

They say that they are not a cult….here is an extract from an article written by Gudni Gudnason:

“This article is written in the hopes that you may understand why people chose to learn from a Mystery School and why this is not a cult, which so many people fear. This article explains the simple truths about who are the people behind the Mystery School and its tradition and how they “only” serve and do not seek to control the students. To begin with it is important that you know that we are not a religion and we do not represent any religion on this planet. We are not political nor are we of any type of sect or group with a specific philosophy that has in the past controlled people. We are a school and people come to learn from us and then they can leave any time at the end of their seminar, if they so chose. There are no members here!”

Actually, there is Membership – student cards, with membership numbers are issued. And while everyone is free to leave, in reality it is not that simple. Because when a student decides to step away – in the case of the Ritual Masters, they are now told that they will no longer be under the protection of the High Council of Gor and it is also impressed upon the student that their lives will fall apart as they are now going off into the wilderness, stories of how it has been known that some students have even committed suicide gets relayed. They are told that they have surrendered to the Dark forces. These students are then spoken of amongst the members as examples of how they have succumbed to Evil and they are shunned, as if they had never existed. A total contradiction to the “We are all Brothers and Sisters, one Human Family, we are all Gods and Goddesses” platitudes that they love to trot out, but in reality they never practice these preachings. So of course, yes, students are free to leave, but only after fear has been instilled in their minds. It is for this very reason that a number of students who desperately want to leave, are frozen in fear and stuck there – within the Modern Mystery School Matrix.

“Cults can be identified by three characteristics:

·         a charismatic leader who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose their power

·         a process I call coercive persuasion or thought reform

·         economic, sexual, and other exploitation of group members by the leader and the ruling coterie

A cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea, or thing, and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control designed to advance the goals of the group’s leader, to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community.

These groups tend to dictate, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, claim a special exalted status for themselves and/or their leader(s), and intensify their opposition to and alienation from society at large.

What is Mind Control?

Mind control (also known as “brainwashing,” “coercive persuasion,” and “thought reform”) refers to a process in which a group or individual systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s).

Such methods include the following:

·         extensive control of information in order to limit alternatives from which members may make “choices”

·         deception

·         group pressure

·         intense indoctrination into a belief system that denigrates independent critical thinking and considers the world outside the group to be threatening, evil, or gravely in error an insistence that members’ distress – much of which may consist of anxiety and guilt subtly induced by the group – can be relieved only by conforming to the group

·         physical and/or psychological debilitation through inadequate diet or fatigue the induction of dissociative (trance-like) states via the misuse of meditation, chanting, rituals and other exercises in which attention is narrowed, suggestibility heightened, and independent critical thinking weakened

·         alternation of harshness/threats and leniency/love in order to effect compliance with the leadership’s wishes isolation from social supports pressured public confessions”

Please keep this in mind as you read the on ….the Truth about this Mystery School…..


The name of the Modern Mystery School game is mind control and manipulation – a fear-based operation – a cult, disguised….and these are the rules…..

First and foremost, the school functions as a Pyramid Scheme and it operates like this:

They play on people’s susceptibility to the “saviour” mentality with their marketing hype, which is always linked to the latest “Harry Potter”, “Super Woman”, “Star Wars (Jedi)”, “Game of Thrones”, “Vampire Diaries” type movies and TV Series… tandem with the latest Hollywood blockbuster and trends and buzzwords…or with the caption “Become amongst the top 10% of most successful people” as their advertising hype….and they prey upon the state of desperation that most people are in.

The hooks and the cycle go as follows – a free talk about Magick, or Kabbalah, or meditation, or the Dragon, Unicorn, Fairy, Mer classes or even if they just meet you and enter into a conversation they will start to harvest the Souls. They are instructed to use certain music by artists of Harmonic and Sound Healing Music, Solfeggio and Binaural Beats in their classes, which automatically put the students in a trance-like, dreamy, receptive state. So in reality, they are conning the student into believing that the energy these Teachers and Healers are working with is of high frequency from the Hierarchy of Light, but it’s actually the raising of the frequencies and energy felt is because of the music.

They will garner and glean the particular issues each person is dealing with in their lives – and prey on that by saying – ‘Oh, you absolutely need a Life Activation…..this will give you abundance in your life…..this will give you more….and discovering your Life Purpose….that will transform your life…..very enticing to someone who is in hardship and struggle….

Once the client has been recruited with the Life Activation – at $250 or thereabouts , the next steps will be to get them to come for healings….”Oh, you need, you must have a King Salomon Mind Region Healing” – this comprises of 10 sessions…. At just $2 500 or thereabout….or a drug detox….$3500…and so on…or a myriad of other healings at $140 a session, which of course, at the end of your session, will be suggested to you that you will need to come back for another healing which will complement the one you just had….The cost for a Healing Session by Gudni and Dave are in the region of thousands of dollars per session.

And then you need to have the Galatic Activation at around $600…….

The next step of the recruitment agenda is to convince them to attend the Empower Thyself class and be initiated into the School… just $850 or thereabouts….

Now you are in the school, the next step of the recruitment and quota game is that they now tell the client something like this…”oh, you are a Healer….I see the symbol lit up in your Aura”….now they use mind-control to play to the client’s rescuer and saviour complexes and implant the seed that the client is a Healer and to attend the Healers Academy at around $1 900 – $2000 or thereabouts ….….and also using the hook, that they too can have their own Spiritual Business….. but first they will have to attend the various pre-requisite classes – at around $80 each…and from this point on, you are in the recruitment system yourself….there are quotas of how many people you must harvest for Life Activation – and you it is mandatory for you to attend an annual recertification event and pay for this, to be on their Website as a Certified Life Activation Practitioner. If you do not recertify – you may not offer this service and all that money that you have invested, goes down the tubes…..and they go around telling everyone that you are evil and working for Satan if you do offer the Life Activation without obtaining the recert.

Then students are co-erced into attending Healers Academy Week 2 – at around $2 250 – $2500….and here, there is also a recertification for some of the Healings that you are now trained in… at a cost of $150 or thereabouts…and again, if you do not, you may not offer The Full Spirit Activation and other Healings if you do not Recert.

And then… absolutely need to attend the Kabbalah classes – a 10 month programme at $ 3600 or thereabouts, plus retreat costs….

Then the next recruitment step is to become a Guide…..”The Hierarchy of Light” has said that your Contract with God is to be a Guide and initiate Souls into the Mystery School….but you have to apply for this to be accepted – (after having planted the seed and thus making out as if this is actually your idea) – the cost for this – $100 application fee plus $3 500 or thereabouts for the Initiation…this excludes all the paraphernalia and supplies you will need once you are an Initiated Guide, which you may only purchase through Head Quarters – an example of costs of these supplies:


Set of 5



Pack of 5



Pack of 5



Pack of 5



Pack of 5



Pack of 5






























Full set





* Sage Spray bulk

min. 5*


* Sage Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*



7 sprays in 1 set





*Crown Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Crown Chakra Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





*Third Eye Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Third Eye Chakra Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





* Throat Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Throat Chakra Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





*Heart Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Heart Chakra Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





*Solar Plexus Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Solar Plexus Chakra Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





*Hara Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Hara Spray Wholesaler cost

min. 25*





*Root Chakra Spray bulk

min. 5*


*Root Charka Spray Wholesaler cost

Then the next steps is now to get these students recruited to the Ritual Master Programme $7 000 in total for the various levels…playing on the “Warrior-SuperHero” mentality….and saying that the Hierarchy of Light says you are ready and the symbol is lit up in your aura”….. planting the seeds again (which you need to apply for – total mind control manipulation and the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) -, plus the Warriors of Light and Enochian Training and Temple training, which excludes the Ritual Master costs ….and so on all the way up to School of the Mage….which costs over $1 million…for 3 weekends….

Bear in mind, as well, that just like in Scientology – the contents of the various classes gets changed, so you now have to attend those classes again….at a price of course….for example, they rename the classes and suddenly down the line, instead of Adam Kadmon, it is now Galactic Activation – to make it more hip and resonate with the buzzwords of the day – so you now have to redo this class, because of the extra material added….and then, suddenly, we have another extra two classes that you need to complete for this activation….same with Empower Thyself….which suddenly got a Galactic piece tacked on…so now those who were initiated originally has to retake that class – at a cost….the glib explanation is that we are now in the New Paradigm and so we have to adapt……and then any student or teacher who has a class or a healing of their own cannot use that unless they get approval from Gudni and pay him Royalties….however, in the next breath, they say that all these classes, teachings, healings are unchanged for 3000 years…..

Not to mention that if a Teacher has taught a class incorrectly, the students have to retake the class – and pay the Teacher for that same class again…..

And as another example of how they find ways to milk more money out of the students…All Ritual Masters were instructed that it was mandatory to be re-initiated into the new energy as Bringers of Light (and in case anyone has not made the connection – Lucifer in Latin means “Light Bringer”) – even new Gi had to be bought…..and everyone had to travel to Toronto….

Now it sounds like it could be a very lucrative business for all these Healers…..however that is far from the truth….remember, this school operates as a Pyramid Scheme and it is only those in Leadership at the very pinnacle of the Capstone who reaps the riches of all those under them…

As the costs are so high for the mandatory International Programmes they have each year, (and when you arrive, make sure you have lots of cash, as usually there will suddenly be a mandatory item you need to purchase from the Headquarters Shop) – in Brazil, London, Toronto and Japan – and all costs are cash only – as well as the costs for all the travel and accommodation, not to mention all the supplies, books, manuals that is mandatory (interesting how they are forced to use all these external things – when all Power comes from Within) –  and can only be sourced through MMS INT….any money that has flowed into your business flows straight back out and into the School and you do not operate at a profit….and that is how it works ……and most of these Healers, who do not have the support and backing of benefactors all rely on credit cards and are in serious debt….Leadership does not care how you manage to scrape this money together – you must find a way and if you cannot …then you are stripped of your status as Healer, Guide, Ritual Master and may no longer offer any of the services you have trained in thus far … although with all the activations and initiations that is purported to bring so much abundance – money, friends, family, joy, peace – into your life, most of these students are miserable, they themselves say amongst themselves that this is just a :money-making racket” – they are under constant pressure to produce their quotas, they are deep in debt, marriages and relationships break up, selling their houses and assets to attend these mandatory programmes, they do not have much joy in their lives and are now a slave to this system – they have invested so much time, energy, money into this school that they do not have the time and freedom to do and experience much of life outside of the school curriculum. These privileges lie with the top echelons only.


So now, I will document for you just some of the experiences that students have had in this school…..and will demonstrate the absolute hypocrisy and outright fraud and lies that Leadership has perpetrated upon their students….who are so brainwashed and indoctrinated to not question anything….. even though  this School supposedly to Empower people, actually succeeds in doing the opposite….

Keep in mind that both Gudni and Dave and other teachers have told the students on numerous occasions that they will lie to them. This is supposedly to hone the students sense of discernment…a very clever ploy indeed – so that when confronted with all the lies that they spout – they will revert back to that statement – a great way to cover themselves….

Firstly, let me deal with the statement that is made that Modern Mystery School is the True Lineage and that Gudni Gudnason is the True Lineage Holder in the Lineage of King Salomon…

Gudni has trademarked that spelling, which someone on Dialogue Ireland has this to say about that….

“Reading through the testimonies on this site, it’s clear enough that MMS is shamelessly dishonest. Allow me to share one example more that many people don’t understand, but it reveals how shameless MMS is. You ask why does MMS spell the name of King Solomon with an A in its marketing (“Salomon”)? Many have asked this because it makes no sense? It doesn’t make sense because it’s wrong!! I witnessed Dr. Theresa Bullard who teaches MMS Kabbalah explain that “Salomon” is “closer to the original pronunciation” (“Shalmn”) and she then proceeded to completely misspell the name in Hebrew: “shin, aleph, lamed, mem, nun”. In Hebrew, שאלמן. See the second letter, the א (aleph)? Remember please because it’s important. I had a shock because all of these things are wrong. Solomon’s name in the original Hebrew is שלמה (sounds like “Shlomo”). It’s how he appears in the scripture and it’s how one refers to King Solomon even today. In Semitic languages, often words come from a 3-letter root (in this case, שלם, indicating “wholeness” “completion”). It is why our words are often smaller than the English. So now you understand the name of King Solomon (שלמה המלך)!!Perhaps you refer to the name as one spells in Latin (“Salomon”). Ok fine, but don’t mistake Latin with Hebrew or rewrite history! It’s wrong. Dr. Bullard’s spelling only makes sense (pardon me) to a person with no training in Hebrew language or the Tanakh. She is a doctor of … what? Not religion or linguistics, certainly. There is no aleph, there never was, and even if there was, it’s doesn’t equate to the English A. Sometimes aleph is silent or a glottal stop. Sometimes it holds space for some vowel. But this doesn’t matter because as I have explained to you above, Dr. Bullard misspells the name entirely and it contains no aleph at all, or half the other letters she claims. Why must you teach Kabbalah if you haven’t read your Bible or know Hebrew? Why do you spread false information? So then I think, what is the point to INSISTING you spell “Salomon”? Is it ignorance or something sinister? Maybe to make an intellectual property claim? With a suspicion, I researched trademarks online and see the MMS has indeed trademarked the name “King Salomon” (with the A) for its products. So yes, they spread false information about holy scripture so they can claim ownership and make money. Shameless. Interesting because the Israeli center for this cult uses the correct שלמה on its website, but the English speaking teachers spread this discrepancy. They cannot get their story straight. You may verify my above story in Dr. Bullard’s recent comments on her Facebook wall, I suggest soon before she can remove them. A friend suggested the MMS to me but after doing my research, no thank you. Too much nonsense and lies.”…….

This school has also been re-named – from the Rocky Mountain Mystery School to the Modern Mystery School, which name has been directly lifted from a sentence on the B.O.T.A. website…The True Lineage Holder is Laurie – his ex-wife. And some of the material in the Modern Mystery School has been authored and co-authored by Laurie and these are the authorised handing-downs. The rest of the stuff he is teaching he has not been authorised to hand down. It seems some people have awakened to this fact and is challenging this as suddenly in almost every post on FB and advert, Gudni is now being referred to as “Founder Gudni”….So, regardless of whether the School gets another name change, or a change in Leadership, students will continue to drink from the “poisoned well.”

Students are instructed not to go onto the Internet to search for Rituals that have been handed down….well no wonder, because it is all there – for all to see….so students are paying a fortune for information that is freely available. And amazingly….there is even a quote from Dune – the movie that came out in 1984…. T”he Mentat mantra (From David Lynch’s movie and a game made by westwood) ….. “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion” All those who have been taught the Magick Circle will recognise that phrase…..Now you know where it comes from. And they would like to perhaps explain that away as David Lynch was an Initiate – however, the School was not open to the public then…..and the Golden Dawn had been closed long before that.

The Pattern of the Trestle Board is on the B.O.T.A. website, the Calling Upon, The Abe Male Spiritus, The Kabbalistic Cross – which are copyrighted – all found on this website:, – yet Gudni has copyright these in the Cheribums Flames and all his other material…You just need to do some research and you will find them all…..Most of these Rituals have been lifted from the Golden Dawn – and Aleistair Crowley – who was an Initiate of the Golden Dawn, but who was kicked out and practised the Dark Arts….

It is quite strange that confirmed Satanists are using the hand gestures of the Calling Upon Ritual that is taught in a School of Light?

Here is a YouTube video (there are a quite a few out there) – where these Hollywood celebrities are outright admitting to serving Satan: – SO MANY CELEBS SOLD SOUL TO SATAN FOR FAME AND FORTUNE THESE DAYS”. Lady Gaga, (whom Gudni venerates as an amazing artist) etc….

