he hinted me? Do I want to spoil their day? Was I almost abused by this innocent monk? I don’t really know.

    Do you know?


  42. Since bella was not there and didnt witness it herself, she also denies the existence of a) the holocaust, b) the big bang c) all countries she has bot actually visited,d) her own birth (since she doesnt remember it.)

    Please, anyone reading this, read back through the pages on Sogyal-There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence tosupport the abuse claims: TV programmes, numerous articles in reputable broadsheets, first hadn testimony from ex RIGPA members. No libel actions have been taken out and, on the contrary payouts totalling millions of dollars have been made to silence critics Even RIGPA itself’s official resonse does not deny the allegations, but smokescreens the issue by claiming it does not respond to individual allegations

    On the other hand, bellab responds continuously with the same old rhetoric, claiming everyrhing is a lie and her holy guru is perfect in ever way,. She even accepts that he has been having sex with disciples BUT THAT IS COMPLETELY MORALLY PERMISSIBLE as far as she is concerned.

    The person concerned rants on about ‘tantra’ as if that justifes the abuse and makes repeated ad hominem attacks agains critics. I would warn anyone interested in learning the truth about Sogyal against listening to what she says as she exhibits all the characterisitcs of a branwashed cult member. Read both sides of theargument and decide for yourself


  43. I have NEVER said those things didn’t happen. If you had the energy or nerve to read all my posts since the beginning, you would have known that.

    I have said: in real life I’ve known about the accusations almost all the time I’ve been visiting Rigpa. I have asked questions. I have kept my eyes open. I haven’t seen anything.

    I have also talked to some older students who have been there for 20-35 years and they also told me their own experience, which is non-abusive.

    I have only read the stories in the internet.

    Pema I don’t trust a bit. She has propagated a whole load of slander along the way. Telling she knows it all, she has tried to publish a book for years, but no-one has published the book, it seems. She never told a single detail, just over-all slander (without details her stories are very general – and could apply to any priest/master in the world). There’s your ‘evidence’.

    Tiger Lily has spoken about recent events that I may be able to find traces to.

    If it was your husband or your wife that we were talking about here, how would you react: if you have only had positive experience, met people who have had positive experiences with your spouse – and then you come across in the internet that your spouse was beating up people, raping them, smoking cigars, drinking alcohol, watching porn, misusing finacies (in what?) and so on… What would you likely to believe: what you see and know – or the stories in the internet?


  44. PS Pema/MF. yours and Sogyals bete noire, is no longer the only one, nor has she been for some time; who are all the other people who post here? yet more MF alter egos?. Ad hominem attacks, as has been said before, are one of the most disgusting, low minded cult tactics there is for undermining the opinions of opponents. Your persistent use of the tactic only undermines your own position. Each time you open your mouth you put your foot in it, and the hole you dig for RIGPA and Sogyal with your comments,which demonstrate all the openness of a Scientologist listening to a psychiatrist, just gets deeper and deeper. Keep it up-here is some more rope.


  45. No darling, you are lying to yourself and the whole world about the sexual abuse that Sogyal has perpetrated down the years, abuse of which there is now clear and significant evidence in the public domain. Newspapers, talk about it, TV programmes are made about it, Buddhists know about it but, according to you, it didnt happen.
    So, all those Buddhists,TV producers and journalists, not to mention plaintiffs in legal actions and those who have gone tosuch orgainzations as INFORM and DI to discuss their abuse are liars. The only one who knows the trutn is you. Think about it


  46. Lying about what? My own experiences in Rigpa which are not sex-related at all?

    In fact the only time a new student (just an ordinary male) tried to lure me into ‘something’ SR actually stopped the thing escalating. He protected me – and the ‘newbie’ also felt ashamed of his attempt to use another person on a retreat for his own ‘pleasure’.

    If you think I’m lying about Pema, then read everything here and judge for yourself. It’s all here: no need to ‘go out there’.


  47. You are lying-is that the best you can do-watch the documentary,, read the newspaper articles and stop lying


  48. Pema is the main – and almost the only – person who claims to know it all, but she doesn’t actually reveal anything specific. Mostly she bursts out swear words and all-compassing slander which has no point at all. Is that trustworthy? No. Why shouldn’t I remind her of her own mistakes? I told so months ago that I would correct her.


  49. Bellab

    ‘Especially now that even the pope is being prosecuted’

    Are you suggesting that Sogyal, like all the abusers who have come to light in the Catholic Church, ais actually innocentr of all charges? If so, how come RIGPA have not prosecuted the Canadian TV station for broadcasting libellous material. The usual reasons for not prosecuting when potentially libellous material is broadcast are:
    A) It’s true
    B) The accused are afraid of stirrnign up publicity that might damage there moral reputation and finances

    Ad homine attacks against accusers, such as the one against MF you yourself have launched, are usually the first line of defence for devious cult abusers. How strange and entirely conicidental that you should therefore launch such an attack


  50. I don’t think the documentary is made by Mary Finnegan – it’s made by a reputable Canadian TV production company


  51. Any ‘documentary’ made by Mary Finnigan is a not reliable. I’m sorry. Read this post.

    People need scandals …. Some thrive on them.

