Blueprint Reports

We invite you to leave a comment when you receive your edition of the the revolutionary Blueprint through your door.

We can confirm that Blueprint for Living is not going to have an on line version.

Do leave your comments though:


First published in 1983, the Blueprint for Living is a free newspaper produced by the Tony Quinn Organisation. It is a nationwide publication with a 500,000 distribution throughout Ireland, making it the largest newspaper of its kind in the world.

(Is there any independent evidence to back this statistic up?)

It is unquestionably unique among newspapers because it only brings people good news

(That is the world that Quinn inhabits. A place where 9/11 never happened, where he just watches old cowboy movies where the Indians always get defeated.)

with its basic purpose as pointing the way to a new approach to living.

(A world where Quinn teaches you to use other people’s money)

We have received over 200 letters per week from people telling us of remarkable beneficial changes which occurred in their lives when they used the system/philosophy advocated in the newspaper.

(This is a revealing comment- “200 letters per week.” This is a real example caught in a time warp. Do you remember those sponsored programmes on Radio Eireann when you used to write in. Apparently Quinn can’t even use a mobile phone not to mention a computer. In any case he only likes good news so would freak if those surrounding him really allowed him to see what we have on our site or he faced the real world. No he is a technophobe and today that 200 letters would be emails, but he is so caught in time that those poor slaves of his willingly go around putting those Blueprints into peoples’ doors.)

This must be only the tip of the iceberg as there must be many out there who, although they may never write, are receiving benefit. Now surely that is… good news!

We enquired today and found that the Blueprint will not be on line. Talk about a waste. I can see that there will be thousands of copies at the RDS next Sunday and the rest will end up in Burdocks for fish and chips. He knows nothing about marketing.

Since the recession the amount of junk mail coming is up by 100%. Thank God for the green bin.

3 Responses

  1. mmm very good editorial – I am someone who was not sold success coaching and sadly, no he did not sell me a pup either! Had he done so I would at least have something for the tens of thousands of euro I gave him. What he was peddling in my day (and still is by the way) was CONNECTION (his word). He said that Buddha nor Jesus no Krishna Murta could do it – only Quinn could do it because, in a flash of light, he was told where Jesus and Buddha made their mistake. This though, he said, he cannot reveal. However off I went with another handful of people – all looking forward to being connected to our spirits. He sat face to face with us, one at a time, asked a load of questions, told us what colour our so called aura is – and that was it!! It was at best a bad Phsychotherapy session. I saw some poor individuals bear their souls and talk of experiences that terrified them – all in the name of this man connecting them to their spirit!

    The Bluprint is full of blatent lies. It would take forever to go through them one by one and unlike Quinn I will not insult the intelligence of the Irish by getting into to it as I am sure by now, they know what they are dealing with in Quinn. He advertises his seminar in Spain for Oct 1st and another “connection” on Oct 15th – I doubt very much that anyone will attend from Ireland anyhow. I know the poor suckers in the US and Belize are only beginning to get sucked in now. Maybe he will move his business over there! I wonder how the US citizens who have their own experiences of cult leaders, will tolerate having a leprechaun guru to inspire them!!!!!

    Thanks for your editorial.


  2. Hi Just to let you know the new blueprint claims to have a distribution of 1,000,000


  3. Blueprint Review
    My Review of the editorial letter by T Q

    So the blueprint came through my letter box. This is what the educoist have been awaiting for with baited breath. My first impression is that it is a much better quality of newspaper, full of colour and pictures compared to the old Blueprints. No longer does TQ refer to himself as a Doctor and that has to be a good thing. TQ have you had an awakening and realised that you are not a Doctor?
    You call the Blueprint the good news paper bringing only good news. That’s the first sign of insanity I found so far on the top of the first page. (Denial of reality)
    The next sign of insanity is that the recession is only a mind set. So yes you have heard it the worldwide recession is due to the people of the worlds mind set. So if you are struggling to pay your mortgage, put your kids through college or looking for work, according to the good news Blueprint this is all due to your mind set.
    The Good news Blueprint goes on to say that success is PC incorrect. TQ’s success is not pc its new money boasting about their wealth to vulnerable people – that is pc incorrect, just to correct you.
    Ah poor TQ some of his chums are afraid to boast about their wealth, what a cruel world? As you say “Think of it though, if people are now embarrassed, ashamed and made to feel bad by admitting to success.” I wonder if you are referring to yourself in this people don’t like you because you exploit vulnerable people take their money and spend it on implants for you girlfriends and other such things. You are also boring and over sensitive so people just can’t be themselves around you maybe that’s why people don’t like you.
    Then TQ goes on to say that the Sunday World has devoted its front page to him, you really have a way with words don’t you. By the way TQ your arse did look big in the photo in the pages the Sunday World kindly devoted to you. As for Eve nice body, but dinner lady face.
    Then tq goes on to say that the Celtic tiger roared on to the world stage, and now we are all going back to the mindset of pre Celtic tiger years. What do you want the people of Ireland to do pretend the Celtic tiger is still roaring.???? (Because that would be Insanity)
    The housing market has collapsed and construction jobs are being lost every day, The people of Ireland are just dealing with reality that’s all, maybe you should try to do the same.
    The second paragraph has the title, “I want you to gain.” What tq really means to say here is I want to gain. So this good news Blueprint is just a marketing tool trying to drum up some business for seminars and shops and maybe a touché for the Sunday World as you claim that this Blueprint is bringing the truth. The only truth it is bringing is tq’s warped view of reality. TQ also claims that he wants readers to be uplifted from reading the articles. Do you really think so little of the people of Ireland are all living such miserable unbearable lives that you think we need to be up lifted.

    TQ then goes on to say he enjoys swimming against the tide and that is what it takes to succeed.
    Which is untrue you do not have to swim against any tide, he then goes on to say people are emotional even passionate when they speak about the recession. TQ what happen to the recession been a mindset?
    TQ then goes on to describe himself as “something of a success coach”. So educoists is that what you were told tq was (something of a success coach) when you spent your hard earned or even borrowed money to do his seminars. Were you misled and sold a pup on your seminar? I am sure TQ was described as a lot more than something of a success coach. Were you told the truth.
    Has the real TQ stood up?.
    You have it from the horse’s mouth TONY QUINN ADMITS HE IS ONLY SOMETHING OF A SUCCESS COACH.

    This has been my interpretation of the editorial letter.


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