And now let’s have a look at the hypocrisy that is spouted….on the one hand – they claim this is not a Cult …. as you can see in this excerpt of an email to the Guides who have not managed to recruit their allotted quotas of Souls into the School – it is clear to see that the students are guilted and threatened with losing their hard-earned levels of progression back down the ladder – (which is just yet another ploy and means to reap in more money into the coffers of the machine):

As many of you know I have demanded from the Admin of MMS INT that we eliminate those Guides who are not working, since this is causing me to have Karma that I don’t need. This Karma almost killed me last year and I am not willing to endure that anymore for those who are not willing to accept their holy Guidehood and in part the lineage that we are supposed to hold so dear” … So when choosing NOT to evolve on this path we are saying to evil; “You have won! I will not excel to the highest level on my path and in my lineage but rather hold myself back and cause damage to my lineage and the progression of light on the planet. To say NO to assisting people to come to the light, in saving people from evil and darkness, in saying NO we are turning our back to the LIGHT, and it is that simple! You have failed to conquer your own evil, the evil that stops you from doing the real work of a Guide, to initiate people to the light and bringing salvation to their soul! This was and is YOUR choice!!!! As such I cannot understand and see how I can allow the same individuals to serve on my Third Order Quorum nor receive teachings and handing downs accordingly. So as of now, any 3rd stepper who does not qualify as a Guide or has not applied to be a Guide will also lose their 3rd level RM status and I will ask the Hierarchy to release them from that duty. As you all know the Third Step initiation is one that is a contract between me and the initiate and I have to accept them and approve their initiation, so as I give it, so I can also take it away!”

So now here, he is blaming the students for causing him Karma and nearly killing him, because they did not recruit their allotted quotas….and very cleverly using the NLP tactic, playing on the students guilt now and making them believe they are serving the Dark. These Guides end up being locked in a room for hours as punishment for failing to recruit and having succumbed to the Dark……

If initiating Souls is what is needed to bring World Peace – then it should be done with no monetary fees attached.

And like all cults – using bullying and fear tactics are used to scare the students…. So now you have Guides conning people into being initiated into the School and the Healers Academy and Ritual Master Programmes just for the sake of achieving their quotas – when this may not even be the clients true calling and vocation, because now the Guides are petrified of ‘choosing evil” – see how the whole frequency of Initiation is now distorted – into getting numbers and the initiating of these Souls are just a means to a monetary end….Some Apprentice Guides have been known to pay for their clients out of their own pockets to take the Empower Thyself class to make up their numbers……

And like a corporation – Guides are awarded certificates for Best Guide…really? I would expect that kind of “recognition” in the corporate, business world, but in the world of “Saving Souls” – not so much.

The main tactic they use is to strip the Ritual Masters and Guides of their status at every turn and the rules changes all the time, using bullying and coercion tactics. They will turn student against student, creating cliques and division amongst each other, gossip is rife and the order of the day and the teachers themselves participate in this same behaviour – there is rivalry amongst the teachers that is not even hidden.

On the one hand, he blames others for his illness – (neglecting to owning and taking responsibility to the fact that it is his unhealthy addiction to coca cola, whipped cream, desserts, hedonistic lifestyle and so on and also his inner child issues that is having an impact on his ill health as well as his OWN karma he is incurring) –  by blaming others he has in effect disempowered himself and is in complete victimhood and denial – this from the Head of the School – an Ipsissimus no less! – and then on the other hand – the posts the unsuspecting public gets to read is this:

Since the early 1970`s I have been studying the Art of True Healing and its an interesting phenomena. True healing is first of all something we, ourselves are capable of and no one can heal us and we cant heal anyone else! The Art is not complicated but often its hard for people to accept the dynamics of healing such as Self Acceptance and Forgiveness of self and others”

And this brings us to all the Healing Modalities that this school offers – which claims to be so powerful and effective, the most powerful on the planet and wildly claims all sorts of magickal miracles, yet not one of the students – all the way up to Gudni himself, who has fallen  ill – and there has been many, many of these students who have succumbed to fatal illnesses – not one of them have been able to claim that any of these Healings brought them back to wholeness and health….all them end up pursuing alternative methods, as well as the normal everyday doctors and medicines to assist them in their recovery…..Why do they continue to use these healing modalities as a selling point, as when the chips are down, they themselves cannot even heal themselves using these healings? So it begs the question, why do you think this is?

And to the title of Ipsissimus – “An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and lives in perfect balance with the manifest universe. Essentially, the highest mode of attainment. “TheIpsissimus should keep the achievement of this final grade secret even from the rest of the Order and continue with the work of the Magus, while expressing the nature of an Ipsissimus in word and deed” Sadly this is not the case – this school is very big on throwing titles around and some of the other Leaders have been made Ipsissimus no -, which is actually meaningless really, if they do not walk the walk and talk the talk…but it gets used to suit themselves on the one hand, and then on the other – they say they are only human when challenged – well which is it – they cannot have it both ways.

Case in point, this is what is posted for the public to see:

It is so easy to fall into the trap of judgement and ego. This is a serious problem with a lot of people and I work on it every day myself to make sure the ego-demon does not get the better of me. Judgement is not mine to give, we never know enough about a person to truly understand them, so we can’t judge! JUST LOVE & RESPECT EACH OTHER AND BE HAPPY! LOVE”

And then this:

Dear God Above (what ever your `true`name is),…….As this time dear God, I would like to ask for one thing, AND ONE THING ONLY; please send us a Divine Being, an Angel or another powerful being that can come here to Earth and do just one thing: CURE STUPIDITY!!!! We have too many ignorant stupid people who do really stupid things and they hurt the human race enormously. So this is all I ask for, I will take my pain and my physical condition and I will endure that without asking you to help me, instead please just send us someone who can cure these people, to let them go from the bonds of STUPIDITY…”

And the constant judgements and accusations and labelling of Healers and Teachers who are not in the school as being evil and working for Satan – (mirror much?), because the only True teachings are to be found in his school…..and just because he is saying this, all his students are taught this and they are brainwashed into believing this as truth. Sounds a lot like every other major Religion I know that claims the exact same thing….But in truth, the real reason why these people are “evil” is because now they have left the school and the flow of money into the school has dried up.

He gives talks on how to live a simple spiritual life….yet does the complete opposite…..

“Today I gave two speeches here in Taipei, one at a Ceremony at a Daoist Shrine where I talked about how to live a simple spiritual life ……”

My whole life, I enjoy good food, good wine, good company and I love dressing up for any occasion. Every day is my last so I dress like I am going to church or something really special. Someone once asked me if I was trying to make a statement and I said no, its not about that. I dress for myself, to make myself feel good. Now if you are admired for your dress code then that makes us feel good, any person feels good if they are given a compliment but I am not trying to make a statement with my Dandy Code.

“Thinking of the Beach, Pebbles, Infinity… in my wives new design, a silk shirt and silk jacket with the same fabric used, wearing my new all real feathers bow tie, sitting at the International Jewelry show in Tokyo today, the largest private VIP Only show in Japan……

86 Responses

  1. Here are 22 condensed data points where I strongly recommend for those considering involvement in The Modern Mystery School to make an informed decision. There are many Red Flags which surround this Institution already that should be known up-front rather than in retrospect. The school has been gaining attention lately due to Miley Cyrus’s alleged involvement.

    1.) A Life Activation by MMS is not equal to 10 years of therapy, as advertised. This is misleading for guides to declare. In addition, the Alchemy Drops they advise you to consume for 6 weeks are made of an unknown liquid substance to supposedly help DNA. Is it glorified water or snake oil?
    2.) MMS attempts to teach you Magic guided by a Hierarchy of Light. Why do we need to learn Magic? Why is this an important solution to “what we’ve always been searching for” in life? Who are the Hierarchy and elemental beings exactly?
    3.) There is no “Christ Consciousness Grid” around the earth. I have also heard guides refer to this “Grid” as aliens who send light beams to earth. This seems to be something other than Jesus Christ. It should be simple, not complicated. The school conflates the will of God with the Hierarchy of Light. Since this teaching is unclear, the practice should be avoided because it’s confusing.
    4.) Pentagrams are a primary tool of MMS and it’s ceremonies. Pentagrams are worn as necklaces by most guides. They are also a tool in the spirit world used to interface with all sorts of entities, mostly negative. Is this really a Self-Development tool that you need?
    5.) Who is King “Salomon”? The King “Solomon” from the Bible became Pagan after turning away from God. MMS teachings are in alignment with the fall of King Solomon and the use of Solomonic Demon Conjuring/Magic. Their Great Work seems to be a deviation from what is true.
    6.) The Rocky Mountain Mystery School (Prelude to MMS) is not 3000 years old. It’s the same Pyramid marketing blueprint as Scientology and other cults in the modern age. It’s lucrative.
    7.) MMS does not own your accomplishments in life as they claim.
    8.) MMS has no authority to “change your spirit guides” or bind you to anything in the “Astral” world as they claim.
    9.) The Guides/teachers are not therapists. They are primarily pyramid marketing coaches who repeat platitudes about health and wealth to attract you. Not to mention they employ Neurolinguistic Programming to get you on board with certain beliefs and invest more.
    10.) At each level, you’re told you’ll receive 10x more light, 100x more light, 1000x more light, etc. How can light possibly be measured and quantified?
    11.) The organization is Knights Templar, Masonic, and Golden Dawn affiliated. It is governed by a Council of 12 Divinas/goddesses. It is also governed by 3 Ipsissimuses on the male side. The very many fancy titles they create and give to themselves are an exaggeration. Are we sure that MMS is not something else entirely at another level?
    12.) The Ensofic Reiki events are filled with love bombing to make you feel special. Once you’re there, they won’t stop following up with you until you’re Life Activated. Once you’re Life Activated, then won’t stop following up with you until you’re initiated and so on.
    13.) If you question things by using logic, they will tell you that “you aren’t trusting your heart enough and are too much in your head”. Or they may say, “you need to be initiated in order to know what it’s about”. If someone decides not to join, then they “weren’t ready to improve”. I would consider these actual quotes to be gaslighting when a recruiter guide claims to know what’s best in life for people they don’t know that well.
    14.) MMS has a “save the world” complex. The rest of us are mortals if we’re not fully aligned with Life Activation proselytizing. I’m not sure how this saves the world but they believe it does.
    15.) MMS will always market the next class, workshop, and seminar to you. This is strange because the first class was supposed to have given you that “quick fix” you needed already. It’s clear that they maintain sales quotas and the marketing never ends. You’ll be halfway through with one course and will already be hearing about how great the next one is.
    16.) They tell you to get rid of your blockages and fears around money so that they can access yours.
    17.) Unicorn Magic is another package. If you could really send unicorn images to someone telepathically, what’s the point other than showing off?
    18.) Wiccan Classes are offered by MMS and this is basically another term for modern witchcraft.
    19.) Their Youtube videos have strange, ominous, and gothic statues in the background. The higher level initiates wear attire that is rather gothic as well.
    20.) Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa, Jesus Christ, a few celebrities, etc. were all initiates according to MMS. However, this is a marketing ploy. Jesus’s name is conveniently used to attract followers, but his influence is drastically reduced by MMS. If Jesus was important to them, then the Gospels would be incorporated into their teachings instead of a Hierarchy of Light. MMS also puts Founder Gudni in the same succession as Jesus Christ. It’s quite a stretch.
    21.) The entities they attach to you will likely want something in return. (i.e. your soul). If you stop doing the rituals, it could be problematic. I wouldn’t recommend starting them in the first place. They teach that you can command the Angels, but the truth is likely opposite given our human limitations. I’d expect Angels, good and bad, to be savvier than humans.
    22.) In the founder, Gudni’s, timely retirement email announcement from April 2023, he states “So, in short, I will interpret the sacred mysteries and carve them into your hearts while chanting ‘You’re so, so stupid’ lol….”. What exactly was he saying to his most devout followers?

    P.S. After all of these points, I still think it’s fair to ask who does the MMS actually worship? The Nathors of the Galactic Federation, the Great White Brotherhood, a Hierarchy of Light, Elementals, Mermaid-Unicorns? It still remains very much unclear.


  2. I really recommend this post as giving a real insight through articles and an excellent video..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d like to share my experience after being involved in the School for over 5 years:

    1. It is deprived of LOVE – the kind of UNCONDITIONAL, UNSELFISH LOVE that requires sacrifice, that only a mother has for her child(ren), is completely missing at the School from top to bottom.

    2. It’s all about ME – I AM all that matters. It is so self-centred that you are essentially working for your EGO.

    3. There is no SERVICE, only TRANSACTIONS. The further you go, the more expensive it becomes, and the more pressure you have to meet the quota through the PYRAMID SCHEME.

    You do get some kind of ENERGY from the School. It is very POWERFUL, and MAGICAL. And this POWER is very seductive. But you will also be trapped, addicted. When you realise that, it is already too late because you’ve already invested so much and given up so much that you are left with nothing but this Path.

    The problem of the School is not the people, not even the leaders, but their SOURCE OF ENERGY. It is NOT PURE*. The best case scenario: one becomes an elf, a stone-hearted fairy. But remember, the final victory is not achieved by those magical beings, but the Hobbits. “It is in the acts of SACRIFICE that one finds HOPE. When times are dark, it may seem like a mistake to hope for such SELFLESSNESS, as it depends, as Tolkien describes it, on the behaviour of an individual in circumstances which demand of him suffering and endurance far beyond the normal, demand a strength of body and mind which he does not process.” The final redemption will not come from selfish pursuits, nor “spiritual superiority”; but only when one is willing to fall to elevate another person, to be in pain to assist another person, to truly care about others beyond oneself, CAN WE BECOME WHOLE.

    One of my spiritual teachers once taught me: if you want to check your spirit, if you want to check how much you are connected to the Divine, there are two signs:

    1. Love – meaning that whatever you do comes from a place of love; and
    2. Depth – because if you are shallow, you can’t find that Love.

    Do not let anyone take that LOVE away from your heart.

    If ever you are faced with a difficult choice down the Path, remember this: choose LOVE. Choose that SELFLESS LOVE, and you will be with the LIGHT.

    *Note: as to why the energy is not pure? See comment from luniticmind, on 4 September 2021 at 9:38 pm.


  4. RogerThat wrote:
    “First of all, I’d like to say that it’s a shame that this wordpress page is no longer one of the top google results. Somehow, it has been made less visible.”

    Some links from other sites to the articles, with MMS terms, would be helpful to raise these articles in the search-results for those terms. i.e. we can link from sites like Reddit or other ex-MMS communities to this site and help out the ranking of DI in the search-results.


  5. First of all, I’d like to say that it’s a shame that this wordpress page is no longer one of the top google results. Somehow, it has been made less visible.

    Second of all, in terms of my experience with MMS, i’d like to say that it was very very strange. It came at a time in my life when I was open to trying new ideas and explorations and looking for something greater. However, not all things are necessarily good to try these days. I was told that MMS would become so many things and would change my life. I would say it did change my life, but not for the better. My life stayed the exact same after all the empty promises and my life remained my responsibility. The empty promises and gaslighting are just tactics to get you in the door and to open up your pockets. Those who weren’t ready to get involved with MMS, “weren’t ready to transform and evolve” according to some of the guides who have quotas. How pretentious is that? If anything, those individuals who consciously chose to stay away from MMS are the most spiritually evolved in my opinion. Unfortunately, I had to experience MMS in order to find out that it is a Sham. While you’re sitting in one program, you’re also told that you are special and are eligible to get involved in other time wasting programs like Astral Travel or Unicorn Magic? WTF.

    In a nutshell, MMS uses pentagrams to connect you with spirit guides from a “hierarchy of light”. I think most people tend to overlook this huge RED FLAG aspect, which has nothing to do with Christianity. That’s for sure. In fact, MMS is pure demonology. Plain and simple. I don’t think anyone who is looking to join is consciously looking for this. It just happens to be the essence teaching of this organization and it’s very core. I wish they could just people this up front. No wonder the organization is becoming quite top heavy since it’s a pyramid scheme built on lies and stealing energy from unsuspecting seekers.