    Especially now that even the pope is being prosecuted…

    Read all posts on these pages. You’ll see the character of Mary Finnigan. One can judge some of this whole movement just by getting familiar with Mary Finnigan or Pema.


  52. @ Pamela

    Any comments that contain two or more weblinks get placed into a moderation queue, where they remain until approved by one of the administrators.


  53. primetime is and the frontline is


  54. suggest people contact primetime and the frontline to cover this issue using footage from the show


  55. below, please find a copy of an email i’ve sent to primetime as I think they are the best vehicle for this on rte tv. if others can also contact them on, that might help. i’ve included links and contact details for various people who might be able to help from information i’ve found on google, so i hope this is correct but i’ve blanked out here in case any issue with posting numbers or emails on a blog response


    Canadian TV recently showed a documentary produced by Cogent Berger productions called s”ex scandals in religion – in the name of enlightenment”. This was part of a series of programmes focussing on abuse and exploitation in different faiths from Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, it exploded the comforting belief we sometimes have that sort of thing only happens in Christianity.The programme entitled “in the name of enlightenment” was particularly interesting to me as i’ve had some experience of the buddhist group Rigpa that it spoke about and i’ve now left that group – you can see more on the clip below.

    This group is particularly active in Ireland with large amounts of people attending courses and retreats with it every year and it has a network of centres around the country. It is growing with planning permission for a large temple recently granted in Cork and i think people should know more about what they are getting invovled with before they jump in. I am currently in counselling regarding my exit from this group and I can’t describe to you how difficult this is and i know of many people who have been emotionally damaged in a severe way from their experiences. Itis a cause of great sadness to me and many others that this group has grown at such a rate in ireland and that little attention is shone on the fact that its founder and main guru has a past and present that is worth exploring. The relationship between a student of buddhism and their teacher or guru is akin to that between a therapist and a client or a doctor and patient and the crossing of boundaries that has occurred with many people with Sogyal Rinpoche and how this is covered up by Rigpa is shocking. People are often told if they complain or question they will go to hell and that to question is wrong – you can read more here. If you believe you will go to hell for questioning, you can’t imagine how traumatic that situation is.


    Further information on Rigpa is available from Mike Garde of Dialogue Ireland, who has done great work through his website to educate people and also from the Guardian journalist Mary Finnegan, who is presently writing a book on these issues. About two years ago, President McAleese visited the main Rigpa centre in Cork and met with the Tibetan Buddhist master Sogyal Rinpoche, at the centre of this controversy, this featured in the Sunday Times article below.

    Mike Garde can be contacted at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXXXX


    I understand that Inform based at the London School of Economics also featured a speaker a few years at a confernece about experiences in Rigpa.

    I’ve provided you with the above background and links in the hope that you may explore further and make people aware of what is happening – I feel physically sick writing this email as even in the midst of counselling, I still feel fear and anxiety that I am somehow betraying Rigpa. I cannot do otherwise – please contact Mike Garde, Mary Finnegan and others and the people who made the Canadian documentary []

    and see if it’s possible to bring these issues to the attention of the Irish public before other people are duped or put in harm’s way. A lot of people in Ireland give a large amount of time and money to Rigpa with the best of intentions and they are kind people as individuals I’m sure but at the core of the organisation there is this spectre of abuse and breach of fiducucary duty which cannot be ignored and it is defended by many in the hierarchy. As people seek for new beliefs or direction, it would be all too easy to fall prey to this group and their presence in Ireland is significant. Please take some time to research this issue so that others may not suffer the breach of trust and deep emotional turmoil that so many have already done.

    Thank you


  56. Its not Earthlink TV — its Vision TV.

    Strictly speaking it is Cogent/Benger.


  57. Does anyone know if Sogyal slept with Ryan Giggs?


  58. The sooner this programme can be viewed worldwide, the sooner this nasty piece of work can be taken out of circulation. Sogyal ‘Rinpoche’ is clear evidence of everything that was wrong with the tulku system in Tibet, where even the wisest still made the mistake of appointing tulkus becuase they came from rich families or looked like they might bring money in Sogyal and Tsem Tulku are both examples of this (but there were and are hundreds, thousands more)
    The time of beign duped by Tibetans shold soon come to an end-Theyre not all bad but there are so many gullible westerners around nowadays, the corresponding dodgy Tibetans are also rearing their ugly heads, getting ready to take them for a ride


  59. Er sorry — Earthbook.


  60. Its not Earthlink TV — its Vision TV. Earthlink is simply a web presence. The item will also be shown on Bold TV in Canada and negotiations are underway with broadcasters in the USA, France and Australia. I suggest people in Ireland should petition their broadcasters show this documentary. Especially as Sogyal’s empire building activities are now focussed on a vastly expensive, wholly inappropriate temple project underway at Dzogchen Beara.


  61. I dont know if anyone has read Rigpa’s response on the channel website but basically it says
    * We have complete faith in Sogyal
    * We are unwilling to respond to individual allegations
    *We take all allegations seriously
    So, Sogyal can do no wrong, we dont want to talk about it but, honest, we’re listening (but we arent going to do anything about it)
    If the teacher is disingenuous and devious, how can the infrastructure below him ever be any different?


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