  6. Vice TV now has a mini docuseries on all the cults. MMS isn’t looking too good:
    Pls keep my email anonymous


  7. Thanks for your comment. I have added one word as you made a charge without evidence. Best wishes in your recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This school charges 400 dollars for a class that teaches you that fairies, elves, vampires and Atlantis are all real. It is a prerequisite for Healer’s Academy. So to make it to the “next level” (SO IMPORTANT for your growth, they say) you have to accept this garbage at face value and essentially traumatize your brain by forcing it to lie to itself. The deeper you go into these brainwashing cults, the more you are forced to deny your better judgment until your mind is not yours. Gudni and Lanyon dress like they pulled dusty old suits off the corpses of three 1800s stagecoach magicians. It is not normal or tasteful. I want to just take a moment to laugh at how fundamentally insecure these morons are. It isn’t funny that they are abusive, narcissistic professional rapists, but it is funny that in spite of the infinite eternal wisdom these people claim to possess, one look at their outfit tells you they are insecure. How dare these cold, empty losers capitalize on the suffering of people in one of mankind’s most confusing ages where so many are struggling for answers. How dare they use real, long-practiced spiritual concepts to justify selling a program whose content earns itself the title of Scientology’s Stoned Cousin. These people must be publicly ridiculed. I was suicidal this past summer because of the intense shock of realizing how much I had detached from reality due to my immersion in this school. It was the most horrifying experience of my life to realize how I had turned on and found myself superior to the people closest to me. Fortunately and ironically, I could use the GOOD things I took from the school like meditation and body awareness to move myself into a healthier place. But the lies distorted my life in a frightening way, and that is the biggest poison of this school besides its arm-twisting coercive methods – the nonchalant dishonesty. Good luck to everyone who has been harmed by this arm of Satan. Bring em down.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sally could you contact me via email to discuss some MMS business? Would then like to have a discussion on WhatsApp. Thanks


  10. I note your views on the vaccination and though I see your point about Gudni using the vaccine for his financial gain.
    Try to keep away from comments on the vaccine itself.


  11. Continuing on my deep dive into MMS theology (“teachings”), I have found some great Christian apologetics and lo and behold, ever since the gospels were written the enemy has used the same technique. There are variations but the fundamental heresy is that God is dual, that good can’t exist without evil and that we are gods. There is nothing unique about Gudni Gudnason here. The basis of all the activations and whatnot is all about restoring the adamic seed which is the exact opppsitve of salvation in Jesus Christ. The Bible is clear that at the end false prophets and false Christos/messiahs/anointed will rise and do signs and wonders including bringing fire down from heaven. This post of the Golden rule is interesting

    Because I distinctly remember Gudni destroying the Golden Rule. He said no Jesus did not command us to treat our neighbor as ourselves, oh no, instead Our Lord made a simple statement that we will treat our neighbors as we treat ourselves. And he shrugged dismissively. Implyed of course was that when we reach this great level of perfection through his expensive classes we will gain enough perfection to treat our neighbors very well. This tossing of the Golden Rule (which by the us found in other religions and Pholosphphies too as it speaks to the most fundamental concept of human societies possible) into the toilet as Gudni did shows us that he is amoral. Does he treat others as he demands he is treated? You be the judge. The reminds me of another point. A few months after Gudni did his Kaballah Babylonian Zohar scapegoat ritual on me m, drawing fire down from heaven and trying to destroy my soul, I found the strength to mail him and state that what he did to me was wrong. Bear in mind that when I arrived back in Cape Town after the ritual, I was physically stuck to the two airplane seats into which I had crawled and I couldn’t walk. I had to be carried off the plane and subsequent to that I was stuck at home for months unable to function. Mostly I was throwing up, I spent months convulsing and throwing up green slime, completely alone and afraid. So the mail was a massive thing for me and you know how he responded? He said it was all my fault because I was judging him.

    I see gudni has prostate cancer. So much for the great enlightened sex magick master. Does he repent? NO! In addition to his chronic need to avail himself of the most expensive medical care of the planet, he posts about myriad quack wonder cures he is hoping to try next, no doubt scheming how to add to his “healers academy” and scam more money of his lunatic followers. Worse, I he posted last eeek making fun of humans who become “borgs” after taking the covid mRNA graphene shots. And that’s quite close to home because Japan recently said that millions of imported doses were contaminated with metals. In fact, most doses worldwide are placebos in order to manage the death toll, so Japan is right on track. Gudni of course commanaded that his mms cronies do everything in their power to convince their clients to get the jabs in order to travel to his seminars, therefore his sickening “borg” post is totally gaslighting his 5000-plus followers. The comments beat testimony to this as people like it and state that they’re finally getting his wonderful sense of humor. He also posted incohently about women as usual making no sense. First saying women should be freed from the shackles of home life and that they have responsibility to make sure they are as attractive as they can possibly be, and morphing off to the usual insane-speak to the effect that their special role as hostesses is their true calling. What a nightmare for these poor gals. Do you know that the apostle Peter warns specifically against false teachers and prophets and christoi gudni coveres all his bases here) just like this. Peter 1 says these fakers deceive women who have just left ungodly situations and, laden down with sin, are preyed upon. Peter, writing 2000 years ago, hits the nail on the head. Lastly, it seems Gudni has had a “vision” and claims that something big is going to happen on September 21. Let’s wait to see 🤣🤣🤣 and if something does happen which may well be, remember to marvel at the beast and it’s servants. God has granted them the power of great signs of wonders while Jesus said there will no no sign given to this wicked generation except the sign of Jonah and the condemnation of the queen of the south which clearly alludes to none other than the tricks of Solomon’s vile temple

    The ladies would do well to learn the reality of the historical condition of women in pagan societies and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all that stands between them and slavery, and hahahaha yes gudni does mean borg slavery as he mocks you.

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  12. Replying to the somewhat glib All The Right Things below as indicative of many postings here by ex MMS people.
    After finally turning to biblical scholarship, I am so blessed to find sanity and am able to compare the Word of God with gudni’s theology. At the most fundamental level, it is a blessing to know I can relax and believe in Jesus. Conversely, New Age teachings are all about believing in YOURSELF, making your life better, me me me me me me me.
    Postings on this thread by M.G. state that MMS has made his/her life GREATER. Gudni teaches that we are saved in Christ because we are “worthy” and now we see the MMS-bots running about calling themselves divine goddesses. However, the Gospel teaches that we are sinners and that Jesus loves us anyway. Since the fall, we are born dead in sin and we are saved through faith in grace, not by works. We are really not worthy of his grace, we can never live up to it, yet he did this for us anyway. This is the essence of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus. So Gudni, who spews whatever madeup bullshit about “Jesus” that pops into his head on any given day, is a false teacher. Anyone with any experience with Gudni will have personal stories of whatever Gudni wanted to make up about Jesus. So do yourself a favour and actually compare what he says with the Word of God. If you are one of the people who thinks the bible is nonsense, then I guarantee you have never read the whole thing. Gudni certainly hasn’t. Chris Rosebrough’s Fighting for the Faith channel (which compares the World of God with that people are saying about the Word of God) is excellent and hilarious. Gudni trundles out the same old boring, oh the Old Testament is fake and Constantine is in hell lie as all the other anti-christians, but go study things for yourself. Nevermind how Gudni twists and appropriates Paul. I am an inveterate researcher and the more I learn from real sane intelligent Christians, the happier I am. The christian books of CS Lewis are a good example. It is such a relief to be done with all the tricks and lies. The closer I draw to salvation in Jesus Christ, the easier it is for me to obey him and work faithfully in my vocation. The Bible is not some stupid book for people not cool enough to be initiates, like my smug kabbalah “teacher” says, it is something totally different and if you read it the whole Bible, then I guarantee you will finally understand the difference between the miracle of God’s creation and “magick”. People picking and choosing from the Word of God and proclaiming ANYTHING out of context is complete bullshit. The entire Old Testament is given over to reproaches to Israel for IDOLATRY. Worshiping pagan gods is the reason for all the drama that ensues, and Gudni (and plenty of ex MMS people) can’t seem to get enough of them. They have “itching ears” and this absoute tsunami of false teachers we are experienced is prophesied clearly. Further, fundamentally, God, the Word, was made flesh and the old mosaic covenant fulfilled in the person of Jesus. So why, pray tell, are people chasing after things supposedly in the old temple of Solomon (Gudni’s apparent babylonian salomon scam notwithstanding) when solomon fell to demons and that temple was destroyed in 70AD as Jesus prophesised? Let alone pre antediluvian “magick”, over which if you will recall, God destroyed the world. If you study for yourself you will discover the the book of enoch, while containing some interesting historical material, is not canonical because it is also half filled with myths that can’t stand up to basic biblical scholarship which is 100% proven for 2000 years. Conversely, our Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. Our Covenant with God is in Jesus Christ and not the moon and the stars and pagan goddesses and witchcraft and divination let alone some luciferian initiation and the “knights templars”. The miracle of the Gospel is real, and the magick of the likes of Gudni Gudnason is counterfeit. So people posting here that “Oh Gudni went bad, but esoteric mysteries is a “valid path” are WRONG.
    These people think that if they engage in tantric orgies where they do not orgasm, that they are “in the light” and “as a god” and can do what they will.
    They’re wrong (laughs satan)

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  13.  I was a student for 4 years with MMS and most is my observations is over those year and as result have inside information.  I have seen things and heard things that the students have no clue about.  I had to leave a relationship due to the person’s heavy involvement within the school. 
    The school is a tigers claw at a certain point the brain washing just gets a deep hold of them.  On top of that when a person spends $100,000 total over the years it is hard to walk away with nothing.  The students are brain washed in the MMS snd it becomes more important than family. The school will deny this as most cults do.
    Lanyon is very abusive to his staff but he has them wrapped around his finger as a demi god figure.  What I did write in my comment is stuff people can research for most of it and the rest is personal experience and observations. Due to the respect I have with the person I was in a relation with I try to word my comments so it is not evident who I am.  Or really divulge stuff the students don’t know off out of respect and love for my past relationship.   Thank you for your site I know that it has allowed a lot of people to be exposed to MMS.  Sincerely yours     


  14. No censorship your full comment is displayed for all to see I just sought to quote from one section. As I wrote earlier I am not an expert on the MMS but atleast know having read hundreds of comments that the spelling of SALOMON is a very contentious issue among former members. In any case you keep commenting we don’t censor buy I am in no need to rehash your comment.


  15. And you, Mike Garde, did not post the entirety of my comment.

    I wonder why?

    Why censor genuine kindness and not censor the slandering below that has no evidence to back it up? And no game plans here.
    Just true expression from the heart.


  16. So you are back with this very clear attempt to confuse with kindness.

    We know the background to the name but your attempt to obscure this issue indicates your game plan.

    In both in Hebrew there are no vowels. So his name in Hebrew would be read as SLMN.

    “There’s no point in fixating on the spelling of his name. We all know or can learn who he is and what he wanted for humanity.”

    My name is Mike Garde MG


  17. This a most reasoned reply and shows that we may be dealing with a propaganda exercise. Let us see other responses.


  18. You might send an email with the evidence in case of a legal attack and it will be retained only as long as it is required. You might also respond to the Solomon issue. Thanks for getting back to me.


  19. If I may ask you which country are you in? You are absolutely free to not reveal anything you like. I am getting very strange readings from your IP address? Also I myself am not an expert on the MMS but see my role to allow open discussion. I had to edit the last comment as it gave no evidence for its claims. By the way the evidence can be sent by email so as in 2017 we can respond to the MMS if they try try legal attacks again.
    .I would suggest the fact that you are not alert to the spelling of SOLOMON will be very revealing to other former MMS cultists.


  20. You might produce some evidence for your allegations lunatic mind? I have edited that into your comment


  21. M.G., on 4 September 2021 at 6:11 pm said:
    Hi, I am an initiate of the Lineage of King Solomon through the Modern Mystery School.
    I have had a great experience with my 4 years on this path. It definitely has been challenging and my experience absolutely hasn’t been perfect. I’ve actually walked….
    Well M.G lets talk about the MMS that follows a 3000 year tradition of King Salomon. The school does not follow the King Solomon that they lie and misled people on. You are following a school for as long as gudni started the RMMS. You are following about a 40 year tradition that is all. Homophones are pronounced the same but with DIFFERNT MEANINGS. Gudni and laynon play on this and misrepresent and mislead the students. There is no 3000 year linage that follows King Salomon.
    Gudni claims to have been taught by the Golden Dawn. The golden dawn was magic performed by the high masons. To become a high mason takes years and years to accomplish. When the Golden Dawn was abolished gundni was in his early 20’s. Gudni and lanyon state they belong to the knights templars. Again the knight templars are a group within the masons. No magical elite spiritual invitation needed to join the masons. In history if you research the templars they where satanic and made vows to satan. The templars was the killing machine for the church is you did not conform.
    Laynon in the ritual master class tells you the pentagram is more powerful than the holy cross and all ritual masters must wear the pentagram all the time as protection from evil. The most powerful symbol is the holy cross which is the the symbol of Christ defeat over satan. If you look up a photo of the statute of satan you will find an up right pentagram on satan’s third eye.
    In reality all the ritual masters are wear satan’s symbol. You will read many positive things about the pentagram and many will tell you it isn’t evil. Satan is the father of lies and he will make what is evil sound spiritual. Just research for your self the statue of satan.
    Gudni and lanyon it is alleged sexually harass pretty female students in class. Both gudni and lanyon it is alleged are sexual predators and falsely lure females and males to have sex with them as was revealed in “The Vice” article. Several people have spoken out about this sexually harassment within these posts.
    To deny this has happen is equivalent to saying to a rape victim that it is their fault and the rapist is innocent. This is what the àschool has been doing these last few month. MMS is depowering the female to protect the rapists. John of God was charged with multiple counts of rape for doing the same thing as gudni and lanyon. These men are rapist using their positions of authority to lure their victims.
    The school does engage in sexual magic before big temples. Sexual magic being perform is still adultery and is of evil. Sexual magic is used to connect with demons not angles. Crowley brought sexual magic to light in his writings. Crowley performed sexual magic in the pyramids to contact his demon guide. Sexual magic is evil and is performed at satanic rituals.
    The school 2 years ago held a workshop honoring Lilith. Lilith is a demonic figure who was the first wife of Adam.
    Lilith was removed from the garden of eden by God. Lilith is the killer of babies and is said to be satans wife.
    MMS did a workship honoring the killer of babies and satan’s wife but they place a positive twist that she represents the power of woman.
    Senior members have stated that at a higher level in MMS they work with lucifer. You work with Lucifer you are a satanist no debate. Lucifer was second in command the bringer of light and MMS think they can control lucifer to do good LMFAO.
    MMS every year hold a halloween parties. Halloween is the birthday of satan in which the vales of the worlds are the thinnest. The convent within MMS do rituals honoring satans birthday.
    It is alleged adultery is common occurrence during big programs and within the school. lanyon in several classes has told the class having sex with another person is not evil and is normal as long as it is for pleasure. Lanyon during classes encourages students to have sex with others people even if they are in a committed relationship.
    I can go on with many examples that MMS is a satanic school disguised as a spiritual school. You can make a deal with devil and live an enriched life but the time will come when the devil comes knocking.
    The school scams may rituals from other teachings outside the school. Many are taken from the golden dawn book. Calling upon the watch towers is not MMS. gudni steals many quotes and teachings from other traditions but makes you believe it was his wisdom.
    gudni and lanyon tell the students not to drink alcohol. If you go to gudnis facebook page there are many photos of his wife drinking alcohol.
    This school appears as light but is evil. The anti christ will appear as good and a savior of the people. The school feeds of the addictive personalities of most of the students.
    final note, gudni and lanyon can weave the golden spider web. Satan is the father of lies both gudni and lanyon tell you they will lie to you. Evil has to reveal itself and can not hide. Just have to look for the subtle truth that is revealed.


  22. Now is this not a touching comment by someone who even considered leaving and note how they equate the courses of this magical mystery tour with academic ones. Also note the spelling of “SOLOMON.” I do look forward to you MMS watchers reaction.


  23. Hi, I am an initiate of the Lineage of King Solomon through the Modern Mystery School.
    I have had a great experience with my 4 years on this path. It definitely has been challenging and my experience absolutely hasn’t been perfect. I’ve actually walked away from the school a few times, but I’ve always come back because it was right for me to do and my mind just had trouble understanding my own process. I didn’t know how to not have judgment for my process and what it looked like, and that of others. Also, a block that seems to trouble many people that I have had trouble with is money.
    The prices of the classes, the healings, the supplies, books etc. are all listed here. There have been some changes and updates to the prices since this article was posted. But when I was life Activated, I was told I could pay $100 for it. After I received it I was told that the price of it was actually $150. My friend who was offering it was just wanting to help me afford it. But I paid the extra $50 because I believed that I was going to receive more out of it if I had. And I know I did the right thing. And you know what else? Before receiving Life Activation, I had never spent $100 on anything. I lived off of very little. And that is not what I deserve knowing that I am larger than life.
    The issue that people have here is that things cost money. This is an international school that has helped change peoples lives for the better. I personally felt that I was able to lift myself out of the muck and hardship that I was born into by becoming an initiate. My parents and my family before me lived through poverty and war for decades. And I’m thriving because of what I’ve received through the MMS. The Modern Mystery School is a University…but its a University that teaches you MAGICK! Magick allows you to change yourself and in turn your reality. To create something out of nothing. To allow miracles to happen. To create them!
    If you want to go to university or go and learn something or receive a service, you pay for it. If you were to lead a class or offer a service that required a high amount of energy, physical effort, and amount of supplies would you give that out for free? Your students and clients wouldn’t value it, they wouldn’t take it and use it to create positive and impactful change in the world.
    The thing is about this world is that the fate of ourselves and this world is in our hands. WE have to choose and use our WILL to do better, to make decisions, to grow. WE have to show effort and put in the time and energy to show that we are worthy and that we really want it.
    You’d do the same thing to buy a tesla, a high quality digital camera, or art supplies, right?
    The school provides opportunities to show you what is it that stops you from going after what you want and you have your own experience in getting past that! And that is what is so challenging, and some people they can’t stand it. From day 1 deciding to pay for Life Activation, making a plan to pay off that credit card you used to pay for Empower Thyself. How many hours did you work to pay? What new ideas did you come up with to achieve your goal in getting to that class that gave you new experiences?
    On why I stepped away for a time from the Modern Mystery School, I honestly was very emotionally upset. I had such a conflict with what I was seeing in myself and my reality with my new eyes in being an initiate, that my mind could not handle it. I was fearful, I had hate and jealousy for others and I just needed to walk away because those emotions I was carrying just couldn’t meet the high vibrations of the teachings. When I created some distance, I found that I actually did become a better person. I became that bright candle in the darkness, for myself and for other people and they would notice. I felt in my body how the rituals energized me and made change happen in my life. I saw how my energetic structure was very different from others who hadn’t been initiated or Life Activated. I saw that is stuff was real. So I came back. I left twice. And came back for good once I attended Healers Academy, which was one of the most beautiful and sacred experiences I have had in my life.
    One thing that I have learned through the classes of MMS is that my emotions…they are caused by my thoughts so they don’t indicate any real truth of reality. And our minds, they are not always on our side.
    I hope you enjoyed reading my additional comment and I hope it brings light to how The Modern Mystery School helped at least one person become greater than she once was ❤


  24. Reading all this yes is very disturbing, brainwashing etc… But I thing the real issues is not is the MMS a cult or not but rather the most powerful weapon is disinformation! I see magick as neither evil or good, its a tool like money is a tool and it can be used for either evil or good, just like a knife can be used to save a life or take a life.

    I’m conceded about the misinformation propaganda MMS machine, we need to stop the MMS from rewriting history, and spreading false and fake information. And stop the MMS from copyrighting spiritual information that is available for free!

    eg. (sic) “Why do you spread false information? So then I think, what is the point to INSISTING you spell “Salomon”? Is it ignorance or something sinister? Maybe to make an intellectual property claim? With a suspicion, I researched trademarks online and see the MMS has indeed trademarked the name “King Salomon” (with the A) for its products. So yes, they spread false information about holy scripture so they can claim ownership and make money. Shameless.”


  25. Thank you for your insights.


  26. Hi DI,

    Speaking as an ex member, I’d like to clarify a few things. First of all. Mms teaches Magick. They are a seminar company. They charge for trainings. Nothing is inherently wrong there. In terms of the western mystery occult tradition…their info is pretty good if you are into that sort of thing. When I was there I took alot of foundational classes on earth magick, how to work with elementals, esoteric philosophy, crystal magick, foundational studies of both high and low magick. They gradually increased their prices over time. Its fine if you want to demonize that as a practice. But then you condemn all magic, and all seminar structures. Their content itself is not terrible. I say Let them charge for their shitty chakra sprays.

    However, what deserves scrutiny here is the unethical and abusive practices of group leaders within that group container. I was there years before the Vice article came out.

    Tantra isnt inherently bad and is a legit spiritual path. It gets a controversial rap because sex may or may not be part of it. But What you saw in that article was that practice not being kept in the light. What you saw in that article was the coercion and exploitation of someone who was neither at a level of understanding or progression to work with a teacher in that way. As well as a grievous abuse of power by someone with power but not enlightenment—a spiritual sociopath.

    When I was part of it, there were whispers and hints that that kind of thing was going on. I never saw anything. However, some of what they are talking about in the article is just what happens in communities. people get to know eachother in communities, people make connections. People have sexual relationships. Context is key here.

    Speaking from personal experience, I personally felt more harmed by the many examples of scapegoating and interpersonal toxic behavior I experienced within that group container. There is alot of spiritual bypassing and scapegoating that goes on because contrary to their public image of enlightened goodness many people in that group dont really know how to own their shadows. We witnessed a little bit of this shadow in the fallout from the VICE article. But this abuse you have to understand is not across the board. Its not a collective abuse. We are talking about a diverse group of people from many walks of life. when you get initiated to the inner orders this is what you begin to see as a practice. Only a certain type of person with a certain type of personality is given space to progress. The structure of the school itself is dogmatic, is designed to profit the people at the top while everyone else becomes fuel to feed the machine. They were given directives to change this structure….but resisted that change because of their own EGO failings.

    History is filled with examples of groups who started out good but lost their way. Groups who fell prey to EGO, failed to heed the call and directives of their enlightened “older brothers and sisters” and rightfully paid the price. The above selfishness demonstrated by G (where he expelled group members because he was getting sick) is another example of this. I can confirm for you in lineages such as ours, working with a teacher is a very sacred thing. What he did, was not supposed to happen. When teachers behave in these above ways The very sacred path itself gets demonized and delegitimized. There is great karma and huge pain.

    They arent the first group to lose their way, and they wont be the last.

    Its rather sad to watch for us old timers.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. A quick search on their website London yields members throwing up the 6(3x). We all know what that means….

    Secondly, a quick search on their website and here is Gudni putting his left hand in his jacked (symbolic of hidden left hand path). It’s rather masonic and in plain view.


  28. Very well spoken and very valid points you made. MMS 3 leaders main income which have made them millionaires have been shut down.. The 3 times a year mandatory course have been shut down due to the restrictions. For the students of MMS to get the bio-weapon jab which alters your God DNA would be beneficial to the leaders pocket books. None of the 3 leaders can travel to other countries to line their pockets.
    On the topic on gudni and his hollywood dreams just look at his EGO of being connected with hollywood. This should raise an eyebrow and questions. gudni claims that he was taught by Jesus himself (MMS biography, high priest of Melchizedek which is Hebrew).
    gudni wants to break into a satanic world filled with pedophiles. As a spiritual leader I would think he would avoid hollywood and any connection with the satanic pedophile world. gudni has a picture posted on his facebook page what appears to be a drum with a symbol on it. This symbol is very close to the pedophile symbol man boy lover.
    The pentagram is the most powerful symbol within MMS as taught by david lanyon in the ritual master course. MMS states the pentagram is more powerful than the Holy Cross. The statute of lucifer has an “UP RIGHT PENTAGRAM” on the third eye. If the pentagram fought and protected a person from evil why does the statute of satan display it?
    Under the newly sexual allegations of the sexual predator within MMS it does show intent and reason why gudni wants to break into hollywood.


  29. One other thing I feel moved to put on the public record is Gudni’s failure to denounce the global forces vaccination programmer currently under way. I no way wish to limit anyone’s free will in this controversial matter, however I am firmly opposed to big pharma and our evil governments, and so would I believe would someone “of the light” who claims to do exorcisms “in the name of Christ”. Instead and as usual one gets a distinct sense of Gudni’s self-serving ambiguity at play here. Here’s had a stay home covid badge on his profile for more than a year now. His wife was making masks and giving them out as gifts. Then he discovered the clear perspex masks and wrote to make fun of people wearing cloth masks and that he and Eiko were so much cleverer for wearing these plastic ones. Gudni has 5000 followers and for a few years now he has been touting QE2 as a role model, presumably in line with the “royalty” theme he pushes. QE2 was on the front page after her shot flanked by her nurse bra only wearing the masonic logo on her belt buckle. As an anti cult forum I trust I’m now on solid ground. Similarly, all the one-eyes Illuminati cult celebs he holds up as role models to his followers have come out urging people to take the demon shot. Yet he has nothing to say about it. One of his guides who is from the IS but current in England writes that she scheduled (they’re accepting money) for a Kabbalah course in CA in November and that now that covid is over she’s sure to be there. This means that either shelling and knows full well she won’t be there (unless she take the shots) and that she wants to get the money in before it’s announced the course will be on zoom. Or it means that Gudni has told her that it’s absolutely okay to take the shots, in which case she may well be able to fly. I get the sense that he’s worried about his future income. I am certain the thousands of followers who are on the fence and confused think he’s onboard with things, of course with him being v subtle about it. He’s an evil fick and it was Dante who said that the hottest parts of hell are for those who maintain neutrality in the face of moral dilemma. Yes, all the years leading up to this and he hedges the Book of Revelation against his his own self interest

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Thank you Sally for sharing your comments. You can be sure that someone will find this of help. We are onto Gudni. Expect some shock and awe soon. We could not publish the Vice article on our blog, but will link to it soon. In my opinion the Vice article will only take off when we link to it. Note if you read that article is gives no place to go for help.

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  31. I was just looking at the Facebook posts by the guides defending Gudni and sharing their endless photos of them smiling with dear leader and I am appalled that he has these people bald faced lying on his behalf. I have never mentioned it here because it seemed so minor compared to the scapegoat ritual performed on me (yes my soul remains in tatters and whenever I try to fast to heal it I get led to this energetic “gate” imprinted in my soul when Gudni possessed me during the days of the ritual. So my life is a continuing fuckup with little chance of escape it seems) anyway. Fact is that within 15 minutes of meeting Gudni I was making tea before an event and he came up behind me and whispered, “you are SO sexy”. I didn’t think he was sexy so I walked away and left it. I never gave it another thought. But there it is. But what has now got me writing this now is his latest post mocking people who are angry and some shite about how when someone is angry you should ask them to forgive you and tell them you love them. Oh really ??? Of course this is the exact opposite of what is happening here. HE is furious that a bonafide journalist has done an excellent job, fact checking and offering and presenting right of reply, and his response is to get his groupies to bald faced lie on his behalf. They know better than anyone else that the report is valid and yet the denounce it as lies. They don’t offer any refuting evidence or specifics because there is none. So instead of “love and forgiveness” Gudni commands people to slander and lie and, if Vice has deep enough pockets, hopefully defamation. What a horrific situation. If God is merciful Gudni will soon succumb to his mystery illness. Apparently Merlin and the Nordic gods have been called into heal him, so that’s hopeful. Hopefully when he passes from this realm his infernal “Salomon” magic will go with him and me, and many thousands of others to afraid to speak out, will be free to heal.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. A recent truthful article was printed and posted here the article is by Mark Wilding on Vice World News “Spirituality Cult Whose Members Allege Sexual and Financial Exploration”
    This is a well thought out organized article that is backed by victim statements, in-depth research backed with physical proof such as emails and other hard documented evidence. Mr. Wilding would be held liable for slander if it was just hear say.
    Thank you Mark.

    Many senior MMS members are now posting on their face book pages trying to do damage control. they are writing on their experience with MMS and how wonderful MMS is and how MMS is of the light. (Lucifer the bringer of light)
    All these posts have the same tone to them and seems to have been instructed by David lanyon or gudni. As if a template has been used.
    Christina Lozano goes on about how MMS is not a cult. My I recall another group run by the famous Charlie Manson. The followers of the Manson family stated that they are not in a cult but are a family and have free will to come and go. In all cults the members have said they are not within a cult. Who would admit they are in a cult with cults having such bad representation.

    The number 1 goal for MMS is not to save the world but to initiate people into a highly extremely over price teachings that you can get from a $17.00 cdn book which will teach you more of spiritual warfare that what David Lanyon can teach. I sat within a meeting of the ritual masters (RM) and David Lanyon scolded and chastised all the RM/Guides because they where not fulling the required amount of initiations per year. Yes you heard that right there is a quota. David threatened the RM/Guides is they fail to initiate the required quota they will be stripped from RM3 to RM2 if they are not willing to do the work. This stripping away initiation means about $10,000 plus gone which is the cost to move from RM2 to RM3/Guide. In order to achieve an RM3 initiation one must also be a guide.

    Once a person is initiated into the school the guide whom initiated them has minimal cost revenue form their initiate. Once the initiate starts to take the advance courses such as healers, RM and guide David rakes in all the money and the guide sees none BUT if the guides are teaching the low level entry courses David gets money from the.

    Females must wear dresses in which David told the females that it is preferred that they do not wear underwear to allow the female energy to flow.

    I have witnessed David an gudni sexually harass females within courses by special attention to the prettier females. What Ii have heard david say for females he would be found guilty of sexual harassment. As a HR person I can guarantee the his behavior he would be fired if he was in a work force. I brought this harassment to my guide which is extremely high up within MMS. Their response was “David is not sexually harassing the females because he is using a different energy”
    You heard right the Sr people in MMS are allowing and excepting sexual harassment to occur BUT they tell you they support female power.

    This brings me to all the MMS initiates that are posting damage control to Mr. Wildings article. Within the article it mentions that females have been sexually procured to have sex with both gudni and david. This is sexual assaulted. YES sexually assault has occurred.

    sexual assault is a sexual act , with or without physical contact, committed by an individual without the consent of the victim or, in some through emotional manipulation or blackmail.

    The MMS students that where involved where misled into believing their involvement sexually with gudni and david would save people souls or save and heal the person they had sex with.

    The individuals where mentally brainwashed, lied to, deceived, coerced with false pretense into having sex with david or gudni. David and gudni are the two highest figures within the school. Many students look up to gudni and david as spiritual figures. David and gudni used their position of authority and the power it hold to take manipulative advance by misleading students by false reasoning to participate to have sex with them.

    Have sex with this man will heal him, have sex with me you will be saving millions of souls. We have seen this before in the past and most recently with “John of God”. What david and gudni did is wrong and both should be held criminally responsible.

    A senior member of MMS named Rita who has power as a senior leader within MMS who was mentioned in the article. Groomed the young woman mentioned in the article presented her to david as a gift misleading her to the true disgusting real reason behind david’s deceptions and lies for his perverted sexual assault by manipulating his true intent.

    The fact that this is being overlook by MMS initiates who are trying to do damage control with their face book posts to cover up what has occurred speaks volumes of the true beast MMS is.

    The MMS initiates that have posted how wonderful MMS is and how the article was all a lie is the same as someone blaming the victim of the sexual assault or of sexual harassment as it was their fault.

    This is not of the light of God but the light of lucifer.

    To the RM3’s MMS initiates that are making the posts, your posts are huge EGOS. Ego respond and attempt to defend or in this case to cover up the truth.

    David’s and gudnis manipulation of students in order to satisfy their pervert sexual needs also rests on your shoulders for defending them. You also become guilty with the knowledge.

    David and gudni are both married I wonder if their wives gave them consent which makes them as guilty as the offenders.

    Sexual magick is not of GOD but it is of the devil. Sexual magic is the power of the satan. Satanic rituals often engage in orgies and sexual magik. Alister Crowley performed sexual magic to conjure up his demons and his demon spiritual guide in the pyramids of gaza. david and gudni brag they where initiated in the pyramids of gaza.

    Yes I can tell you through my personal experience MMS is still engaging in sexual magic before Egyptian temples between the high prietess and the high priest. In their corrupt demonic influence mind this is not an affair but it of service. Of service to what light? Not the light of God.

    In many of the RM classes david spoke of how it is okay to engage n sex with multiple partners as long as you love the partner your with and not with the one your …….

    David pre-conditions the pretty students by paying special attention to them, through sexual harassment, through teachings as mentioned above. david and gudni use their position of authority over these unsuspecting individuals.

    I will state this again, sex magic is not of the light of God but it is of the light of lucifer to conjure demons.

    Liked by 3 people

  33. Fantastic News!! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Yes we will be publishing this article on our blog but have some legal issues to address first.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. May I suggest you send me an email with your edit and then I will post it and delete your former one. We have a very outdated WordPress site for security reasons.

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  36. Yes, that was my experience as well. MMS members commonly drop Jung, Newton, and Einstein as initiates and somehow associate them with whatever they allege to be a part of, but again, that is just another hollow marketing strategy. There is no evidence whatsoever to corroborate such claims whatsoever. One can pretty much bet that any claims they make are complete fabrications.
    As a for-profit business, the only thing the MMS franchise has to teach is that a fool and his money are soon parted.
    Good luck on your search.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Dancing Mule – I did search for Gudni Gudnason as I found his name as the founder in MMS website. I was looking everywhere in the website for any information that could support his claim or at least trace back the origins of this “school” to some older institution. In some interviews I found online, some of the female leaders would drop names such as Carl Jung, Isaac Newton, Einstein as some of the initiates or has been initiated into the path, unsure if they’re saying that these thinkers and scientists are their lineage “brothers.” But I cannot find anything that connects them and I found that a bit shady.

    What you said about moving the base of his activities to Japan to evade scrutiny does make sense. And one of their leaders is Japanese. Thanks for the recommended readings. I have just downloaded a few for background reading, at least the foundational ones by Besant, Steiner, and Ouspensky. Truly appreciate your response as it’s helping me educate myself and not just get swayed with what they are presenting. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. A few points:
    I am not sure what your keyword search was, but Gudni Gudnason is the MMS owner’s full name. Most of what you will find on the web will be in promotion of his ‘mystery school.’
    From what I have found through his videos is that the book ‘Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum’ was probably the largest influence upon him. He appears to have taken elements from that book, regurgitated selective parts of it, and created a marketable product – that being the MMS. He appears to have self-anointed (initiated) himself as an enlightened being and eventually developed his ‘school.’
    As for his international branch in Japan, it seems that is where he moved to in order to evade scrutiny in the US. And from that country, he can safely make videos and give one sided videos for his follower’s eager consumption.
    As for your comment: “I thought most of mystery schools are centered in Europe or the west,” let me say that there exist no authentic mystery schools – anywhere. At one time prior to early 20th century, there were all kinds of esoteric groups people interested in mysticism, occultism, and mediums in Great Britain and the US, but nothing that was corroborated as a lineage of an ancient esoteric tradition.
    I am in possession of a book published in 1855 titled The History of Initiation by Geo. Oliver and published in New York. It explores “the rites and ceremonies, doctrines and discipline of all the secret and mysterious institutions of the ancient world.” It covers Celtic, Persian Greece, Egyptian, Britain, Indian mysteries and others. It provides an insight into esotericism that existed at that time and is an incredibly academic study.
    If you are truly interested in the subject of mystery schools/esoteric thought, start first by studying Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Theosophic thought. Find books written by Annie Besant, Rudolf Steiner, PD Ouspensky and Jiddu Krishnamurti. Once you spent enough time researching, you’ll see just the degree to which the MMS is a complete scam.


  39. Thank you very much for sharing your experience and insights, truly appreciate them. It gives me a more balanced perspective before taking any step as I am very new to this. I did check the background of the 3 leaders and I cannot find much about their founder Gudni. Also after reading around, I found that the MMS seems to have an international branch in eastern countries like Japan. Wonder why that is. I thought most of mystery schools are centered in Europe or the west.


  40. Linda Zuckerberg All the above is true I was MMS misfit drooling follower and spent approx $40,000 plus. MMS is pyramid in a way to only make gudni and david rich. The prices are way over inflated for an example you take the ritual master program expect to pay about $20,000. Once you reach a level in the ritual master master program you MUST attend the warrior of light program every year at a high cost to you. You must buy a karate gi for this program at the cost of $300.00. I checked the distributor and the same gi costs retail $120. I purchased a book for $17.00 on spiritual warfare and leant move from that book than receiving my 3rd step ritual master. MMS does not follow any linage as they claim there is no King Salomon. Where, wear, to, too, etc sound the same different spelling therefore different meaning.
    The MMS is a satanic cult run by higher ups that work with Lucifer. No I am not kidding or making that up. The main figure heads within MMS work with Lucifer.
    MMS tells you the pentagram is more powerful than the Holy Cross and all students must wear the pentagram. On the 3rd eye of Lucifers statute you will find an upright pentagram. On Lucifers statute in his lap you with find a Aunk with 2 serpents. On the MMS web site there is a picture of david, gudni and Hedeto wearing the exact same symbol which david, gudni and hedeto are wearing in the same symbol in lucifers lap.
    david and gudni claim they can enter into hell and extract souls. Are they saying they are more powerful than satan or do they have a deal with satan?
    MMS teaches a course honoring Lilith as a Goddess. Lilith is the killer of babies. Lilith is a high demon and is said to be satans wife. MMS teaches students to perform exorcisms with no authority. If an unqualified person who does not have the proper authority performs an exorcism they themselves can become possessed.
    David, gudni and hedeto all perform exorcisms on people at an high cost in the thousands. No doctors are involved, no medical or physiological exam involved, no back ground checks. David says he receives the demons name the night before. The demons name is the most sacred and will not give it up.
    The school follows this angelic hierarchy call the “High Counsel of Gor” this counsel of Gor exists only in a 1960 science fiction book. No references in any spiritual texts.
    Gudni make out rages claims such as being training in the Golden Dawn. Gudni was 20 years old when the last school was closed. David and gudni stated they are in the order of the knights templars. The knight templars is a masonic branch. The knights templars in history have been shown to worship Satan. This is easy to research the origins of the templars and satan.
    Gudni claims he was initiated by Jesus himself this can be found in gundis bio on MMS page.
    Gudni, david and Hedeto claim to have been initiated in the pyramids in Gaza. Aleister Crowely performed satanic sexual magic calling upon demons to work with him within the temples of gaza.
    Most of the teachings MMS charges thousands for can all be found on the web or in books. They mix rituals which are extremely dangerous.
    Gudni claims that his dead twin brother taught him about the spiritual world. Gudni dead twin brother would also be known as a familiar which is a demon which attaches its self to the aura of a person. Gundi during his big anniversary party stated that gods and goddess come down and have sex with him. Are these actually succubuses disguising themselves?
    Yes MMS is pimps out females and males to have sex with gudni david and hedeto. Higher up leaders will pimp out students to have sex with the 3 cult leaders. They groom the chosen brain washing them that it is for their spiritual growth.
    David starts grooms the ritual masters telling them it is okay to have sex outside a relationship. In class gudni and david sexually harass female students. Any organization they would be charged with sexual harassments.
    MMS teaches the students that they are a god and godess. This is what satan did to Eve in the garden. Satan told Eve if she ate the fruit she would be like God. MMS tells the students they are god just like the serpent told Eve.
    MMS teaches tarot card reading, if you know the demonic symbols tarot cards are plaque with them including the inverted cross and lucifer’s sigil.
    MMS every year celebrate Halloween which is the celebrated birth date of satan. MMS combats evil but celebrates satans birth day?
    I can continue with many many other examples of the hidden satanic nature and ritual of MMS. Egyptian temple calling in other idol gods, Enochian temple calling in demons (MMS tell the temple calls in angels). No man can call in angels not even John Dee but john Dee can summon demons that appeal angelic. Satan and demons have appeared as Jesus.
    David and gudni will tell you they will lie to you. Satan is the father of lies.
    If you ever question MMS, gudni or david you will feel their wrath. Davids ritual name is Thor the make believe god of the vikings. “Thou shall not have no other God’s than me.” MMS worships many other gods and goddess. Gudni claims he is from the viking clan and is proud of it and even teach viking magic. Vikings are pagans none believers of God. Viking would kill villagers and rape the woman, men and the children before killing then.
    You decide if MMS has a hidden satanic agenda. I believe that it does.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Thank you.
    Can you indicate how I can make some edits to my posting?


  42. Thank you for your coherent and well thought out post. It gives a true understanding of life in the MMS.


  43. Full disclosure:
    My experience with MMS has been minimal. I attended one of their guides meditation classes at the urging of a very close friend. I’ve been a student of a spiritual path for a long time and have worked directly with Buddhist monks for over 20 years. I’ve also been a student of comparative religion studies for longer.
    Never in my life have I attended any type of ‘spiritual gathering’ that was so pretentious and hollow. My heart experienced the realization of so many wounded souls so desperate for an answer they’d be willing to allow themselves to be sucked into a never ending vortex of a financial scam to gain ‘spiritual enlightenment.’ I have been grounded in a spiritual path that is rooted in an oral tradition and that includes elders. There are no elders in MMS that I’ve found. Maybe the oldest was not more than mid-40’s. What I found was the so-called teachings of MMS, were simply a slow grooming process that placated ones ego and put ones image of oneself at the pinnacle of consciousness. And they do all this by creating a climate of community, which for some is very appealing since many people seem to come from an environment of contentious family relationships and lack of stable/solid friendships. I found nothing that qualified any of the faux-teachers at MMS to be in the positions they’ve self-titled for themselves. They are either secretly aware of the scam they are perpetuating or delusional that they are merely enlightened students of a long lineage that extends back to the ancient mystery school of Solomon (but they spell it ‘Salomon’).
    In all my studies of esotericism and ancient schools of initiation – which includes the work of Robert Fludd or more recently, the prolific writings of Manly P Hall and others, never once did I run across a character named Salomon. And when I’ve inquired of any of the local MMS leadership about Hall and Fludd, they are disappointedly clueless. To me this is the most obvious red flag. The whole organization turns upon its founder named Gudnason – and that’s another serous red flag. His unverifiable account of being trained by the last remnant of the Golden Dawn in the UK is another red flag.
    Is the MMS a cult?
    To me, it definitely has the feel of one.
    Does MMS require the continuous payment of fees for continued ‘training?’
    Yes it does.
    Do MMS ‘teachers’ receive compensation from those fees?
    Yes they do.
    Does MMS file as a religious non-profit with the IRS?
    No they do not.

    Join them if you must, but IMHO, you are waisting time, money and a bit of your soul.

    Liked by 3 people

  44. Hello, I would like to ask if the MMS still has this bad rep around them these days. I happen to watch Dr. Theresa’s videos and she seems very convincing so I’m thinking of taking the Life Activation.


  45. Asking for your thoughts…
    Background.. in February I attended a group sound healing meditation at an individual’s home. I enjoyed it. I left feeling like some negative energy had been cleared away and while it was a nice group of people, it wasn’t the circle I have been searching for since moving back home. Then covid became a thing. What progress I had been making with my new doctor quickly crumbled and my anxieties took over. He referred me to a psychiatrist (we had been trying to go the holistic route initially) but for some reason the first 3 attempts failed. While waiting for over a month, I just kept trying to find other avenues (since 20-something year old me that my new doctor had reawakened remembered that it isn’t always about just the physical body). I happened to remember the sound meditation and looked him back up. I reached out because I liked what I saw about a couple of the healing services he offered, hoping one specifically could be done remotely. No such luck. Later I realized he was facilitating weekly online meditations, so I joined in a couple weeks ago since I have been trying to get back into that again also. It was amazing, especially for the first time. Well, now things are more relaxed with covid and he is seeing people in person for services. So I scheduled an appointment. If I could explain to you the physical pain my back had been in since this time last year and all the procedures and medications I have tried due to osteoarthritis and a narrowing of my spine pinching the nerves, and then explain the relief that came from a cord cutting and negative energy removal by him, you may or may not believe me. But I was sold. I quickly scheduled the Life Activation I had initially wanted when I first looked at his website. I had that Thursday. It felt like just what I needed.

    Now I am questioning everything.

    I am beginning to wonder just what I truly allowed myself to be opened up to energetically and what I may need to do to “fix” that…

    I am especially glad someone posted something about how this blog is missing a paragraph.. I will share this portion of my experience and ask your thoughts.. while he was working on my third eye (he later said he was working with my magnetic field and that we would discuss that more later) I could see a bright white light that I felt was drawing me toward it (obviously magnets either repel or attract) and I felt an overwhelming feeling of “You are home. You are loved. You are home.” I felt it in my heart at the core. I cried. I explained that afterwards. I even shared how I had a friend in my circle in Gainesville that when we hugged, she just grounded me and I knew I was “home”. He said he has this thing he does when he feels someone has “great work to do in the mms school” and that normally in private meditation he has his higher self request a meeting with their higher self, etc.. and that he felt compelled to do that during my Activation at that time and that our higher selves had hugged and went on to say something about an energy exchange much like the one from the movie Avatar (I just had to Google it to make sure I was correct before saying this because it had been so long since watching it..). Well, that energy exchange in the movie was more than a hug. It was definitely a love scene.

    All that being said, I am glad I decided to follow my gut on researching MMS before doing anything more, I am blocking his number and looking for a different meditation group. But, damn, the actual physical healing that came about from it was crazy compared to what I had gotten out of a years worth of “modern medicine”. Such a shame.


  46. I took a single class in this school, it didn’t take me long to see what was underlying it. Too many red flags were shown to me just within “Empower Thyself”. The fact that they have to establish they are not a cult on the first day was a big one for me, because anyone who is not a cult shouldn’t have to worry about people thinking they are. Cults as well as the Modern Mystery School have a tier based progression system. You have to take the classes, pay the money and perform and then “apply” to get higher access to do more, to get more enlightenment at the top of the pyramid so to say. At first your just an initiate, than adept, 2nd step initiate, guide, ritual master 1-3, Magus, Ipsissimus…
    Another big one for me was that they had have levels to the pyramid and each level feeds the ego, for cults are all about feeding ego. They claim to be able to “Gift” you with more light the higher you get so as an initiate you are essentially upgraded to 10 times the light, then become a guide you get more something like 100 then ritual master 1-3 all the way up to 100,000 times the light or that is from what I remember them preaching in the class. They also claimed it was a fast track to ascension and everyone else not in the school is essentially on the slow track or they make it seem.

    Also without saying it in words they refer to anyone who hasn’t been initiated into the school as self initiated. So to me this is saying all the native shamans in every tribe and culture going back thousands of years were not of High Light and self initiated. The school has grandiose claims to fame spewing names who have been in their school such as the Queen of England, Aleister Crowley, Steven Hawkins, and so many more i cant even remember. They claim a bunch of things but when you ask for explanation or proof they tell you they explain it in other classes, and as we know that will be thousands of dollars down the line.

    I was told to stop doing me clearings, and removing entities and demons that I have been doing for years before even hearing about the school and that that I need to take their ritual master course which as we know is VERY expensive. I personally feel that the Modern Mystery School has a dark agenda and they are masking themselves as a spiritual love and light school. Not everyone can see that and a lot of people are sucked in.

    I was not impressed nor did believe that once initiated we would lose all our guides and gain new ones. They seem to recruit their family members to be initiated and also warn that it could be hard to stay with a partner who isn’t in the school. Honestly the more I think about my experience in the class the more I see what is underlying the whole thing which is money, power, manipulation and control. It has cult written all over it, and it saddens me to know they are out there pulling more people in, and people are blinded inside. The problem with cults is people get emotionally trapped and even if you present them with evidence because of cognitive dissonance; that people don’t like to have conflicting views of their beliefs and something they have invested a lot of time and energy in.

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  47. Yes your life is going to change.
    How will it change?
    -you will have more money, the money people spend on the MMS is stupid. I spent over $20,000 and found more powerful teaching that cost me under $100.00
    -you will be able to go on vacation and not have to attend manditory programs.
    -your life will become better because you will realize the fear they instill is false cult tactics.
    -you will be able to have a healthy relationship with a person outside of MMS.
    -if a person is truly trained in demonology you would see the signs that it exists within MMS.
    – you will have control back of your life.
    -you wouldn’t be encourage to under go thousands of dollar healing and programs that don’t work.
    Close the book on MMS and walk away. Friends you had in MMS will more than likely turn their backs. That is ok if they do, they are not true friends.
    I was in MMS for a number of years but saw through the demon lead cult because I never let of of Jesus.
    I can give a number of strong examples why this is demon lead but I will give you this reason. Gudni claims his dead twin brother would play with him and his dead twin brother taught him the mysteries. This dead twin brother is a familiar a deamon who attaches it self to the persons aura. Yes it taught Gudni stuff to draw people into to the darkness but still appear as light.
    The Bible states the anti christ will appear as holy and spiritual.
    I wouldn’t get to deep into this now very technical. I have studied demonology (David had no clue of my background and played his game). I can tell you that you are leaving the dark to re-enter into the light. MMS is supposed to fight the darkness but no one questions Gudni’s story about a dead brother communicating with him. This is just one example of many. Evil will always reveal it self it can not hide. We just have to a spiritual warrior (not through MMS) to see the lies and darkness.
    When you leave you will feel the light and the freedom. You are feeling the weight of MMS darkness. You are a true warrior of light and have acknowledged it. Your life as soon as you walk away will change for the better. Don’t have to tell anyone within the MMS just walk away to financial freedom, freedom fro you time and not having to attend programs and freedom fr the well hidden darkness of MMS.

    Liked by 3 people

  48. I am trying to leave this cult and need help from those who already left to debunk their scare tactics and hear how your lives are going.

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  49. Sakara DI is about the only forum which publishes material on the MMS. It was family members over 10 years ago who approached us seeking help. So saying we hold this view or another is beside the point. We have none, but provide a platform for debate.
    The link to the MMS’s views of cults is classic. It sets up a straw man and then cuts it to pieces. Note we use the term cultism as it relates to a series of tendencies and attitudes that lead those that are vulnerable to not see the wood from the trees. This link and its contents represent a new trajectory by the MMS. A few years ago DI received massive legal threat suggesting that we take everything we had published down face a total onslaught. We asked them to provide any evidence that we had defamed the school. We threatened to publish their correspondence on our site so that the public could see their game plan. They went missing and now we see a more subtle strategy, a definitional abstraction. We will likely check that attempt at a cult definition and place these comments in a post.

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  50. It’s Sally again. The VERY angry VERY resourceful person who has posted here below. While it’s true everything I and many others say on this site there is also truth in the recent article by MMS if anyone feels called to this school, they must decide in their own heart, not by what others say. DI, while very good intentioned and helpful in many, many situations, can’t have a clue about a lot of the things that go on out there because they have good boundaries against it because of their own beliefs. DI is against any form of occult power and initiation process, and like most is unable to discern who is using it for good and who not. They believe no one is using it for good and certainly some of what MMS has done is very very very wrong. But we don’t yet know the fruit of all this in these times of revelation, but we do know that only a few hundred people out of many many thousands come here. Personally, I have tried to use this as a place of healing for me. If MMS and anything else of the light wanted to prevent this and feel it’s so detrimental, then provision should have been made for us no? I definitely don’t believe MMS is perfect at all and a lot of what goes on does not bode well, however, for my own sake and for the sake of Christ. Things change and as we all face with deep knowing the things to come. I am compelled to state that if anyone feels called to fight with the armies of light in the years to come, then MMS might be the place for you. Again, at the same time, I am not recanting any of the things I have said on this site, i simply want to balance my record and there, my friends, is mystery.

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  51. D.R. Tejeda. How wonderful for you. This is the situation. The magick they do has both positive and negative effects. As per the hermetic principal of polarity, angels and demons are a single source of energy, just like hot and cold are a single source of energy. What MMS does is use people to best effect. So if you’re strong and whole, why you’ll get passed up through the ranks. If you’re valuable and suffering from ill effects of temple and enochian, then they may decide to stablise you by projecting the shadows being drawn up, whcih you don’t have a hope in hell of coping with, and projecting them out onto others who have cropped up who are viewed as dispensable in this way. Most of the people who pass through the doors of the school are used as “scapegoats” in this way. All the people who leave and who you never hear from again, have experienced this type of soul-shattering treatment and no Gudni or Verla or Hideto or Sandra or any one else in the mater teacher category (the only ones who know about the reality, everyone else is riding on the coattails of innocents whose lives have been ruined INCLUDING YOU)… they don’t care. In my case, amusingly, Yoda started pulling in to assist me about 2 years ago after 8 years of pure hell, and you know what, I told her to fk off. Too little too late. And guess what, I’m still fighting, I’m a real fighter. Many many others have gone down. I was scapegoated by Julia Tiffin who is nothing but a bully but supposedly she is Archangel Michael, whic is a huge friggin joke … she may play that role in Gudni’s still sham setup, but there’s nothing special about her. So let’s see. She swans around teaching the same tired old courses over and over, she makes her mediocre uninspiring “art”. She talks herself up to no end. She’s been in training to be a kabbalah teacher for years (ALL the kabbalah trainees have had other people destroyed on their behalf by Gudni, none of them are holding their own energy and therefore none of them will ever actually be Kabbalah teachers and Gudni et al know it, it’s a sham to keep them thinking they’re “special”…) I won’t go into what has become of me and my life but I do my best and I will not fall and it takes all my energy just to keep standing because it’s all been stolen from me so Julia can swan around in what her soul calls her “Diamond boots”. MY ENERGY, NOT HERS. So the question is, what is Gudni doing that’s so great? Well, let’s see. He bragged that he was releasing the Kraken and sending it to the White House. Two days later the White House joked about buying Greenland … Amazon fires broke out and South Africa suffered its worst-ever attacks on women and xenophobia. That was the effect. I mean, if I think back Verla, when she had us a newbie kabbalah pawns and could brag, bragged about how once in a chanting session her feet were “almost” lifted off the ground. Really? Is this some kind of cheap metaphysical trick because you can see more in a hypnosis session or from a cheap Indian street sorcerer. It just goes on and on and for what? Now it’s all about hollywood right? Gudni works hard at his personal project he loves, a wanna-be film person and his wife’s sewing, and he spends all his money from the school on living the life of Riley. But hell, there are hundreds of thousands of film people in the world, and there’s nothing special about Gudni. The truth is he got his training and now he uses it as a business. And as for the rays … did you know lots of people can do what he does here? Back in the day, even Dion Fortune wrote rituals calling for the end of the abuse of the rays. So what? A. You idiots who have been in the school for yonks Do Not Know Yourselves. There are people out in the world who you feel smugly about, even unconsciously, who have been kicked out of the school brutally, with their most raw emotions, their greatest victories in life, ripped UNJUSTLY open so they can carry your evil for you. Again, if the school were really doing any good, that would be one thing. But it’s not okay. There is nothing about this person that’s special and he is mostly certainly not the one greater and solomon or whatever else people think he is. This whole thing is just a nightmare and yes some of the people abused by Gudni have made it their life’s mission to fight him and it’s a disaster. Some of them post here, they follow him to Japan, etc. etc. In truth, some of these people, Gudni’s self-created enemies, had me so terrified, that was the reason I agreed to sign up for RM. In retrospect I should have know there was a problem when he stood next to my car and started complaining about how his ex-wife was “trying to take my money”. Then again he should have known quite a few things about me, and he did, yet he did what he did anyway and for that and much much more, I mean really, What the fuck is a Kumara anyway? If anyone knows great becuase I don’t and I really don’t fucking care. What a joke. I have it on good account that he’s going to hell. Yoda told me, “He’s hurt too many people”. So yes, your silly flatterable unconscious duck, you haven’t a clue about yourself or anything else. Carry on with your wonderful life and just wait and see what you’ve got coming because it’s all tricks and illusions, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, and it’s not what going to heal this planet (altough of course I’m super optimistic about the future of humanity, who I love, and the planet). Lot’s of rotten fruit around, the karma of Ged who says he provides a “safe and sacred space” for it all, but does nothing of the sort. It’s all just a self-defeating circle, for what? I’m not afraid of the dark. And I’m not afraid of the light. It needs to stop but it won’t, he can’t and he won’t and he knows nothing else. Truth is I’ve seen Gudni’s shadow. I saw it long ago. A lost soul haunting dank waterways in Sweden, lost, searching searching. A madman on a rock facing an angry sea, pulling his beard out, terrified to go, insane.

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  52. MMS is big on energy which is one reason MMS courses are so pricy. The ritual master course in now $4000 US in a Canadian school. It will Cost $16,000 US to complete the RM plus the other thousands of dollars in other mandatory courses. Ritual master course is only a two day course and what you learn in nothing mind blowing. The material taught in the RM changes from teaching to teaching, never the same. This is why you are told you can not share what you learnt outside the class. The ritual master course is a cash course only, no credit cards or cheques. The explanation is the energy exchange. My opinion it is so David can pocket it with out paying CRA.
    Back to the energy that MMS pushes and lets talk about Salomon. The MMS states they follow King Salomon the wise lineage and attach the biblical stores of the son of David to King Salomon. PEOPLE IN THE MMS THERE IS NO KING SALOMON…. There is a biblical King SOLOMON. Gudni changed the vowel for “o” to an “a” and actually trade marketed the name lmao. Salomon as in the MMS is a different vibration, a different energy and a totally different person.
    Is God the same energy as Gad, is Terrie the same person as Terry? NO THEY ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE! Spell the name different the name takes on a different energy and a different meaning. MMS is big on energy and making sure students pay for that energy but they will tell you king salomon is the same as King Solomon in the bible just because Gudni says so.
    Side note about cost, a friend who attended the mandatory worriers of light program had to buy a karate gi. Once you reach a certain level in the RM you have to buy a karate gi. The gi which has to be bought through MMS cost $300. A simple goggle of the name on the tag shows the same MMS price $300 gi costs $120 retail price in the store. You can only buy the gi through the Toronto base MMS. MMS buys the gi’s at whole sale prices but sells them to the students at a make up of 300%. If this doesn’t send up red flags or maybe Gudni hand sews his special energy chanting King Salomon into the weave……..just a thought to ponder over. I am off to fight a dragon and then I am going into to pull some souls out of hell for $10,000 each then I am of to have tea with the Nathors.

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  53. So I have a question that begs answering….here we have an International Teacher who has been declared “Demonic” and “not of the Light” by Dave Lanyon – Ipsissimus – and removed from the International Team – yet this Teacher is still allowed to remain in the school, initiating, activating, teaching…..and this is not the first time this has happened – the same thing occurred to another Teacher a few years ago, who continued with her teaching, initiating and activating of Souls, even though Dave Lanyon had declared her Demonic and Not of the Light – and who has now been re-instated back onto the Int. Team….

    Possible answer to this question. Unaware of this international teachers name but a speculation on who it is……. If it is the international teacher I am thinking of she is the top guide and healer with in MMS to initiate people into MMS. She is a huge money source within MMS.

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  54. Hello there, I have been with MMS for over 10 years. I have not experienced things the way you describe. For me it has been a very worthwhile and rewarding path of self growth, and worth every penny. I honestly feel they are undercharging based on the value I have received. I have received healing that has been life changing repeatedly. I am so much more myself and clearer on who I am. As far as the fruits I see… There is no such thing as cookie cutter initiate. Each person becomes more unique and empowered. The opposite of what a cult of followers is supposed to be like. I have been able to develop my gifts, which has been wonderful. There are some challenges as in any process of growth especially in the beginning. Most of the issues are my own which I brought with me. But it has overwhelmingly brought me far more benefit than any challenge as any good program of education should. And my experience is that people stay with the school because it works for them and they are receiving benefits of that. I experience people having a lot of joy, friendship, community and happiness and tremendous and measurable growth in capability, clarity and more… I do not judge people who left the path as evil and I still see them as my friends. I do not shun people or judge them for their life choices. This is their life. This is just training for people who want it. I hope that helps and that I will not be judged or shunned for sharing my perspective here. May we all find the way that works for us, yes?

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  55. My mom has been involved in the Mystery School for a few years now and my siblings and I all joked that it was her cult but over the past year, it seems more and more evident that her perspective is becoming demented and they are draining her of her limited resources. She is becoming increasingly more committed to the MMS and less interested in her family. When I question her about the teachings and the cost, she gets very defensive. Does anyone have suggestions on how to get through to her so that she can start thinking for herself because it seems like she’s parroting ideas that have been taught to her and so she can stop digging herself into a financial hole that will be very difficult to climb out of with a fixed income.

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  56. Hello all,

    My partner and I are involved with MMS. We are very curious to connect with those of you who have gone further down the path within MMS. We have read comments of those who are willing to share their experiences and we will love to talk with you for our own research. Please comment here or email me directly so we may open dialogue for further exploration. Thank you!



  57. Hi Terry Michaels. I notice you submitted a response and subsequently withdrew it indicating you may have revealed too much. I understand that putting information which may leave you feeling vulnerable is difficult and you cannot be certain of where consequences may occur. It is a particularly insidious element of dealing with organisations which see evil in any that challenge or question. There are people checking in here that welcome all comments and need these to better understand their relationships with the MMS or with associates that are connected with the MMS. I hope you will feel able to share again at some point in the future. Wishing you all the best.

    Liked by 3 people

  58. Pray to God by Jesus His son for the MS people to stop the suppidly work of evil which blame people minds for money !

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  59. Yes I suggest you edit it and then wait about a day before putting it up again.


  60. Hi, sorry for the inconvenience but would it be possible to remove my last post as I feel too uncomfortable about it?


  61. I attended some programmes at the Modern Mystery School a few years ago. At the time I was suffering from low energy and what I now know was depression.
    Life activation: I found shortly after having this done to me that I fell into a deep sleep whilst sitting in a coffee shop. The next day I developed small cuts on my fingers and then my eczema seemed to flare up on my hands for several years. I have historically had eczema but it seemed to react negatively to the activation. However, this may just be a coincidence. At the time I rationalised it as my body purifying and detoxing itself. I did perceive that one of the girls at the stall offering the activations had a kind of luminous glow about her, which left an impression on me.
    Cord Cutting: During my cord cutting session I wished to cut any negative ties with my dad. This involved thinking of the person and imagining all the energetic cords connecting you being cut whilst the practitioner performs some kind of ritual. The next day my Dad’s bellybutton started bleeding for a while. It turned out to be nothing serious and healed later that day. I couldn’t help wondering if that was connected to the cord cutting as I read that energetic connections between people can be made at the level of the sacral chakras. Perhaps this was just another coincidence.
    Adam Kadmon DNA Activation (now known as Galactic Activation):
    I would say that it was a pleasant class with an extraterrestrial flavour.
    The course facilitator explained about how we are transitioning from an old into a new paradigm, as humanity evolves to a higher level. The differences between the two paradigms were outlined. We were told that this 24 strand dna activation (life activation only activates 22 dna strands) would facilitate our transition into this new era and that it was necessary to have all 24 strands activated in order to become the Adam Kadmon God like being or perfected human as before the fall.
    Later we were told that the Nathors (a race of extraterrestrials) had given this method of physical ascension and the programme facilitator even read out a message from the Nathors saying that western medicine is a “joke”,food is all garbage and basically that everything about the old paradigm was negative and the new paradigm was going to be amazing. The facilitator even started speaking in a strange voice as if being possessed by these entities as she was delivering the message.
    Towards the end of the programme we were given a life activation top-up followed by the 24 strand activation, which was done individually
    Empower Thyself: This was a one day programme in which you are initiated into the lineage of the Modern Mystery School. I went to the house of the Guide who was conducting the programme. We were taught some basic rituals and given some general information about MMS. We were told that during the initiation we would be given a new spiritual guide and that the direction of our energy would be changed. It was also explained that the process would connect us to the Hierarchy of Light and that we would be able to hold 10x more light. There was some guided meditation, during which we were encouraged to find our higher selves and later the ceremony took place in a dark room where a sword was waved over our heads. I didn’t feel much effect from attending this programme, but a work colleague did say that I looked refreshed and energised the next day. This is despite the fact that I did not tell her anything about what I had done the previous day.
    During my time with the MMS they tended to play music that I felt had a trance inducing or hypnotic effect on me. This music accompanied some of the guided meditations. During one group meditation I fell asleep. I have often wondered if this music is designed to induce trance, hypnotic or sleep like states in order to make people more suggestible. I also had a partial out of body experience following one of their programmes which freaked me out!
    I cannot say that I noticed anything untoward about the school but judging by the other posts on Dialogue Ireland it seems that any ill treatment of students happens in the higher levels.
    The school seems to make some amazing claims, and whilst I do believe that it possesses very powerful magick, it seems to come packaged in a lot of BS and regurgitated teachings from other sources. The school’s reading list has a couple of books written by Alice Baily who was influential in the Theosophical movement.
    Externalization of the Hierarchy – by Alice Bailey
    Initiation, Human, Solar and Stellar – by Alice Bailey
    The teachings and initiatory structure of the Theosophical Society seem similar, if not identical, to those of MMS. From my own research of Theosophy, I understand that these initiations are designed to open up the kundalini energy and that this process is pretty much complete by the third (master/Guide) initiation. Further initiations are focused on learning how to use this energy. Jiddu Krishnamurti is interesting as he was raised by the Theosophists to become a ‘vehicle’ for the World Teacher. He later rejected the Theosophists. I found his life story very relevant.
    Personally, I question MMS’s obsession with money and the wisdom of activating the kundalini in unprepared students.
    Some years after I had been at the MMS, I went to a counselor. Through the sessions I discovered that my depression was probably related to a traumatic period I experienced during my childhood. In my head I had minimised these experiences and their effect on my health and instead of recognising and dealing with the trauma I had visited several healers and cult like organisations.


  62. ok I will do. Would it be possible to delete the other ones as I would like to change some details that are a bit sensitive?


  63. Certainly edit them as one new document which I will publish as a post.


  64. Hi DI, I would like to request that my posts from today and yesterday be deleted as I revealed some details that I am uncomfortable with. I have copied what I have posted. Would it be possible to remove the comments that I made and then I can rework them and post again?


  65. Also, one further point about Know Thyself. During this programme they tended to play music that I felt had a trance inducing or hypnotic effect on me. This music accompanied some of the guided meditations and the dancing at the end. During the meditation in which I fell asleep, I got the impression that several other students had fallen asleep as well. When we were ‘brought back’ there was some sighing throughout the group as if stirring from a sleep. I have often wondered if this music is designed to induce trance, hypnotic or sleep like states in order to make people more suggestible.

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  66. Thanks. To expand on the Adam Kadmon dna activation further, I would say that it was a pleasant class with an extraterrestrial flavour.
    The course facilitator explained about how we are transitioning from an old into a new paradigm, as humanity evolves to a higher level. The differences between the two paradigms were outlined. We were told that this 24 strand dna activation (life activation only activates 22 dna strands) would facilitate our transition into this new era and that it was necessary to have all 24 strands activated in order to become the Adam Kadmon God like being or perfected human as before the fall.
    Later we were told that the Nathors (a race of extraterrestrials) had given this method of physical ascension and the programme facilitator even read out a message from the Nathors saying that western medicine is a “joke”,food is all rubbish and basically that everything about the old paradigm was negative. The facilitator even started speaking in a strange voice as if being possessed by these entities as she was delivering the message.
    Towards the end of the programme we were given a life activation top-up followed by the 24 strand activation, which was done individually.

    Liked by 1 person

  67. I will likely publish this comment as a blog post. A very well constructed article.


  68. I attended a few programmes at the Modern Mystery School several years ago. At the time I was suffering from low energy and what I now know was depression.
    Life activation: I found shortly after having this done to me that I fell into a deep sleep whilst sitting in a coffee shop. The next day I developed small cuts on my fingers and then my eczema seemed to flare up on my hands for several years. I have historically had eczema but it seemed to react negatively to the activation. However, this may just be a coincidence. At the time I rationalised it as my body purifying and detoxing itself. I did perceive that one of the girls at the stall offering the activations had a kind of luminous glow about her, which left an impression on me.
    Cord Cutting: I took this with my mum and sister on the same day that we had the life activation. During my cord cutting session I wished to cut any negative ties with my dad. I later found out that my mum and sister had wished for the same. The next day my Dad’s bellybutton started bleeding for a while. It turned out to be nothing serious and healed later that day. I couldn’t help wondering if that was connected to the cord cutting as I read that energetic connections between people can be made at the level of the sacral chakras. Perhaps this was another coincidence.
    Adam Kadmon DNA Activation (now known as Galactic Activation):
    I attended this with my mum. This was a group class with a gentle energy. My mum told me that she had always had a fuzzy head which she felt had lifted after the programme had finished. I felt nothing significant myself.
    Empower Thyself (one day): I attended Empower Thyself. It was just my mum and myself. This was a one day programme in which you are initiated into the lineage of the Modern Mystery School. We went to the house of the Guide who was conducting the programme. It consisted of information about the process (we were told we would be given a new spiritual guide and the direction of our energy would be changed), some guided meditation followed by a ceremony in a dark room where a sword was waved over our heads. I didn’t feel much effect from attending this programme, but a work colleague did say that I looked refreshed and energised the next day. This is despite the fact that I did not tell her anything about what I had done the previous day.
    Know Thyself (3 days): This programme was a group programme and second initiation into the MMS lineage. On entering the room I could see that they had hand drawn severla symbols, such as circles and triangles, and stuck them on the wall. This was interesting and had lots of guided meditations which I enjoyed. The programme leader told us that each day we would be effected by the energy of a spiritual entity. I believe they were Mohammed, Jesus and The Buddha. However, during one of the days I felt my throat close up and feel sore, leaving me barely able to speak for a while. This past after a while. During one of the group meditations I fell asleep. In retrospect this made me feel uneasy as I could have been more suggestible in this state. On the third day we did some drawings representing the new golden age before being initiated and then being encouraged to dance. I returned home and had a partial out of body experience whilst lying on my bed, which freaked me out a bit. I felt no discernible benefit from this programme.
    This was as far as I progressed with MMS. I cannot say that I noticed anything untoward about the school but judging by the other posts on Dialogue Ireland it seems that any ill treatment of students happens in the higher levels.
    The school seems to make some amazing claims, and whilst I do believe that it possesses very powerful magick, it seems to come packaged in a lot of BS and regurgitated teachings from other sources. The school’s reading list has a couple of books written by Alice Baily who was influential in the Theosophical movement.
    Externalization of the Hierarchy – by Alice Bailey
    Initiation, Human, Solar and Stellar – by Alice Bailey
    The teachings and initiatory structure of the Theosophical Society seem similar, if not identical. From my own research of Theosophy, I understand that these initiations are designed to open up the kundalini energy and that this process is pretty much complete by the third (master/Guide) initiation. Further initiations are focused on learning how to use this energy. Jiddu Krishnamurti is interesting as he was raised by the Theosophists to become a vehicle for the World Teacher. He later rejected the Theosophists. I found his life story relevant.
    Personally, I regret having gotten involved with this organisation. It seems to have an unhealthy obsession with money and I question the wisdom of activating the kundalini in unprepared students. I also wonder what god they worship.
    Above all I would recommend reading this article where Cameron Day writes about the Spiritual Hierarchy.
    Some years after I had been at the MMS, I went to a counselor. Through the sessions I discovered that my depression was probably related to a traumatic period I experienced during my childhood. In my head I had minimised these experiences and instead of recognising and dealing with the trauma, I had visited several healers and cult like organisations. As a result, I imagine that many individuals who get involved with these organisations are vulnerable in some way and have, perhaps, some unresolved trauma or psychological issues.

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  69. The Life Activation-Gudni taught that King Salomon ( please note the incorrect spelling of Solomon that in itself should already raise a red flag. The brainwashing is so deep no one asks any questions as to why it’s been changed)got all the tribes and shamans, medicine men together and the healers from all over the world and tested all their different healing modalities scientifically for 30 years and let go of the ones that didn’t work and kept what they are teaching now in the school. They said the ancient Egyptian Mystery School combined with KS school, they used to do the DNA Activation for the Royals because they didn’t want the common people to get the Activation. They say that this protocol has been unchanged since more than 3000 years and they said even if a high priestess from ancient Egyptian temples teleported to this time and if they saw us doing this protocol they will recognize what we are doing because the protocol has not changed. However after further Investigation to find out that the LA was made up by the 2 original founders of the Rocky Mountain Mystery School and has nothing to do with the lineage of KS. In fact the teachings in MMS are mostly made up and changed according to what Gudni feels like. He is not the original founder of the teachings but claims he is thus changing the name and programming everyone to call him Founder Gudni. A clever war tactic in mind control which they all use to control their puppets. It has been changed a few times in the short period that I myself went through something I could never understand. Which was actually a red flag for me that something was off. I can officially say it was made up and does not relate to any authentic mystical teachings that has been handed down. They are a cult and a fraud. Do your research thoroughly it’s all available to see the truth you just have to look or ask them the question and I guarantee you will be sidetracked. This would be quite laughable but in actual fact it’s rather evil how he was able to mislead all the students into believing that this was such a sacred modality and in the meantime it’s just all been made up. There is nothing sacred and holy about that.

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  70. Interestingly I came across the complete version of this blog which has been posted on social media. I say the completed because the last paragraph of this blog was not published on this websites version. The last paragraph refers to teachers having sex with students both in the physical and the astral. It refers to how certain students are chosen and groomed to have sex with the leader under the pretense of saving souls for humanity. Students having been sworn to secrecy and it also further references teaches hiring dominatrix’s the night before Enochian Temples. The energy of the temples have been contaminated by lust consciousness and low vibrational frequencies and is know way or form tantra. I validate this statement as true as this happened to me. Some comments that was made under the blog were as follows:

    “At its core -negating and invalidating a person’s experience who has been exposed to abuse, who now courageously steps forward and speaks out, in the hopes of preventing this from happening to others – stems from a combination of failure to empathize with victims and a fear reaction triggered by the human drive for self-preservation and it also serves to perpetuate the abuse. This is done by dismissing the reality of the person’s experience, shaming them and in an attempt at ridiculing and humiliating the person into silence. There are even those whose spiritual beliefs hold that if something bad happens to you it is because of your own negative thoughts or attitudes and make statements like: “don’t be a victim”, or “we cannot afford to play the victim and pretend that we have moral righteousness and superiority.” This is another kind of defence mechanism, one that leads those close to perpetrators to either deny or diminish their behaviour in order to avoid dealing with the difficult cognitive process of accepting that they were capable of such a thing. And there are those with a vested interest who will keep these behaviours swept under the carpet, keep the status quo and not rock the boat, for fear of having to really face the truth of what is happening under their noses and in remaining silent, are complicit. The elephant in the room.

    And shame on us that we have come to this. These are UnGodly behaviours. Where is our moral compass? What has happened to living in integrity? Where is compassion? That it has become acceptable and the norm to live in an inverted and perverted society where the perpetrator is protected and the victim – because, yes – that is what a person who subjected to any form of abuse is called – let’s not sugarcoat that – is now subject to a more subtle form of abuse for having broken the silence.

    Just think about this for a moment though, these people, who have been through hell and back and are now breaking their silence – these ones – they are the fearless heroes and heroines in this story.

    It takes tremendous courage and inner strength to make themselves vulnerable enough to stand up and speak truth to power. Even though they know they will be targeted, ridiculed, blamed and shamed – they still stand up. Whether it took them a day, a year or years – they do not hold a “victim-mentality” frequency – no, not all – this is what saying: “This far and no further” looks like. This is what standing up for what is right and true looks like. This is what standing up for our fellow brothers and sisters looks like. This is a call for a Return of the Divine.

    Wow so true!! I was victimized as were countless others, yet we rose above the evil web, gaining so much more power and strength and now Empower others as well as shining the Light into the abyss by raising the awareness. We do not see ourselves as victims we see ourselves as Warriors of Light. Nothing can dim the Light that shines from within. Everything the blog has written is being proven by MMS own actions – telling people the writer has been taken over by evil, mass blitz on advertising using the latest Spiritual community buzz word which is “Goddess” and I AM to redirect the attention from Truth, change in Leadership, fear-mongering with their students….It’s all the same tactics when I was in the school for so many years.

    The pattern is true to type – when they call Good evil and evil good and turn darkness into Light and Light into darkness….it is written in the Bible.

    Those in the school are fully aware of the Truth of what has been revealed here – as evidenced by the countless people who have come forward to you, having themselves experienced the full gamut of threats, bullying and abuses and sat in the classes, received the emails and seen the posts – that all corroborate what has been written.

    The behaviours may have gone underground now for a while (maybe) – but rest assured, when quotas are not met, when programes are not attended and when students do not pay up for the next Progression, the bullying, the threats, the coercion and their true colors will be revealed once more.

    There are none so blind as those who are brainwashed and in fear. No self-aware and Godly person on and off this planet can ever reconcile in their own hearts, the mental, emotional and sexual abuse, abuse of trust and power of Leaders and Teachers and students, the in-fighting, the deception of the origins of the school and its healing modalities and teachings, flagrantly fleecing the students of their assets via fear-based threats, misleading clients, calling all other Lightworkers on the Planet: “they are good people” but they are not flowing the Light” – as being a School of the Light, serving the Light and being Godly acts. Do these behaviours and acts contaminate or contribute to the Light? Potent question to meditate on.

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  71. So, there has been this comment about “being human” and “making mistakes” floating around in response to the dark practices of this school – my answer to this is: Yes – WE are human – WE are not Ipssissimus – anyone who claims that title – no longer operates under those parameters of Human Construct and therefore cannot in all good conscience, use that as an excuse for their behaviour in one breath and then in the next, declare themselves an Ipsissimus… “An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and lives in perfect balance with the manifest universe. Essentially, the highest mode of attainment”

    There is a considerable amount of damage control and spin doctoring happening now – and a seeming change in Leadership – the women stepping in as frontline and the current Leaders now operating from behind the scenes in a futile attempt to erase the contamination of their actions and students continue to drink from the poisoned well.

    One very important thing that stands out like a neon light – I am hearing crickets, the silence is so deafening – not one apology from them for their manipulation and deception and abuse of power and trust and the abuse of both women and men in this school. Now that would be a true display of Great Leaders who take complete and full ownership of what they have done and stand, humbled before us, in true remorse…

    Liked by 2 people

  72. Hi, I have been utterly disgusted by the abject lies and false claims spewed out by Gudni Notgoodsson. Its almost become laughable if it wasn’t so appalling. I thought he had disappeared as he lay low for a while, probably hiding from potential plagerist lawsuits, while hurriedly changing the words and general semantics of his guru-speak. Also quite likely trying to avoid exposure to his fake treatises downloaded from amateur occultist information websites and questionable philosophies borrowed heavily from somewhat rare screenplays and books.

    I can only surmise he lead a very lonely childhood and is further plagued by his lack of greatness and plain old ordinariness [lets face it if he was that gifted he would acheive some credible credentials, such as being a doctor, architect, great poet/writer]. I sincerely believe he sleeps with his own self loathing and therefore must feed of his disciples to substaniate whatever greatness he craves and lacks. If he was extraordinary he would have acheived something other than manipulating trusting people out of cash. As the saying goes at least Dick Turpin wore a mask.

    Everything he spouts is available online, you’ve only to read a few Dennis Wheatley novels or a few transcripts from Philip Berg or new age Kabballa sites to create what Mr Notgoodsson spews out. Have a few wands thrown together and some water in a labelled bottle and you are good to go. It never changes over the years, it used to be travelling salesmen at fairgrounds selling miracle hair growing tonic and cure alls… I have watched him for a number of years now, he has a good lawyer and knows how to keep his movements outside consistent juridisdictions.

    I had in my past career real links to human rights and activism. I acheived my real credentials though university and am proud of my academia, to me education is a gift, whether its being a lawyer or a bus driver its all a learning process and good. Also, as a women, education is denied in some patriarchal societies and this idiot Gudni wants to eradicate the ‘old educational paradigm’- Ahem…didn’t Pol Pot [the notorious Cambodian dictator] want to do this?… return to year zero. In fact its the treatise of many a facist and dictator. Remember the horrors of the ‘Cultural revolution in China’. Yes Gudni, you can’t do it so tear it down, you have no ability as a lateral acheiver, so create your own world where only you succeed.

    I saw on one biography he said he was awarded a ‘Prize for Human Rights’. I emailed him and asked where it was given and he replied from an ‘Oxford Bibliography Society’…ahem this does not exist! I pushed him further on the kabbalah [a gentle jewish organic] and he became smarmy and passive aggressive..I should dig out the transcript of our conversation and type it up..he obviously hates being faced with direct intelligent questions….

    Liked by 3 people

  73. Let’s keep the blog active so that others can find it on the Google search when questioning the Modern Mystery School. I am unsure if I have ever met the author of this blog in person but I can verify that the price list for classes, tools, teaching supplies, etc. is current and the schools demands are verified.

    The leadership: Gudni, Dave, Franca and others of the upper echelon use manipulation tactics such as “gaslighting” to keep you meek and feeble so that they can control and milk you of your earnings for their pocketbooks.

    Liked by 2 people

  74. Just a reminder most comments go up immediately, but can be taken down later. When anyone uses more than one link it has to be approved first.
    DI Editor


  75. :-)
    I went to a few classes and can’t say that I noticed anything untoward, except to say that the magic seemed very powerful. On one occasion I actually had an out of body experience following one of the classes. However, I didn’t stay much beyond a few months. I have been reading about the ‘false light matrix’ and believe that it may be relevant to this discussion about the Modern Mystery School.

    Also, a lot of Alice Bailey’s books turn up on the reading lists that the school provides and I noticed that the structure of the initiatory process seems to be similar to those in Theosophy and Freemasonry.
    Interestingly, both The Modern Mystery School and Freemasonry claim that their roots can be traced back to King Solomon’s temple.

    The spiritual aim of all three organisations appears to be to ignite and raise the kundalini within the human body, thus transforming that individual into a ‘living god’. This process seems to be largely complete by the third initiation. This ‘great work’ appears to be in order to create some king of golden age or heaven on earth.

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  76. So, this explains what this school was conjuring up when Leaders and Teachers instructed their students to hold weekly Enochian Temples to direct the energy to The Dialogue Ireland Websitefor the purpose of stopping people from posting on this Website and to shut it down…Now, do you feel this to be an action of a School of Light? And to use the words of Leah Rimini who has the TV series on the Scientology Cult: “If your school is so amazing and doing all these amazing things for the world, then it should stand up to some questioning.”

    “Please be mindful and do thorough research when joining Spiritual or Mystery Schools. Make sure that you ask for proof when learning the teachings of various spiritual handing downs that this information is in fact the truth and not made up or polluted by the Leaders ego’s. In this I would like to speak about that is very important but which is not known too many in these schools of esoteric students. This is what is known as the “Egregore” or “collective group mind”. It is increasingly apparent to those outside the group that any member of it is being influenced to some degree by the pressure of the collective thinking of all linked with it unless care is taken, resulting in giving away your power and most of your free will. The best way to judge the spiritual health of any organizations is to look closely at the type of person it’s discipline turned out. For example if the individuals that are in these organizations have not yet shifted or attained what they have been promised in the teachings after being there for years then you know. Look at the fruits of the individuals as proof. Below is an accurate description of what happens. Take care, protect your energy and do your own research it’s vital. Love ❤️”

    Liked by 4 people

  77. Hi all.
    So a close friend of mine has recently involved herself in a local branch of the MMS and has invited me to some of their activities. But being the skeptical type – and having done a wealth spiritual studies, I decided to do some research on the MMS and its leader. I have spent a great deal of time as a student of comparative religion studies and quite familiar with the concept and history of esoteric teachings.
    So naturally upon hearing about a ‘mystery school,’ my response was like, ‘oh really?’
    I found a You Tube video ( in which he was interviewed and asked a few insightful questions – particularly within the first 30 minutes.
    Rather than digress onto my personal opinion of what comes out of his mouth, I will just add the following:
    People are looking for answers – and their hunger for ‘something deeper’ than everyday average experiences leads them into a search. There is nothing wrong with a quest of that nature, but few seekers seem to have little discrimination to determine bullshit from something real. This isn’t helped by the fact that as westerners, we want what we want as soon as possible and as easily as possible. We want a quick fix. And without having developed strong critical thinking skills, we remain susceptible relative to the ignorance of our desperation. We believe any old tale. This reality is once again confirmed by merely considering who is presently sitting in the White House and those who put him there. We are in this weird point in out history where it seems that facts don’t matter. And there is an abundance of consumable media that encourages this. People believe it – and people believe that the MMS can actually offer something of value.

    Liked by 6 people

  78. So I have a question that begs answering….here we have an International Teacher who has been declared “Demonic” and “not of the Light” by Dave Lanyon – Ipsissimus – and removed from the International Team – yet this Teacher is still allowed to remain in the school, initiating, activating, teaching…..and this is not the first time this has happened – the same thing occurred to another Teacher a few years ago, who continued with her teaching, initiating and activating of Souls, even though Dave Lanyon had declared her Demonic and Not of the Light – and who has now been re-instated back onto the Int. Team….


    Now, how, in God’s Name – can these Teachers who have been declared Demonic and Not of the Light and who have been removed from the International Team – be allowed to initiate and activate and teach people…..If we are to take Dave Lanyon –Ipsissimus’s word as Truth – then by the very nature of theseTeachers being Demonic as he has said – then they are in effect, Initiating and Activating Souls into the Dark Forces – which actually is really at the core of this School….there is a lot more to expose in regard to the dark practices of this School that has not yet been published.

    Liked by 2 people

  79. I have nominated you for THE LIEBSTER AWARD> details are on my blog. best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. Hello, it seems like there are at least four plugs for other weird cult activity here. pss, this “young” person, BOTA, which is clearly quite like MMS since MMS stole all their kooky “material” and then the craziest of all, that the ex wife of this psychopath is the “true lineage holder of the lineage of king solomon/salomon” and she wrote half the whacked out material. well. out of the cauldren and into the flames.

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  81. Hello, My experience was very short lived, thankfully for me, so I am unable to provide any further information, as I was not more involved than doing one course and making the decision not to explore further. This issue may be more visible in MMS but there is a global issue affecting all healing modalities regarding truthful information. The fact is that healing energies are downloaded from the Refracted Light Universe. They all carry distortions of Light which are ripping holes in our energy fields. The dark technologies are using many in the healing industry to anchor in dark energy onto the planet. My feeling about MMS is the energy is very dark, very cleverly and heavily masked as something pure. It is why MMS healers tend to go about all blissed out and starry eyed. I say this because I have learned to detect and identify distortions of Light that harm us. It is a minefield out there of misinformation. The best way for everyone is to connect to heart. Our heart technology supersedes anything the dark could throw at us. If Alex wanted to contact me, feel free through my blog. I will not publish his comments so it can be kept private. I have five written books about the current crisis facing humanity. I’m not sure people are interested! Google ELF waves, how they harm humanity. You’ll find the books. Perhaps it might help others to read them because it is to help people discern Purest Light from Refracted Light. It is all in the heart. That is the key. Connect to heart, ask to be taught about Refracted Light. Your True Light Essence will guide you perfectly. The more you want to learn, the more your True Light Essence can help you. We all came here with technology inside us to fully protect the vulnerable. We are all being called to get into position. The chaos will not stop until more step forward to help. I am concerned that I was guided to set up a blog recently. I have been asked to be very direct about what is harming us. Before, I was very subtly sharing information. I feel the heart of Creation is urging us to ‘look behind’ us. We are all distracted. It is so easy to help…connect to heart. I feel that needs to be the focus, because I feel there is a drive by the dark to create more fear. It doesn’t have to be this way. I hope more will open their hearts. There is a lot at stake. Thanks for connecting. I hope you don’t mind my long posts! I’ve been a small voice in the wilderness for such a long time. It’s a relief to find someone who cares about humanity and wants the truth. Cheers!

    Liked by 3 people

  82. Thanks for your comment and I wonder if you would not mind replying to Alex Young who is seeking to make contact with people who have some insight into the inner workings of the MMS?

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  83. I did a Modern Mystery School course, and I wholeheartedly share your views. Inner growth is not about ‘worshipping’ a leader. It is, indeed, mind control. I was already a trained healing practitioner when I went to do the course. While I was on the course, I experienced anxiety and depression. I never followed the teachings. They felt hugely distorted. People were practising ridiculous spells…these were all self serving. It was like being at hogwarts. However, in spite of being ripped off, not enjoying the experience, and having my energy fields corrupted, I did learn a lot about energy distortions and refracted Light frequencies…and how these harm our energy systems. I realised that my heart wanted me to understand the corruption, and the mind control behind these types of businesses. Like you, I am deeply concerned about the distortions of Truth in the holistic community. Why are healers and institutions, gurus and self labelled ‘spiritual masters’ making so much profit out of other people’s suffering? When this is the goal, healing cannot happen. I blog about safe ways to connect to heart. It is free to connect to our hearts. I am connecting with a lot of people with PTSD, mental health issues, depression, and anxiety. I was inwardly guided that it is on the increase because people are messing with Refracted Light frequencies under the misconception that it is Purest Light. Symbols harm us due to the ELF waves they emit. We are in a mind control program, a sinking ship. The name of the game is to connect to our heart energy and collapse the program. I love that you are speaking your truths. It takes guts. Fake guruism, cultism, Fake Light connecting, and False Light teachers are on the increase. Many distortions of healing come through the healing community. This industry is rife with spiritual untruths and distorted attunements. People often fall for the ‘story’, the ‘journey into mystical lands’, connecting with ‘ancient tribes’, etc., etc. Put on a whitefrock, wear a few beads, sandals, and espouse spiritual rhetoric … it’s big business. People need to be very discerning. I am so glad I came across your blog. I am glad that you care and that you are putting your neck on the line, because this mind control program doesn’t want people to wake up. It wants them asleep and dreaming. The holistic community have a huge responsibility to step up to the plate. They are lagging way behind, using obsolete methods that no longer help. Many teachings have become so distorted, they are causing much harm and ripping holes in people’s energy systems. Unless people get into heart and start questioning how they can help, things will get worse. However, as a group, there are many who do care, so we do have the ability to start protecting others….to tip the balance energetically. It may not be everyone’s view, but I believe if enough of us get into our hearts and ask for help to protect the vulnerable, we will all get the answers we need to end the suffering and create Peace. Thank you for such an informative post.


  84. Matrix we are getting an essay a day. Would you like us to publish this comment as a post? If so put it in an email after giving it a bit of structure but don’t change the content. I assume we do not name you?



    I’d like to think that I have the humanity within to help someone that say is in the midst of a crime and since the mms is criminal I can’t just look the other way. I have been to the abyss looked over and saw the mms staring back. I just want the truth known and to corroborate all that has been written here in DI because the preponderance of ongoing evidence needs a witness and I have been just that. Life is too short to give your life to these self absorbed, heartless and delusional sexual and soul predators. And they should go to jail for fng with the weak minded.

    How ironic that this delusional sociopath (gudni) ‘who showed up here from Iceland with literally a dollar in his pocket’ can manipulate so many and make it seem absolutely effortless in the name of god. By the way you will regardless of the tripe they throw your way of being a ‘peer’ ever be gudni because he is the most self aggrandizing charlatan on the planet. The ‘school’ preys on the lost of the world and much like a gang they throw a bunch of ego driven bullshit your way and make you think that you are so f n special to quote ‘Creep.’ I’ve been through years of their indoctrination and after cutting ties found out why I was so susceptible to all their manipulations and why I was so very suggestible. I am bipolar and have generalized anxiety.

    At any rate life is like the side warning panel on a pack of cigarettes. It is ultimately your free will that gives you the ability to make the choices you do. Smoke or don’t. Join this evil empire or don’t. We were told in the beginning that this guy will f with us just to teach us. And, that if we leave we will have nothing but avarice for the 2nd coming that being gudni with his ‘god complex.’ People the one’s that survive and get help for themselves go on to lead typical lives replete with love and yes stress or whatever but at least you have things like time, a home, friends, places to enjoy with your hard earned money and a strong bond with your family. And the best part individualized thinking you will again be able to think independently. Free at last nothing feels quite like it.

    And guess what if you are a guide or a ritual master or whatever godforsaken thing they ‘help’ you become if you leave you will be just as any other. ITE. “I’m the evidence.” I am just fine thank you and only because I can think again having rested myself from the mind controlling do not think tank called the mms. I am now a peer support specialist and know now what it truly means to help those that have challenges just like I do. I now have great humility and that is strength because it is the great equalizer. The mms promotes separatism although they will tell you of course they don’t.

    I now understand what it truly means to be a healer. In the mms you get real deep real fast it is a very slippery slope and btw they also tell you how you will go insane if you do or do not do this or that. Such fn arrogance. I believe in karma and there is a sht storm heading your way gudni if that is your real name. You don’t get a gold star for impugning others who don’t kiss your a s or call you on your delusional dark path you tread. You are responsible for the trail of dead and you will be held accountable in some way.

    What makes me sick is how I just lapped up anything that I heard about gudni. Literally, ‘speaks to his dead brother converses with demons and angels faeries elves witches that he has rescued eastern beings from their watery graves that he had trod through hell that he has single handed fought a dragon on a cliff’ and no that is not even the half of all this amazing and ‘oh yes he is amazing just ask him’ healer of the planet has done. Did I mention that the giant gate that they bring everywhere with them was given to them from the nathors who of course only would talk to gudni and no one else on the planet? And of course it had to be on board some metaphysical miracle of a spaceship. Sound like another cult that begins with the letters scien?
    Let’s not forget the school’s mascot some skull that is brought out into the light of day with all kinds of mysteries attached. Bizarre.

    If after all these diatribes explaining the horror that is The MMS don’t shake you to your core and you still want to believe the hype then by all means sign up and watch your life become sh t. They will tell you the most mind bending stories about yourself. They will condone using people there is always some skewed rationale and when things go to hell they will tell you that it is your ego or whatever else they can think of to control you. I am intelligent and yet I believed everything they told me because I had no self worth. Oh you are aligned with this god/goddess/ being. Here is your new ‘magickal name’ etc etc.

    Don’t even get me started on how many things and beings you have in your aura. This symbol and that, fiery beings and crosses and holograms…. Who wouldn’t want to help others and be told that only the mms is worth knowing and pouring your life savings into? They do indoctrinate you and once they do you think no longer as an individual you think as a collective of one. They will trick you into seeing faeries and demons and anything else you can imagine because it is so very easy to do so. I was there on May 5th and I am so very sorry to say that I actually drank the Koolaid and spent 48 tireless hours fighting evil and ‘saving souls.’ I could go on and on but I have a life now I just wanted to use this forum to pull the mask away from the charade marketing itself as the path to fighting the ‘dark’ with the light. There is nothing that has the opacity and density of darkness like the mms. It purports itself to be of the light but it has a viscocsity much like a tar pit.

    Think about it. Do we as people who have escaped back into reality have to waste our time trying to convince you of our experiences? I’m out I don’t have to type anything. A quick analogy and then I will release you from this oppressive spewing of emotions through words. I have been enlightened truly and I’ll tell you how. Becoming a peer support specialist gives me actual proven methods that have been measured over centuries to be effective in the lives of the behaviorally challenged. I can now use this methodology to help others live their lives to the utmost. You might say wow that must have cost a lot to accomplish all that, schooling etc. And I have to say I would assume that it would as well. The truth? I was chosen with twenty others and received all training and teaching etc for free. We all did.

    I recommend the pss route highly. It is new but it is powerful. If you are meant to follow this path of the heart you will find it. But you see I respect your right to make a choice. You will see no mention about the institution that I was lucky enough to have found to accomplish this goal. And that is the difference between the real world and the mms. I don’t have to cajole or manipulate. I have faith that whatever I have said will affect peers in the way that it should. There is no monetary reward because my reward is in the faces and lives of those that I walk side by side with. The people that are their very own empowerment. They have just lost sight of that.

    That is the essence of wanting to truly enable another peer to live life to their full potential. What was the best training I could have received? Experience. Life experience of what it means to be chemically imbalanced. I’m doing this because I not only can but because I don’t want my peers to suffer and fall prey to things like the M ia S M a called the mms. Misery school has a nice ring don’t you think?

    Let’s find a way to finally bring this hoax, kicking and screaming to the halls of justice. It’s never too late. If I had known then as they say what I know now I would have lead a far more brilliant life. And would have never been the kind of impressionable shell that could be molded and filled with the mms rhetoric. When you literally don’t know that you are challenged that is what it means to be defenseless. ‘You have to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.’ May you be everything you are capable of being and may you never accept that you are what someone else believes you are. Only you know and you dear brother or sister are far more powerful than you will ever know but Will be able to demonstrate. Do think twice.

    There are many things in life but only a truly few that are precious. I lost my best friend to the mms because they minimized him till he evaporated and when I came to that realization it was too late. He was so hurt so perplexed at my choices and what I was saying that the damage was irrevocable. He asked me ‘where did the guy I used to know go?’ I remember saying ‘he’s still here he just doesn’t laugh much or have fun.’ I’ll never forget the look he gave me as long as I live. You could almost hear the tear sliding down his cheek. As I type now there is a tear making it’s way down my face. When you are in it you just can’t see it. And it takes a lot to have the strength to adjust your perspective to pull back mightily and see things as they truly are.

    The matrix indeed.

    Liked by 4 people

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